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A Dance with Dragons: EitB Succession Game

Oh yeah, I forgot that part of it, my bad.

Quote:I can have your game going in literally minutes from when you guys have consensus, so long as that consensus is achieved tonight .

If it does start tonight I will be able to go ahead and take turns, I'll just need about an hour or two from now to get back from classes.

BRickAstley Wrote:Who all do we have playing at this point?

You, me, selrahc, cromag (who someone should probably send a PM so he knows the game is starting), and maybe Tasunke if he gets a new civ-worthy computer.

Alright, you should be good to go: The Save

And your start:
[Image: Dance%20with%20Dragons.JPG]

If you catch any errors, I should be able to fix them still.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


It all looks in order.

I'll take the first fifteen turns then. I'll be back with my first report soon.

I decided to settle in place. This is one of those tree choked starts that can really slow down the early game, but I don't think we'll have too many problems in that regard. Read on.

They were new hatched, and the world was young.

Their mother had died, leaving them stranded on the shores of a lake.Unlike most dragons however, these ones had been adopted. By humans.

These dragons would have a hoard unlike any other. Their hoard would be civilization itself...
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0354.JPG]

Dragon young don't have names like their elder kin. Those they grow into, after accomplishing a great deed. Young dragons take on names as suit their fancy and those of their peers.
Breezy was named for his quick pace, Lumber for his fascination with gnawing on sticks, Flame Eyes was named for her quick, darting expression that seemed to see far beyond what others could. Scold... even then Scold thought himself the leader, nipping and grumbling at the other dragons. Before they could even talk the common tongue Scold would berate his fellows.

Wasting no time, the adventurous dragon hatchlings started to roam away from their starting locale. They terrorized local villages
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0357.JPG]
and soon found that young and weak as they were, the local skeletons and grumkins were no match for dragons...[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0361.JPG]

But in the process of burning away the rot, Breezy came down with a horrific illness. His cheerful demeanour rotting away. Replaced by a gaunt lean look. His scales falling away at the merest touch.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0364.JPG]
He was no longer Breezy. He was Sickling.

Shortly after that, the Dragons came upon their first true threat.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0365.JPG]
An Angel of the before times, leading a small party of wildmen. He sought to make them pay, with their lives if possible. Claiming that they were responsible for the crimes of their mother.

[SPOILER]Rainsoak Keep
Rainsoak Keep was once a wizards tower on the outskirts of the Patrian City of Dhallzar. It's patron was a owerful caster of dimensional magic, but ran afoul of a mobius witch. She cursed his name, and said that for a thousand generations he would see naught but black clouds and rainstorms.

When he was buried at the foot of the tower, the curse followed him. The area around Rainsoak Keep is perpetually overcast and continually afflicted with a miserable light drizzle. While the surroundings are a dozen miles of blasted sand, the area around Rainsoak has regenerated nicely and wildlife has retuned. Safe, though slightly soggy.

Rainsoak Keep has the distinction of being the least popular of the major travel destination in the Dragonreach, despite its stunning views of the surrounding area.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0371.JPG]

A scourged desert sat between the dragon lands and the "Bannor", and Sabathiel claimed that once a mighty city had stood upon it. In her glory days, the Drake who had birthed them had ransacked the place, and now nothing but broken sands remained. Now that she was dead, the angel had been tasked with seeing that her progeny would blight no more cities, wreck no more lives. He offered them an ultimatum. Either submit to the tutelage of the angel, and become a force for the Good, or die.

And the dragons chose.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0372.JPG]

The Angels host were ill prepared for the ferocity with which the dragons launched their attack, as Big Lumber roared, full half of them scattered from their positions. The remainder were burnt to cinders by the flames of Sickling and Scold. Clever Flame Eye burnt their fortifications, that they could not regroup. And before the day was done, the Angel had been smashed. Sent back to his far plane roost to brew on his failure.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0374.JPG]
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0375.JPG]

The Dragons had taken a new city. The survivors bent the knee to their new lords, offering treasures and possessions to please them. Teaching them of fine craftsmanship. The Dragons were pleased.
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0376.JPG]

But had their thoughtless destruction of the Angel opended the door to darker deeds? Was this world on a fast course to its doom?
[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0377.JPG]

That was what some whispered. But who can say for sure? Only the next storyteller in the dragons dance.

As expected, it's quite easy for four dragons to smash the starting civilizations. So we now have two cities... Although we're not that set to exploit them yet.

Bob is up for 15.

Okay, I now have EitB installed and running the save file correctly, so I'm all ready to go for this game. I'll take the save once Bob's done with it, and unleash my powers of dragon fury upon the world. devil


I guess I'll use spoilers tags as well for aesthetic purposes, but obviously anyone can read this report.

