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WW11 - Civilization



Mardoc (3) - MJW Sareln Tasunke
MJW (3) - Gaspar Novice Selrahc
Slowcheetah (3) - Cyneheard Lewwyn Mardoc

Not voting (2) - Catwalk Slowcheetah
Dead - Rowain

Triple threat right there.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Hello, people who aren't voting, vote.

And seriously I see the argument behind MJW, but out of everyone I'm most suspicious of slowcheetah. The argument for Mardoc is flawed and wolfy IMO.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Lewwyn Wrote:The argument for Mardoc is flawed and wolfy IMO.

So who among those making it do you suspect? I don't think there's any way all three of them are wolves, that would be rather stupid of them. But I'm still struck by the way they're relying on the Day 1 vote and not really the stuff I feel guilty over. If I'm super-obvious-guilty, why are they only using the one argument?

My gut says Sareln is honestly misguided, but I can't decide on MJW and Tasunke. MJW at least went to the effort to dig up another argument; Tasunke hasn't even done that - just threw his vote on me and shut up.

Still haven't found the time to read the thread for my own take on things [SIZE="1"](you can blame Serdoa and his reluctance to die already).[/SIZE]
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


I suspect MJW, but I think Tasunke and Sareln are just villagers. That leaves Slowcheetah not voting. And possibly selrahc throwing a vote on MJW for cover. I think the villagers are split over 2 wolves and a villager and its allowing the wolves to manipulate the final vote.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Ok my thoughts; probably won't be a detailed analysis:

Catwalk: I thought I'd deal with him first, because I accused him quite severely on day 2. My reasoning for that was his posting mainly consisted of arguing about lewwyn, I thought that was an attempt to remain visible and not get 'lurker' stigma without really helping the village. However, since then i think his observations and arguments have been wide ranging and have some value (specifics will come when if I have time to read through the whole thread). Consequently, I think my earlier theory is no longer workable and I'm going to throw Catwalk an innocent.

Gaspar- Gaspar threw his lot in early with Zakalwe taking down Ichabod, this gains him some credit. Although, the timing of Zak's death although the timing of Zak's death is convenient if Gaspar was a wolf and was trying to hide in his shadow. He was also calling for scooter's head pretty much from day 1, considering no-one knew how scooter's villager nous was going to play out before the game I think it unlikely that Gaspar was a wolf and was trying to railroad us onto a threat. Conclusion; Gaspar's push to lynch scooter seems like a villager's search gone wrong to me, his early Ichabod vote also potentially has him cleared. I think we need a few more mislynches before investigating conspiracy theories about Gaspar.

Mardoc- I'm not entirely sure why people are voting for him, he seems innocent to me. His posts have become less frequent, but that could be due to busyness. The day 1 lynch argument is logical, however why would the wolves necessarily feel they needed to split onto scooter?

Novice- Innocent.

Lewwyn- Was quieter over the first few days but now seems like he's on the prowl trying to catch wolves. My doubts about him is he is focussing his vote mainly on the 'lurkers', which is possibly an easy way for a wolf to hide. I.e. Remain silent for the first few days then pick of the weaker players. I lean innocent towards Lewwyn currently but have greater suspicion of him then any of the others I think innocent.

Sareln- Vigourously protested the scooter vote and now seems to have settled on Mardoc. As mardoc and Gaspar (I think) said I agree with his logic but feel that it is misguided. Reads pretty innocent to me, with the landslide vote on scooter yesterday I don't think the wolves would have felt the need to 'hide' of the lynch particularly.

Tasunke- Reads newbie villager to me, his posts seem like they do on the rest of the site a splurge of ideas whenever they come to him. However, his quietness is unlike him, considering his stated aim for the game was to hunt wolves I can't help but feel that his silence is more a wolf staying under the radar rather then a villager not wanting to die. Lets see how the next day unfolds but feels innocent currently.

Selrahc- Voting for Ichabod hasn't cleared him at all, he was the other one on the block. However, his arguments have made sense to me particularly his MJW one. Reads innocent to me currently (although that could just be because I agree with his current position).

MJW- I agree with Selrahc's argument, he bizzarely roleclaimed at the beginning of day one, and since then has been hiding behind that roleclaim. He has posted some other thoughts, but they have been rather hit and miss on the sense register and seem to have been pulled out of his own arse. Reads guilty to me.

Cyneheard- The other lurker, whose simple response to getting out of lurker accusations is to accuse the lurker who lurked worse (get all that?lol). Now I do believe him that he has been busy, but that response smacks of cheapness. There also isn't much evidence to base an argument on Cyneheard because he hasn't posted much. Suspicious but I really don't know.

I believe that's everyone so Tiers of suspiciosity (yes that is a word :P):

Tier oneMJW
Tier two: Lewwyn, Cyneheard?
Tier three:Tasunke, Mardoc, Sareln, Selrahc
Tier four: Gaspar, Catwalk
Tier five: Novice

Whelp after that I'm thinking MJW might be innocent. Selrahc and Slowcheetah as wolves laying the roll on him.

Gaspar, can you see what I see?
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

Quote:Whelp after that I'm thinking MJW might be innocent. Selrahc and Slowcheetah as wolves laying the roll on him.

Gaspar, can you see what I see?

Someone has on his bossy boots today. :neenernee

Honestly, I'm getting suspicious of Lewwyn. Last night's lovefest between Novice, Rowain, Gaspar and Lewwyn had me thinking that one of the people involved was a wolf, because otherwise the mutual "You're innocent", "No No, *you're innocent" "No, you." would have petered out sooner. It smacked heavily of building bonds with each other.

I didn't bring it up because Lewwyn and Gaspar are both quite prickly, and I'm not sure which of them is being played and which is a sneaky wolf. But Lewwyn's naked appeal to Gaspar makes me much more suspicious of him. "Hey Gaspar, I put in all that grunt work yesterday buying your love with flattery. Come agree with me."

I should probably also say, I've got no particular regard for Slowcheetah. I can see him or any of the lurkers being a wolf more than Mardoc. If it comes down to Mardoc against Slowcheetah, I'll be voting for Slowcheetah.

But I think MJW is more wolfish than either and will be a *very* good lynch for today.

I also think that the "lovefest" that was happening last night has the potential to be very dangerous if a wolf uses it to ride to victory and of the participants, Lewwyn looks the most likely because he has (IMO) been capitalizing on his trust to take control over today's proceedings.

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