[SIZE="7"]Turn 21[/SIZE]
So, here are those ugly yellow borders I spotted last turn:
![[Image: HeyCommodore.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/HeyCommodore.png)
(The squares marked 'X' are ones I uncovered this turn and had to fill in for my WB save).
At any rate, he's really close by:
![[Image: TheDistance.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/TheDistance.png)
The jungle should dissuade him from pursuing an offensive action against me. After I move my warrior up to his borders next turn, I'm going to send Kaiden Alenko away; hopefully Commmdore will take it as the sign of good will I intend it as. While he's quite some distance away from the stone and my planned highway, he could still crank out a couple chariots and screw with me. Provided I do land the pyramids, I wonder what course of action Commodore will take. He has a history of attacking the holders of the Pyramids, so I can't help but worry that he'll try it again here. We'll see what happens, but I'm going to do my best to be prepared for that eventuality.
However, in settling my stone city, I'm more concerned about my neighbor to east, who I have yet to meet. While the stone is in a bit of a contested area between me and Commodore, I'm betting it's right in the middle between my and my eastern neighbor. Whenever I do meet them, I'm going to try and butter them up as much as possible and stay on good terms. Here's hoping it's not Mistaphracts, though Gaspelium would be just about as bad. If I'm lucky it'll be Yuris.
I originally envisioned my Stone City as a throwaway location, but this turn I revealed more of the tiles around it, and....
![[Image: CornCows.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/CornCows.png)
Holy Food Resources Batman!
That's a pretty strong city spot - especially for a location purely designed to hook up stone for the pyramids. Just look at all that production potential! I need to consider using an artist bomb here to lock it down ASAP.
You might notice the horses in the picture, one of two which appeared after I researched Animal Husbandry last turn. I certainly hope they're not intended for someone else. 'My' source is pretty far to the west.
![[Image: MoreHorses.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/MoreHorses.png)
It looks like Plako and Novice conspired to put the kibosh on early chariots by putting horses a fair distance from the starts. That is nothing but good news for me, Chariots would really screw with my Pyramids play.
On the home front, I whipped The Citadel a couple turns ago for a settler, and founded the city of Thessia this turn:
![[Image: Thessia.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/Thessia.png)
I managed to make unworkable a clam 1N of the mountain with it's founding. However, more long-term food potential wasn't worth destroying the city as the short-term worker producing plant it was designed as. I'm first to a second city btw, though I expect Izzy of China isn't too far behind.
The city is working the cows, which I will have improved in a couple more turns. First build is a warrior, followed by two more, then workers.
I funneled the whip overflow from the settler into a worker, but stupidly forgot to change the city to building a warrior this turn
That may end up costing me a couple hammers in the future. I have yet to sim out the consequences of my error.
I was divided for awhile on whether to go Pottery or Mysticism next, ultimately deciding on Mysticism. I'm not going to be sinking any hammers in granaries for awhile, and would like to make a play for one of the three early religions. It'll also give me double pre-reqs on Masonry when I research it.
So, that's where things stand as of Turn 21:
![[Image: TheHomeland.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/TheHomeland.png)
Lastly, for Shoot:
![[Image: MyResources.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/MyResources.png)
I remembered to turn the Resource Icons on :neenernee
I've marked all my preliminary city locations. Any input on my current dotmap would be welcome
Lastly, for any curious souls out there, I've attached the latest WB save.
End Turn.
So, here are those ugly yellow borders I spotted last turn:
![[Image: HeyCommodore.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/HeyCommodore.png)
(The squares marked 'X' are ones I uncovered this turn and had to fill in for my WB save).
At any rate, he's really close by:
![[Image: TheDistance.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/TheDistance.png)
The jungle should dissuade him from pursuing an offensive action against me. After I move my warrior up to his borders next turn, I'm going to send Kaiden Alenko away; hopefully Commmdore will take it as the sign of good will I intend it as. While he's quite some distance away from the stone and my planned highway, he could still crank out a couple chariots and screw with me. Provided I do land the pyramids, I wonder what course of action Commodore will take. He has a history of attacking the holders of the Pyramids, so I can't help but worry that he'll try it again here. We'll see what happens, but I'm going to do my best to be prepared for that eventuality.
However, in settling my stone city, I'm more concerned about my neighbor to east, who I have yet to meet. While the stone is in a bit of a contested area between me and Commodore, I'm betting it's right in the middle between my and my eastern neighbor. Whenever I do meet them, I'm going to try and butter them up as much as possible and stay on good terms. Here's hoping it's not Mistaphracts, though Gaspelium would be just about as bad. If I'm lucky it'll be Yuris.
I originally envisioned my Stone City as a throwaway location, but this turn I revealed more of the tiles around it, and....
![[Image: CornCows.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/CornCows.png)
Holy Food Resources Batman!
That's a pretty strong city spot - especially for a location purely designed to hook up stone for the pyramids. Just look at all that production potential! I need to consider using an artist bomb here to lock it down ASAP.
You might notice the horses in the picture, one of two which appeared after I researched Animal Husbandry last turn. I certainly hope they're not intended for someone else. 'My' source is pretty far to the west.
![[Image: MoreHorses.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/MoreHorses.png)
It looks like Plako and Novice conspired to put the kibosh on early chariots by putting horses a fair distance from the starts. That is nothing but good news for me, Chariots would really screw with my Pyramids play.
On the home front, I whipped The Citadel a couple turns ago for a settler, and founded the city of Thessia this turn:
![[Image: Thessia.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/Thessia.png)
I managed to make unworkable a clam 1N of the mountain with it's founding. However, more long-term food potential wasn't worth destroying the city as the short-term worker producing plant it was designed as. I'm first to a second city btw, though I expect Izzy of China isn't too far behind.
The city is working the cows, which I will have improved in a couple more turns. First build is a warrior, followed by two more, then workers.
I funneled the whip overflow from the settler into a worker, but stupidly forgot to change the city to building a warrior this turn

I was divided for awhile on whether to go Pottery or Mysticism next, ultimately deciding on Mysticism. I'm not going to be sinking any hammers in granaries for awhile, and would like to make a play for one of the three early religions. It'll also give me double pre-reqs on Masonry when I research it.
So, that's where things stand as of Turn 21:
![[Image: TheHomeland.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/TheHomeland.png)
Lastly, for Shoot:
![[Image: MyResources.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/MyResources.png)
I remembered to turn the Resource Icons on :neenernee
I've marked all my preliminary city locations. Any input on my current dotmap would be welcome

Lastly, for any curious souls out there, I've attached the latest WB save.
End Turn.