1) How do you feel about the difficulty of the games we've been running? Would you like to see more Gentle/Medium/Extreme games?
i'm new and haven't won any yet, altho i did play out one to the bitter end so that counts right? even the extreme where i was in way over my head was fun. so i like the variety of levels.
2) Should we run more Warlords games? (I've been sticking mostly with Civ4 1.61 because the turnout was VERY low for the first two Warlords games, so please let me know if you want more games on the expansion!)
i play both but when i play warlords it's without vassals enabled 90% of the time, so it's kind of missing the point of warlords
. what i want is for the RB designers to give us games they put their heart into, if that's one game more than the other, so be it
3) What kind of games would you like to see? Let me give you some general types:
my thoughts on your general types:
a) i love trying, and most of all reading about successful, fastest finish type games, but i can get that from HoF gauntlets on CFC so i don't need it here.
b) points scoring events i haven't been a part of yet, but i am about to start the current ones. i've never tried to design a point system, i hope i never have to. i like that the systems in the two examples you mention are short and simple.
c) restrictive variants, some look crazy fun, some make me question your sanity (even more than i already did), some scare me to pieces. they're definitely fun to read about!
d) adventure 19 was the rule-breaker i was in, i don't know if there have been others. it was great giggles for me. i don't think we should do something that off the wall every month, but if someone could think of a different sort of crazy rule-bender a bit in the future i'd sure sign up for it too
e) no scoring doesn't bother me at all. i'm really new to all this so i'm in the "oh wow, we all started with the same thing but look how different we ended up!" honeymoon phase. i'm in the minority there looks like.
4) What game speeds should we use?
i can't stand quick, it throws me off. i'm very used to epic but am adjusting to normal now that i've started playing in SGs that use normal speed. so i'm okay on normal or epic, but quick i'd really think twice or three times about even downloading the file.
5) Are the games too long? Too short? There have been a lot of incomplete games turned in recently - should we try to implement scenarios that are easier to finish quickly?
my incomplete was from having left it too close to the deadline and then not going back to it, due to being more captivated by other things. signed up for a new SG, real life, this and that. it wasn't the scenario, it was me. i started the wang kon game, i haven't finished but it seems like it won't take long, i hope i didn't jinx myself into a 48-hour long game by saying that!
6) Anything else I haven't covered yet: what would you like to see that we're not providing right now?
cake like the little old lady says they serve at civanon.
i'm new and haven't won any yet, altho i did play out one to the bitter end so that counts right? even the extreme where i was in way over my head was fun. so i like the variety of levels.
2) Should we run more Warlords games? (I've been sticking mostly with Civ4 1.61 because the turnout was VERY low for the first two Warlords games, so please let me know if you want more games on the expansion!)
i play both but when i play warlords it's without vassals enabled 90% of the time, so it's kind of missing the point of warlords

3) What kind of games would you like to see? Let me give you some general types:
my thoughts on your general types:
a) i love trying, and most of all reading about successful, fastest finish type games, but i can get that from HoF gauntlets on CFC so i don't need it here.
b) points scoring events i haven't been a part of yet, but i am about to start the current ones. i've never tried to design a point system, i hope i never have to. i like that the systems in the two examples you mention are short and simple.
c) restrictive variants, some look crazy fun, some make me question your sanity (even more than i already did), some scare me to pieces. they're definitely fun to read about!
d) adventure 19 was the rule-breaker i was in, i don't know if there have been others. it was great giggles for me. i don't think we should do something that off the wall every month, but if someone could think of a different sort of crazy rule-bender a bit in the future i'd sure sign up for it too

e) no scoring doesn't bother me at all. i'm really new to all this so i'm in the "oh wow, we all started with the same thing but look how different we ended up!" honeymoon phase. i'm in the minority there looks like.
4) What game speeds should we use?
i can't stand quick, it throws me off. i'm very used to epic but am adjusting to normal now that i've started playing in SGs that use normal speed. so i'm okay on normal or epic, but quick i'd really think twice or three times about even downloading the file.
5) Are the games too long? Too short? There have been a lot of incomplete games turned in recently - should we try to implement scenarios that are easier to finish quickly?
my incomplete was from having left it too close to the deadline and then not going back to it, due to being more captivated by other things. signed up for a new SG, real life, this and that. it wasn't the scenario, it was me. i started the wang kon game, i haven't finished but it seems like it won't take long, i hope i didn't jinx myself into a 48-hour long game by saying that!
6) Anything else I haven't covered yet: what would you like to see that we're not providing right now?
cake like the little old lady says they serve at civanon.