I have to admit, when Beyond the Sword was announced I was somewhat skeptical, Warlords seemed to be a bit overrated to me, and was overall weak on content and to me didn't have much of a draw when it comes to making you want to buy and play the game. This interview just released is actually very encouraging, and if this stuff he talks about is balanced and fully implemented (not vassal states all over again), then I think we've got some stuff to be excited about. Here's a few things that were news to me:
Sounds like at least a few of the "forbidden" trait combos are no longer forbidden...
First half of this quote sounds slightly iffy, but it will all depend on how it plays out in the MP world, there's no way to know if this is fair or not until it's tried, so this could be good or bad. As for the second half, I might actually start playing MP again consistently because of that, so that's a great addition IMO.
I hope this does mean they enlisted Blake to help them on this, as what he was doing (before he suddenly disappeared) was progressing greatly. I definitely hope that the game backs up this statement...
I left out many things, I just threw in a few things that I thought would have the most discussion, so what's everyone's thoughts?
I have to admit, when Beyond the Sword was announced I was somewhat skeptical, Warlords seemed to be a bit overrated to me, and was overall weak on content and to me didn't have much of a draw when it comes to making you want to buy and play the game. This interview just released is actually very encouraging, and if this stuff he talks about is balanced and fully implemented (not vassal states all over again), then I think we've got some stuff to be excited about. Here's a few things that were news to me:
Quote:One of my favorite leaders is Queen Boudica of the Celts. Not only was she impressive in real life (she almost kicked the mighty Romans out of Britain), but in terms of gameplay her charismatic and aggressive traits have an awesome synergy. In terms of units, the coolness factor of Privateers and Paratroopers has finally returned to Civilization, only this time the AI knows how to use them. Beware!
Sounds like at least a few of the "forbidden" trait combos are no longer forbidden...
Quote:One option that I think will prove popular in multiplayer is the ability to select any leader-civilization combination. Not only is there something fascinating about using Gandhi to lead your Mongol Keshiks into battle (!), but with this new option Civilizations and leaders that were previously unpopular in multiplayer will receive new attention. Another feature that may revitalize the traditional sequential turn play mode (as opposed to simultaneous turns, which seems to be more popular in multiplayer) is the fact that now all players on the same team take their turns simultaneously. That way you can combine fast online play with traditional game mechanics.
First half of this quote sounds slightly iffy, but it will all depend on how it plays out in the MP world, there's no way to know if this is fair or not until it's tried, so this could be good or bad. As for the second half, I might actually start playing MP again consistently because of that, so that's a great addition IMO.
Quote:Thanks to our fans, we knew the shortcomings of the game and we have worked hard to address them. My personal favorite has to be the fact that the AI has now been transformed into a formidable opponent who no longer needs hefty bonuses to compete with a smart human.
I hope this does mean they enlisted Blake to help them on this, as what he was doing (before he suddenly disappeared) was progressing greatly. I definitely hope that the game backs up this statement...
I left out many things, I just threw in a few things that I thought would have the most discussion, so what's everyone's thoughts?