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(Posted on Civfanatics, and reposted here, at the advice of vmxa)

Sorry, I recently got my hands on a PS3 and have been dazzled by the sparkly graphics. I find myself drawn back to the 'greatest' game of all time, because there was something lacking. Until age of Conan comes out, or Spore, I'm gonna be here from now on. (need a new computer to play either one anyway).

Anyway, I see there haven't been any recent OSG games. I've always been partial to the Meks, who I believe, in the hands of the player, are the best race. I haven't formed any concrete ideas yet; cause I haven't been able to work out differences with the past games with Darloks, but I think a Mek game with espionage would be a ton of fun.

They are excellent in comps, and combined with their factory bonus should allow them to, with only computer funding (given the few caveats I'm sure I'm missing) present a decent spy challenge. They'd need minimal propulsion, and I'd imagine a minimal tech level (say 5 or 10) to be the 'cut off.' If there are more limiters I don't realize, let me know.

As such, I propose a robospy game, with (let's say) no techs above level 5 or 10 (besides computer tech) being funded by the govt. Besides tech limiters, I also propose this be done in a medium galaxy with only 3 other opponents, to keep it interesting. As for difficulty, I'm open to anything really. The only thing I'm suggestiing, for the variant, would be that you can't gropo a non rebelling alien world. As far as I know, you don't get tech from a rebelling world, and if you do, then you already had them rebelling right?! Also, you can always use those nifty bombs they made to devestate them, then take over. I'm open to all suggestions, and comments, and hope that everyone at least considers how to make it a better variant.

The Meklar (or Darlok) spying-only variant is tried and true; I wouldn't mind a go at it. As far as scenario caveats, here is what I would recommend:

*Tech level 10 should be fine. That allows for Range 6, a decent chance at improved missiles for bases, maybe fusion bombs for retaliation, and the first few hostile world techs.

*I would modify the gropo rule to allow for the invasion of alien races we have pilfered all available tech from. This will make out eventual conquest of the galaxy less tedious.

*I'm hesitant on the reduced opponents. My fears are that it will make the game too easy, and therefore reduce the role of spying. The weakness of the Meklar is their slower growth curve. Once they get all those factories online they are indeed a force to be reckoned with, but that means they are vulnerable early when all of those BC are going to factories instead of military/tech. An isolated start eliminates this threat, and could make this a cake-walk.

"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
"It is not the fall that kills you. it's the sudden stop at the end." -- D. Adams
"Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?" -- Calvin
"Very funny, Scotty, now beam back my clothes!!"

I'd agree with a tech level 10 cutoff for all but comps. Let's you get those other techs you need to expand before you run into anyone. By around level 10, you should be running into the other races, and be able to start spying.

I should be able to participate in this one, things are a bit calmer in my research now.

Sounds good then. Having all opponents is fine with me. I've never played the spy game with meks, this should definitely be fun. We just need to get a roster ready, and start up a game. I reccomend waiting a few days, to see who checks in.

If you guys need an extra I might be able to help... getting kinda busy just now though.

Well, looks like we have a roster then. In no particular order, Olorin, dathon, myself, and Zed. I won't be able to do anything til sunday, so if one of you gets the time to roll up a game, and start us off, go for it. Otherwise, I'll be setting it up around 3 eastern on sunday. Just for clarity:

1. No research beyond level 10 in anhy field, besides computer tech.
2 Can not gropo any worlds (I decided with rebelion, we'd just cause one THEN invade.) Exception for any race, we have full tech for, as they are clearly useless and inferior to us smile
3. Medium (or large) full opponents, we're meks, and I think we can handle impossible. No new peeps around.

If you guys want a fifth I'd be happy to join

IamI3rian Wrote:Well, looks like we have a roster then. In no particular order, Olorin, dathon, myself, and Zed. I won't be able to do anything til sunday, so if one of you gets the time to roll up a game, and start us off, go for it. Otherwise, I'll be setting it up around 3 eastern on sunday. Just for clarity:

1. No research beyond level 10 in anhy field, besides computer tech.
2 Can not gropo any worlds (I decided with rebelion, we'd just cause one THEN invade.) Exception for any race, we have full tech for, as they are clearly useless and inferior to us smile
3. Medium (or large) full opponents, we're meks, and I think we can handle impossible. No new peeps around.

So, did you mean Sunday the 19th, or the 26th?

Do you need someone else to start us off, or is it in the works?

I might have some time this Saturday to work on it, so if you or anyone else wants to kick us off before then, please do.


Okay, so I didn't have any time today.

Anyone else want to start?

Sorry, some people quit at work, so I've been pretty much working round the clock. That's the bad news, the good news is I'm off for a week straight now; so I can start us off, sorry about the delay. It's gonna have to be later tonight though, because I'm going to watch the encore of summer slam (cable was out, so I missed it the first time) and RAW after that. Yeah I know I'm a big dork.

Nonetheless, I'll have the game up and running around 12:00 eastern I figure, cause I'll be starting around 11.


Edit: Well, turns out my cable is still being ridiculous, as I can't seem to upload anything. I'll get the turns up as soon as possible.

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