April 24th, 2007, 17:21
(This post was last modified: April 27th, 2007, 18:56 by Lurker Wyrm.)
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Just a topic to write down build ideas that come to mind. Not neccessarily builds we'll ever use.
Feel free to post your own.
Flagstand team:
Scythe: 16 (12 +3 +1); Mystcism: 11 (10 +1); Curses: 8
Chilblains, Plague Touch, Reaper's Sweep, Mystic Sweep, Eremite's Attack, Heart of Fury, Pious Haste, Res Sig
Illusion: 14 (12 +1 +1); Inspiration: 11 (10 +1); FC: 9 (8 +1); Heal: 2
Migraine, Conjure Phantasm, Images of Remorse, Accumulated Pain, Power Return, Power Drain, Drain Enchantment, Res Chant
Water: 14 (12 +1 +1); E Storage: 11 (10 +1); Heal: 8
Icy Shackles, Freezing Gust, Armor of Mist, Blurred Vision, Water Attunement, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Heal Party, Res Sig
Prot: 14 (12 +1 +1); DF: 12 (11 +1); Heal: 6
Divert Hexes, Reversal of Fortune, Gift of Health, Spirit Bond, Mend Condition, Signet of Devotion, Shield of Absorption, Glyph of Lesser Energy
Heal: 14 (12 +1 +1); DF: 12 (11 +1); Prot: 6
Heal Party, Heal Other, Orison of Healing, Mend Condition, Protective Spirit, Deny Hexes, Healer's Boon, Glyph of Lesser Energy
Split Team:
Scythe: 16 (12 +3 +1); Mysticism: 13 (12 +1); Air: 3
Avatar of Melandru, Wearying Strike, Chilling Victory, Eremite's Attack/Mystic Sweep, Shock, Imbue Health, Heart of Fury, Res Sig
Fire: 15 (12 +2 +1); E Storage: 11 (10 +1); Air: 6; Prot: 6
Mind Blast, Liquid Flame, Gale, Mark of Rodgort, Fire Attunement, Draw Conditions, Reverse Hex, Res Sig
Prot: 14 (12 +1 +1); DF: 11 (10 +1); Heal: 7; Shadow Arts: 4
Zealous Benediction, Gift of Health, Reversal of Fortune, Shield of Absorption, Protective Spirit, Dismiss Condition, Smite Hex, Dark Escape
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
May 17th, 2007, 15:05
(This post was last modified: May 17th, 2007, 22:10 by Lurker Wyrm.)
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Dagger: 12 (11 +1); Crit: 13 (11 +1 +1); Deadly: 4 (3 +1); Curses: 8
Black Spide Strike, Death Blossom, Moebius Strike, Expose Defenses, Impale, Chilblains, Barbs, Res Sig
Spear: 12 (10 +1 +1); Command: 12 (10 +2); Leadership: 12 (11 +1)
Crippling Anthem, "Go For the Eyes!", Anthem of Flame, "Lead the Way!", Wild Throw, Power Return, Aggressive Refrain, Signet of Return
Leadership: 12 (11 +1); Spear: 14 (12 +1 +1); Motivation: 6
"It's Just a Flesh Wound!", Anthem of Flame, Gaze of Contempt, Barbed Spear, Swift Javelin, Disrupting Throw, Aggressive Refrain, Signet of Return
Prot: 12 (10 +1 +1); DF: 11 (10 +1); Heal: 7; Tactics: 9
Divert Hexes, Mend Condition, Reversal of Fortune, Gift of Health, Guardian, Spirit Bond, Soldier's Defense, Balanced Stance
Heal: 13 (11 +1 +1); DF: 11 (10 +1); Prot: 4; Tactics: 9
Light of Deliverence, Infuse Health, Words of Comfort, Signet of Rejuvination, Mend Condition, Protective Spirit, Soldier's Defense, Balanced Stance
Illusion: 14 (12 +1 +1); FC: 12 (11 +1); Air: 6
Crippling Anguish, Conjure Phantasm, Images of Remorse, Storm Djinn's Haste, Gale, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Power Return, Res Sig
Scythe: 16 (12 +3 +1); Mysticism: 13 (12 +1)
Recall, Avatar of Melandru, Wearying Strike, Chilling Victory, Mystic Sweep, Heart of Fury, Imbue Health, Res Sig
Restoration: 14 (12 +1 +1); Channeling: 12 (11 +1); Spawning: 4; Air: 5;
