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[Spoilers] BRickAstley views the status and determines that it is not quo.

Mardoc, I agree that we definitely need to find a strong second city site. However, as Commodore mentioned when the 3rd border pop happens in 11 turns we'll be able to see even clearer around us, especially to the south where we'll have that plains hill under our cultural control giving us extra vision. Plus, if I get contact soon then I can maybe negotiate at least a short term agreement of some sort with my neighbors to keep us from rushing each other and afford myself more exploring/building up time.

T2 Pics:
[Image: OX9SMl.jpg]
Oooh, another fish. That would be nice to use, since I'm already getting fishing and all ya know.
[Image: giLQwl.jpg]
Definitely looks just like my NW. Should I go ahead and make contact with my SE neighbor next turn?

BRickAstley Wrote:Mardoc, I agree that we definitely need to find a strong second city site.

I think you just did lol

One and a half fish, a lot of grasslands, and a hill for defense (assuming you're right about your neighbor) adds up to a pretty strong city.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


BRickAstley Wrote:Definitely looks just like my NW. Should I go ahead and make contact with my SE neighbor next turn?

Yeah, probably should, the information helps you more than them most likely. As for the borders, you need to seal them off stat.

[Image: SealIt.jpg]

If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

If you are right then it looks that a gambit farmer is not a good idea.
I think is still to early to dotmap, you need more map info.

retep Wrote:If you are right then it looks that a gambit farmer is not a good idea.
I think is still to early to dotmap, you need more map info.

Retep is probably right, however, there are a few potential seals for you:

[Image: Civ4ScreenShot0184.JPG]
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Actually I was thinking that the second city should grab copper even if is in a bad spot. A little worry about a holkan choke, although I don't have a lot of experience in MP so I may be wrong.

I have to say, the combination of lots of game content and lots of ridiculous spam is pretty much perfect. I'll be lurking this thread with interest.

retep Wrote:Actually I was thinking that the second city should grab copper even if is in a bad spot. A little worry about a holkan choke, although I don't have a lot of experience in MP so I may be wrong.

Yeah, copper will be key, so let's hurry up and wait til we get BW so we can see where it is and likely settle accordingly.

scooter Wrote:I have to say, the combination of lots of game content and lots of ridiculous spam is pretty much perfect. I'll be lurking this thread with interest.

[Image: war_academy2.jpg]


[Image: 1559606_340_1116081430036-spam.jpg]

= This Thread. elephant:

Seriously though, I do endeavor to have that combination. Oh, and to win the game of course, that's also something paramount. jive

I'd be glad to have at least your interest scooter, I've noticed that you've been decently active in the lurker thread so no close advice is expected. I'm just glad to have people along for the ride, whether you're helping me row the boat or you're trailing in a speedboat watching my dinghy to see if I make it to shore before sinking.

Also, I'm approaching 70 posts and everyone else is still at 15 and under, so while I'm ahead I'll allow myself one other post for fun and giggles and letting people try and figure out what the heck is being talked about here. In a day or two I'm sure it'll be strategy and diplomacy related subjects.

But I don't have any of that yet, so I'll pull a Thoth (I love you Thoth I really do! bow), and post some marching battle music. smoke

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