Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Epic Eleven - Hooray for Hollywood - Now Open!

Scooter and sunrise089,

Many thanks for the recommendations -- exactly the sort of thing I was looking for! Definitely a lot of good info there. I had thought of some of the aspects described, but there were new (to me) ideas as well.

This might be a dumb question, but -

About the Navy Seal scoring bonus, it says getting to elite status (combat V) - does that mean you actually have to get combat V, or just that you have to get enough exp to get 5 upgrades? Not that I am really gunning for this one, I was just doublechecking scoring deadlines and was curious...

BWardly Wrote:This might be a dumb question, but -

About the Navy Seal scoring bonus, it says getting to elite status (combat V) - does that mean you actually have to get combat V, or just that you have to get enough exp to get 5 upgrades? Not that I am really gunning for this one, I was just doublechecking scoring deadlines and was curious...

You need to have a Navy SEAL reach Combat V status and survive to the end of the game. Having more promotions on top of that is fine, but the Combat V is mandatory (Combat IV/Pinch will not qualify).
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Game Complete, report written. nod

i am having WAY too much fun. but i was already sitting here thinking i might not be finished by the deadline, even tho i only have 26 or 32 turns to go depending on whether the next GP is a GA. and then i noticed
edit: something potentially bad, we'll see.

sorry, i had to edit this post. i was going by the wrong definition of spoiler until i got a PM that got me thinking! so i checked the wording on rules and the definition is more broad than i thought. so, sorry to anybody who read this in the wrong version. i'd been thinking more along the lines of "spoilers are when i say people X and Y and Z are in this game", things that people who haven't played yet, or up until the techs/map stage i have, wouldn't know, kind of thing. but nope, it's supposed to cover talking about my approach as well! oopsies, i should have read the rules again! i'll be more careful now that i finally got it (i think i got it).

thank you to you-know-who-you-are for kindly and gently helping me understand smile

@KMad: As for not finishing, are you aware that you still have another week before the event closes? Hope you make it.

KMad Wrote:i am having WAY too much fun. but i was already sitting here thinking i might not be finished by the deadline,

Yeah, I'm pushing it awful close too. I'm hoping I can complete this game in time. BTW, once I'm complete, what do I do? Do I email it to the hoster, or what?

@Methos: When you finish, you'll want to write up a little bit--with pictures, I hope--so that everyone else can see what you did and why you did it. There are lots of examples from previous events in the Tournaments and Discussion subforum here:

Some people have their own websites, some just report in their threads. Both methods are fine.

Damn it! I want it to be next Monday so bad - I can't wait to see what went down in everyone else's games! Aggressive AI with 12 civs is great fun.

Compromise Wrote:@Methos: When you finish, you'll want to write up a little bit--with pictures, I hope--so that everyone else can see what you did and why you did it. There are lots of examples from previous events in the Tournaments and Discussion subforum here:

Some people have their own websites, some just report in their threads. Both methods are fine.

So we don't submit the game to anyone? I've already started doing some of the write up as I'm going along and hopefully I can finish in time. Excellent variant btw.

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