Bloodsong, Warmonger's Weapon, Weapon of Warding, Wielder's Boon, Mend Body and Soul, Weapon of Remedy, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Storm Djinn's Haste
Basic idea is the top 5 fight at the stand, mesmer runs flags, bottom 2 gank. Mesmer can also join gank if not needed at the stand, in which case the assassin runs the flag. Res use preference should go to the paragons first (ie don't waste sigs). Dervish should have Recall on the rit at all times.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
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Expose Defenses, Black Mantis Thrust, Black Spider Strike, Twisting Fangs, Black Lotus Strike, Recall, Rush, Res Sig
Fevered Dreams, Fragility, Conjure Phantasm, Images of Remorse, Mantra of Persistence, Power Drain, GoLE, Res Sig
Virulence, Vile Miasma, Well of Suffering, Animate Shambling Horror, Taste of Death, Death Nova, GoLE, Res Sig
Defensive Anthem, Ballad of Restoration, Aria of Restoration, Finale of Restoration, Anthem of Flame, "Watch Yourself!", Barbed Spear, Signet of Return
Defensive Anthem, "Fall Back!", Bladeturn Refrain, Song of Concentration, Merciless Spear, Wild Throw, Power Return, Signet of Return
Shield of Regeneration, Freezing Gust, Ice Spikes, Guardian, GoLE, Armor of Myst, Mending Touch, Res Sig
Light of Deliverence, Infuse Health, Words of Comfort, Draw Conditions, Signet of Rejuvination, Inspired Hex, Revealed Hex
Restore Condition, Mending Touch, Reversal of Fortune, Gift of Health, Signet of Devotion, Holy Veil, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Aegis
I suppose if it needs to split, the assassin and mesmer can go off with the ele.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
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Not so original KGYU idea stolen from Be Team [be]
2x Conjure Cripslash
Cripshot (same as Burning Arrow)
R/Rt Flagstand BHA - Barbed Arrows, Broadhead Arrow, Savage Shot, Distracting Shot, Debilitating Shot, Antidote Signet, Natural Stride, Flesh of my Flesh
Me/N Tainted - Rotting Flesh, Tainted Flesh, Leech Signet, Mantra of Inscriptions, Signet of Humility, Putrid Explosion, Mirror of Disenchantment, Res Sig
SoR water flagger
LoD & RC monks
The name of the game is mass condition pressure. Between bleeding, poison, and disease, everyone will be stacked with degen and cripple will hamper mobility. The build can split off the Cripshot and a Cripslash if needed, but it prefers to fight 7v7 and overwhelm with massive pressure, and leave base defense as much as possible to the flagger. Dual cripslash means usually the warriors pick seperate targets to pressure and degen, converging to finish low ones off. The only off-monk defense when the flagger isn't around is cripple, so the cripshot needs to be practiced, and a cripslash may need to switch in "linebacking" duties by hitting a warrior with cripslash when adren is charged. The mesmer has a very impotant role of taking out those pesky monk elites, especially restore condition, so the degen can do its job.
Just thought it's something we might try given none of us know how to call adrenal spikes (without giving them away) yet.
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We had some major success with this AB build today... though it may have just been the weak opponents.  Its not very good at splitting either which makes it questionable for our hall, but I'm posting it here for reference at least.
I Agony Realm I's Build..
