Pretty well all we needed to write up a mission statement. This does not have to cover minor details, just what we want to achieve with this alliance.
Quote:The idea is to have an alliance with no actual leader, so to implement this a meta-guild is created that will sit in the alliance leader spot. It has a name independent of any particular guild, and has members from extra accounts of players in the alliance guilds. Because it's not an actual guild though, we don't want people moving all of their accounts (including one if that be the number) over to this one.
Here are some advantages of this approach as I see it;
- Makes it absolutely clear to new guilds that there is no alliance leader, and brands the alliance with a unique name. (Hopefully we think of a better name. [img]file:///C:/DOCUME%7E1/jon/LOCALS%7E1/Temp/msohtml1/01/clip_image001.gif[/img]) It also means that no-one is tied down to the alliance, if (god forbid) RB wanted to leave at some point then it can do so without unduly disturbing others.
- Promotes more integration among the alliance by having at least some members log into a common guild chat every now and then. Also another medium for inter-guild discussion.
Dont worry about having to populate the place holder guild for vote counts. It is not my intention to have it as an actual guild, nor will it have any internal politics, nor will it be a decision making body for the alliance. This guild is not meant to be any sort of a committee. Its only duty is to push the accept or kick button when the need arises.
Although I have no objection to a rotating GL scheme. I really don't see the need fot it.
There is just no better way, within the GW in-game system, to achieve what I believe to be the ultimate alliance experience (fox did a good job explaining) - blurring the line between alliance and guilds.
The place holder guild can give the impression that everyone is in the same guild and promotes unity.
Where unscrupulous Guilds are concerned, the meta guild would be so ephemeral and lacking in investment that if one guild formed an unwanted power block, then the rest could simply split away and reform. In the process they would lose nothing but the alliance name and the offending guild.