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[Spoilers] BRickAstley views the status and determines that it is not quo.

Sorry, I've had a busy weekend, I've been taking pics but not time for a writeup yet. I'll do so tomorrow.

In the meantime, i have figured out who our north neighbor is. Wanna take guesses?

BRickAstley Wrote:Sorry, I've had a busy weekend, I've been taking pics but not time for a writeup yet. I'll do so tomorrow.

In the meantime, i have figured out who our north neighbor is. Wanna take guesses?

Murphy's Law says...War Chariots? Or Bert ascendant.
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Okay, so with Bert being Bert, you being on Azza's good side is excellent. thumbsup What turn is everyone on already?
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Yup, it is Musicman! Which isn't bad, since we have a calm front with Azza and BW soon, we can deal with Music if needed and expand peacefully if not. Plus it's the warrior that's saying hello, so we might get um a bit more favorable of a deal when we make one wink

Bear with me on pics, I was snapping screens as I played over the weekend, but of course something happened and most of the pics are gone. frown Here are the ones I have from turn 5 though:

[Image: qEzTV.jpg]

[Image: Vti13.jpg]

I spy with my little eye something "Beijing"
If only you and me and dead people know hex, then only deaf people know hex.

I write RPG adventures, and blog about it, check it out.

Also, question about the diplomacy. I know in what direction everybody can find everybody, and due to my neighbors and Azza meeting Bert I now know the exact order. (Me -> Azza -> Bert & Ernie -> slowcheetah -> musicman -> myself). That's something that's going to be apparent to everyone relatively soon, would you think I would be able to gain any sort of diplomatic bonuses by going ahead and saying "Hey y'all, look, here's the set up! I'm so nice so you all should be nice to me now too! wink" ?

Of course I wouldn't say it that obviously, but you know. Just an idea if I could gain any clout from it.

Commodore Wrote:I spy with my little eye something "Beijing"


I reject your reality and substitute my own.

I actually renamed everything, you just THINK you see Beijing still there.

In good news though, we have double good news!

Good news 1: Our deal with Azza is finalized. NAP til T50, and settling agreement (no more than 4 tiles from our cap along each of our spokes)

This is very good for me, as he has a halfway decent rushing unit in Mr. Holkan, and I would really like room to get a choke city on that spoke for when war inevitably comes later on in the game. Now I have no worries about a rush from there, and room to put a city.

Good news 2: Bert is a bit of a sop, and Azza's paranoid.

[Image: OJVSgs.jpg]
"Howdy there Bert, I'm a bit *twitch* paranoid cause you're oh so scary and I just got rushed in PB7, so let's *twitch* be friends to give me peace of mind???!!??"

[Image: MMRpPs.jpg]
"Uhhhhhh Yeahhhhhh agreements aren't really my thing...... and I'm probably just saying it cause I don't wanna deal with it...... but I won't say for sure to keep you on your toes....."

[Image: OJVSgs.jpg]
"*TWITCHTWITCHTWITCH* Gah! No! Don't do that! You better go RIGHT AWAY, right NOW! *Twitch* Or I might have to declare war *twitch* to keep you out of here!"

Humor aside, now there's bad feeling between the two (at least if Bert can have feelings), and my net gain is Azza will be focused much more on Bert, which leaves me in peace to do my thang. jive

And with my last post, i got the idea to have chat avatars for everybody when I do my ahem transcripted conversations....

[Image: OJVSgl.jpg]
(Btw, the "One Vision One Mission" is DON'T GET RUSHED)

[Image: MMRpPl.jpg]
[Image: WJ7vTl.jpg]

[Image: k1o7al.jpg]

[Image: Lwm97l.png]

And I'll just post smaller versions of those, so when I copy over conversations to give them my own artistic license, you get more of a laugh out of it.

Disclaimer: I got these off google. I did not create them or anything, and I lay absolutely no claim to having done so. So please don't sue me.

Turn played.
Met musicman.
Found more resources in the south.
Worker Finished.
Still named Beijing.
I am an idiot.
Okay not an idiot, just forgetful.
Work boat to get the fish next?
Typing reports and diplo on a mobile sucks.
Glad azza border is worryless for like 40 turns.
Don't trust music that much, still wary.
Settle NW seel soon for defense base vs music?
Need NE knowledge.
Gonna post in communication thread where everyone is located.
Attempt to get goodwill amd maybe get music focused on slow.
I wonder if this type of post is interesting.
Or if anyone is still reading.
What am I talking about?
Its RB, everyone on here loves reading lots of text.
Oh still need to post strategy chats with Commodore.
You're just looking for another Beijing to rag me on.
Its OK I love all of you anyways.
Plus this isn't even a lot of text.

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