In the land of Miryks, there was once an age where great, fulminating Dragons of peerless strength lorded inestimable power over Men and Mer alike. With flaming breath and the ability to project their voices into Shouts powerful enough to erase entire armies from existence, the Dragon Emperors freely drove mortals into slavery and destitution to satisfy their insatiable appetites for cruelty and dominion.

But the Dragons were betrayed by one of their own. Seeking to overthrow his Clutch-Brother Acheron, Grandmaster Supreme of the Eternal Dragon Empire, the Black Dragon Abashi worked deep & secret magicks of incalculable arcane power to endow a select group of loyal humans with Dragon Souls.

These Men became the one force the Dragons came to fear. In their tongue, they were 'Dovahkiin'- Dragonborn!

[Image: Dovahkiin.jpg]

The Dragonborn fought the Dragons on their own terms, with their own weapons. Eventually the grueling war was won, and the Dragons were almost driven to extinction; a few adopted the strategy of Abashi and led tribes of loyal men, but they obtained their lordship through craven trickery and abandoned their Dragon forms. Acheron fell in combat, but so great was his soul that his spirit resisted the draw of the afterlife and instead he now roams the world in spectral form, subtly guiding the Orcs out of regard for their shared kinship of Fire, gathering strength until he can restore his corporeal form once more. Now Abashi alone reigns supreme, ceaselessly scanning the endless Planes for powers which will enable him to finally control all of Miryks once and for all!

[Image: 2012-02-21_00002.jpg]

While Abashi roams the Nether Planes, the Deathless Queen Os-Gabella, a former Lieutenant who he awarded with immortality and sovereign titles for her faithful service, commands her cadre of Dragonborn to scan the south with flaming, levitating Scrying Stones.

[Image: 2012-02-21_00003.jpg]

A Luchiurp scout makes contact at the capital. Os-Gabella has nothing but contempt for the Dwarves, cowards who sought to avoid participation in the Dragon War by hiding beneath the earth. Or were these not the burrowing variety of Dwarf? Os does not particularly care either way.

[Image: 2012-02-21_00004.jpg]

During the Dragon War, Elephants supported the vile Acheron through rousing trumpeting and impressionist art:

[Image: article-1151283-039991EB000005DC-181_468x286.jpg]

[Image: 2012-02-21_00005.jpg]

Os commands they be exterminated.

[Image: 2012-02-21_00008.jpg]

With extreme prejudice.

Sadly, as in all wars, there is often some collateral damage

[Image: 2012-02-21_00006.jpg]

[Image: 2012-02-21_00007.jpg]

Lo! "Cardith Lorda", Coward Dragon in human form, appears! His emissary is a walking, talking rat, how appropriate. Sadly the Dragonborn Lightbringer / Scout exploration party was unable to locate his homeland, possibly because they were preoccupied with introducing Elephants to sub-orbital bombardment.

[Image: 2012-02-21_00009.jpg]

An uninspiring relic of the past is located. The odd structure seems to harness power from the oft-neglected Plane of Ice. Perhaps it will be useful some day, but for now there is nothing we can do here.

[Image: 2012-02-21_00010.jpg]

Impressed by the decision of a Sheaim warrior emissary to wear armor on his shoulders but leave his entire chest exposed, a particularly pathetic tribe decides to ape his manner of dress.

[Image: 2012-02-21_00011.jpg]

Hark! It is Bridgit, the perkily-named Queen of Dragons, long since thought deceased! And now here she is, residing in... uh... the desert?

[Image: 2012-02-21_00014.jpg]

Wait what.

After consulting some ancient tomes of forbidden knowledge, Os determines that Bridgit is suffering from Draconic PMS, and probably should be avoided by a two-tile radius in all directions for the foreseeable future.

[Image: 2012-02-21_00012.jpg]

Elsewhere, confused pirates inhabiting a land-locked dungeon inform a different Sheaim warrior of a distant treasure, whose location they know but which sadly they seem to have lost to directions to. Os commands they promptly be beaten to death with their own incompetence.

[Image: 2012-02-21_00013.jpg]

Cowed by stories of wanton Sheaim cruelty, one village attempts to delay the approaching Dragonborn by flinging golden coins. The tactic is not particularly successful.

[SUMMARY]: Moved stuff, summoned lots of meteors to scout, built and lost a few warriors, not much else happened. I guess we're teching mining to start some farms and work the gold, makes sense. TBH we're going to have to try to lose this thing, so let's just have fun =)

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You've linked your drop-box screenshots incorrectly.

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