Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Cheesy HA Ideas

This is based on a GvG build played by Tele Baal in tournaments on Imperial/Burning, where splitting is difficult. It could also be appropriate for Hero's Ascent with some changes.

Two Hammer Wars : Warrior's Endurance, Protector's Strike, Bull's Strike, Mystic Sweep, Wild Blow, Hammer Bash, Crushing Blow, Res Sig

Mo/Me Smite Bonder: Auspicious Incantation, Balthazar's Aura, Strength of Honor, Judges' Insight, Signet of Removal, Mantra of Inscriptions, Leech Signet, Res SIg

P/Me Para: Godspeed, Go for the Eyes, Crippling Anthem, Spear of Lightning, Mirror of Disenchantment, Wild Throw, Agressive Refrain, Signet of Return

E/Mo Icy Shackles with wards

LoD + RC monks

For the flagger, probably sub in the obligatory Savannah Heat for HA.

This build attempts to take advantage of some of the most recent skills update. The Smite Bonder is an interesting new template that's been popping up in different places thanks to the Strength of Honor buff. The bonder maintains this on the two warriors, uses other smite skills when possible, and spams signet of removal to clean off hexes and conditions. The enchanted warriors get their run boost from the paragon's Godspeed, keep enemies crippled with Crippling Anthem, and dish out pure pressure with 3/4th second attacks on big hammers powered by the new Warrior's Endurance. A very different but demonstrably effective build.

This is the "new age" ritspike some good teams are running in tombs. I'm also looking to dig up the "classic" variety, but anyway. In this one, the idea is the N/A snares and KDs someone inside a ton of spirit rifts, then removes all the victim's protective enchantments just before they all go off along with ancestor's rage. The damage is too high to be infused through. It takes some coordination and timing to pull off though. Still a missing skill or two I'm working on.

N/A Deadly Paradox, Shadow Prison, Augury of Death, Iron Palm, Siphon Speed, Rend Enchantments, Gaze of Contempt, Disrupting Dagger

Rt/Mo Spirit Rift, Ancestor's Rage, Offering of Spirit, Spirit Bond, Shielding Hands, Shield of Absorption, Holy Veil, Res Sig

Rt/Me Spirit Rift, Ancestors's Rage, Mend Body & Soul, Spirit Light, Channeling, Destruction, Expel Hexes, Res Sig

Rt/P Spirit Rift, Ancestor's Rage, Offering of Spirit, Mend Body & Soul, Spirit Light, Weapon of Warding, Recuperation, Song of Concentration

Rt/D Spirit Rift, Ancestor's Rage, Offering of Spirit, Mend Body & Soul, Recovery, Spirit Transfer, Pious Haste, Res Sig

Rt/D Spirit Rift, Ancestor's Rage, Offering of Spirit, Vital Weapon, Shelter, Union, Pious Haste, Res Sig

Rt/E Spirit Rift, Ancestor's Rage, Glyph of Lesser Energy, Water Trident, Ward vs Foes, Ward of Stability, Ward vs Melee, Res Sig

N/Mo Healer's Boon, Heal Other, Jamei's Gaze, Healing Seed, Heal Party, Heal Area, Infuse Health, Res Chant

Saw this tonight in HoH. Was kinda interesting to watch.

8 paras. 2 seemed to be the standard zergway paras (sop and sor). Others were:
P/E w/Water Trident
P/Mo w/Cautery Sig
P/N w/Crippling
P/N w/Anthem of Guidance
P/Me w/Expel
P/W w/Angelic Bond

The offensive ones all had vicious and spear of lightning, mix in a bunch of shouts from "Brace Yourself!" to "Watch Yourself!" and even Energizing Finale (normally a garbage skill, but with 8 chars throwing shouts around it might be decent). Downside: aside from paragon armor being 80al (+shields and centurian's putting it over 100), they didn't really have any defense. Cautery Sig is kinda useless for condition removal, though I suppose it's just there as a backup to SoP.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Assassin casters. Apparently more than just a joke now. Rather than try and explain the whole thing myself, I'll just link to the AB post about it:

Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

I ran with HRK last night to grind out that last bit of fame needed for bambi and had a great time. The build we used to rather good success last night was a modified heroway and wound up as:
2 thumpers
tainted death necro
curses necro
2 n/rt healers
sod bonder

We originally had a savannah heat ele in place of the bonder, but decided the added defense was more important so I changed from n/rt to bonder. It was one of the most oddball builds of all time, but it worked. The death necro was always a hero and, after we lost the other pug curses nec, that was a hero too. I'm thinking this could be a good easy build to run with the alliance for those meetings since it doesn't require too much in the way of "advanced tactics."
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

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