W/E Shock Axe
Axe Mastery 12+1+3
Tactics 10+1
Strength 8+1
Air Magic 2
Eviscerate {E}
Executioner's Strike
Bull's Strike
Enraging Charge
Healing Signet
Resurrection Signet
Code: OQYUgmYK5aGSFqM9ca9nBQAA
Me/Mo Mantra Mesmer
Domination Magic 12+1+1
Fast Casting 10+1
Inspiration Magic 8+1
Healing Prayers 2
Mantra of Recovery {E}
Energy Burn
Shatter Enchantment
Power Drain
Drain Enchantment
Resurrection Chant
E/Mo Bsurge Ele
Air Magic 12+1+1
Energy Storage 12+1
Protection Prayers 3
Blinding Surge {E}
Lightning Orb
Lightning Strike
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Air Attunement
Draw Conditions
Resurrection Signet
Code: OgNDgMz/MX1yh3QUgMCH3EBA
Mo/A LoD Infuser
Healing Prayers 12+1+1
Divine Favor 10+1
Protection Prayers 8+1
Shadow Arts 2
Light of Deliverance {E}
Reversal of Fortune
Dismiss Condition
Infuse Health
Signet of Rejuvenation
Holy Veil
Protective Spirit
Return / Dark Escape
Code: OwcU04HC1vM11Zymmkc3qJ1DBGA
Scythe Mastery 12+1+2
Mysticism 12+3
Avatar of Melandru {E}
Wearying Strike
Victorious Sweep
Eremite's Strike
Distracting Blow
Heart of Furty
Resurrection Signet
Spear Mastery 12+1+1
Command 9+1
Leadership 9+1
Spear of Lightning
Harrier's Toss
Anthem of Envy
Anthem of Flame
"Go For the Eyes!"
Expel Hexes
Mirror of Disenchantment
Signet of Return
Mo/E RC Prot
Protection Prayers 12+1+1
Divine Favor 10+1
Healing Prayers 8+1
Restore Condition {E}
Reversal of Fortune
Gift of Health
Spirit Bond
Mending Touch
Signet of Devotion
Glpyh of Lesser Energy
Protection Prayers 12+1+1
Divine Favor 11+1
Air Magic 6
Shield of Regeneration {E}
Protective Spirit
Glyph of Lesser Energy
Dismiss Condition
Mending Touch
Storm Djinn's Haste
Reversal of Fortune
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A "simple" build from RUS for us pressure cooking newbs
1) W/E - Hammer, earthshaker, hammerbash, shock.
2) W/mo (sometimes also take E) hammer - Devastating, Heavy, healsig, holy veil.
3) D/X - Avatar of melandru dervish with wearying strike.
4) Ranger/monk - broadhead arrow ranger. (can drop res sig for purge sig)
5) E/mo - mindblast elementalist with aegis and glyphsac reschant
6) E/mo - mindblast elementalist with aegis and flame djinns haste for flag running.
7) Mo/A - Rc prot with return
8) Mo/A - lodinfuser with return
"Just put a hammerwarrior on each opponent monk, while the dervish hits stuff and calls spike. The damage is insane and more than once you will ROLL people."
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You do realize that the purpose of this thread was to promote people to create their own GvG builds, not just copy/paste what other guilds are doing?
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
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Lurker Wyrm Wrote:You do realize that the purpose of this thread was to promote people to create their own GvG builds, not just copy/paste what other guilds are doing?
Right, but who here is going to do that?
Can stick these in another thead if you like, they're just the "hey here's some cool builds, maybe we will use em maybe we wont use" thread. No problem making another to do that if you want..
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I don't really mind, I'm just trying to give you a kick in the pants to try and come up with something original. You don't need to re-invent the wheel or anything, you could even just take a build you saw that you liked and redo a few things; if they used an air ele for damage and you wanted a fire ele, or changing a mes from dom to illusion. Then you adapt the other builds to work with it (i.e. cripslash works with illusion and evisc works better with dom) and the next thing you know you've got your own build. If nothing else it'll help you become a better player since you have to look at how builds work together and compliment each other.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
October 25th, 2007, 15:31
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Just a couple char builds I've been messing around with using EotN skills that are kinda interesting. Not putting runes down because I'm leaving those to personal preference.
Str: 11, Sword: 12, Comm: 6
Charging Strike, Frenzy, Body Blow, Galrath Slash, Final Thrust, Bull's Strike, Sundering Weapon, Flesh-o-Flesh
Water: 12, ES: 11, Air: 6
Shatterstone, Freezing Gust, Glowing Ice, Blurred Vision, GoEPower, Shell Shock, Water Attune, Res
Heal: 12, DF: 10, Prot: 8
RoF, LoD, Infuse, Patient Spirit, Dwayna's, Cure Hex, Dismiss Condition, GoLE (not sure about GoLE, might want /A for the defense or something, I dunno)
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.