This is based on a GvG build played by Tele Baal in tournaments on Imperial/Burning, where splitting is difficult. It could also be appropriate for Hero's Ascent with some changes.
Two Hammer Wars : Warrior's Endurance, Protector's Strike, Bull's Strike, Mystic Sweep, Wild Blow, Hammer Bash, Crushing Blow, Res Sig
Mo/Me Smite Bonder: Auspicious Incantation, Balthazar's Aura, Strength of Honor, Judges' Insight, Signet of Removal, Mantra of Inscriptions, Leech Signet, Res SIg
P/Me Para: Godspeed, Go for the Eyes, Crippling Anthem, Spear of Lightning, Mirror of Disenchantment, Wild Throw, Agressive Refrain, Signet of Return
E/Mo Icy Shackles with wards
LoD + RC monks
For the flagger, probably sub in the obligatory Savannah Heat for HA.
This build attempts to take advantage of some of the most recent skills update. The Smite Bonder is an interesting new template that's been popping up in different places thanks to the Strength of Honor buff. The bonder maintains this on the two warriors, uses other smite skills when possible, and spams signet of removal to clean off hexes and conditions. The enchanted warriors get their run boost from the paragon's Godspeed, keep enemies crippled with Crippling Anthem, and dish out pure pressure with 3/4th second attacks on big hammers powered by the new Warrior's Endurance. A very different but demonstrably effective build.
Two Hammer Wars : Warrior's Endurance, Protector's Strike, Bull's Strike, Mystic Sweep, Wild Blow, Hammer Bash, Crushing Blow, Res Sig
Mo/Me Smite Bonder: Auspicious Incantation, Balthazar's Aura, Strength of Honor, Judges' Insight, Signet of Removal, Mantra of Inscriptions, Leech Signet, Res SIg
P/Me Para: Godspeed, Go for the Eyes, Crippling Anthem, Spear of Lightning, Mirror of Disenchantment, Wild Throw, Agressive Refrain, Signet of Return
E/Mo Icy Shackles with wards
LoD + RC monks
For the flagger, probably sub in the obligatory Savannah Heat for HA.
This build attempts to take advantage of some of the most recent skills update. The Smite Bonder is an interesting new template that's been popping up in different places thanks to the Strength of Honor buff. The bonder maintains this on the two warriors, uses other smite skills when possible, and spams signet of removal to clean off hexes and conditions. The enchanted warriors get their run boost from the paragon's Godspeed, keep enemies crippled with Crippling Anthem, and dish out pure pressure with 3/4th second attacks on big hammers powered by the new Warrior's Endurance. A very different but demonstrably effective build.