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Planetfall SG1

Would folks be interested in a planetfall SG? I'd like to try out one of the primary factions not being played in PBEM1 (Morgan, Santiago).

  • Sareln
  • BobChillingworth
  • Mardoc
  • Pindicator
  • Yuris125
  • HidingKneel

Game Options (Defaults, Picked):
  • Faction? (Spartans, Morganites)
    • (4) Spartans: Bob, Sareln, Yuris125, Pindicator
    • (2) Morganites: Mardoc, HidingKneel
  • Difficulty? (Immortal, Emperor)
    • (4) Immortal: Bob, Sareln, Pindicator, HidingKneel
    • (1) Emperor: Yuris125
  • Gamespeed? (Quick, Normal)
    • (2) Quick: Bob, Pindicator
    • (4) Normal: Yuris125, Mardoc, HidingKneel, Sareln
  • Expansion Factions? (Yes, No)
    • (6) Yes: Bob, Sareln, Yuris125, Pindicator, Mardoc, HidingKneel
    • (0) No:
  • Tech Trading? (Yes, No)
    • (5) Yes: Bob, Sareln, Yuris125, Pindicator, Mardoc
    • (1) No: HidingKneel
  • Tech Brokering? (Yes, No)
    • (1) Yes: Yuris125
    • (5) No: Bob, Sareln, Pindicator, Mardoc, HidingKneel
  • Base Razing? (Yes, No)
    • (1) Yes: Bob
    • (5) No: Sareln, Yuris125, Pindicator, Mardoc, HidingKneel
  • Protectorates? (Yes, No)
    • (4) Yes: Yuris125, Pindicator, Mardoc, HidingKneel
    • (1) No: Sareln
  • Scattered Landing Pods? (Yes, No)
    • (2) Yes: Bob, Mardoc
    • (4) No: Yuris125, Pindicator, HidingKneel, Sareln
  • Unity Pods? (Yes, No)
    • (4) Yes: Sareln, Yuris125, Pindicator, Mardoc
    • (1) No: HidingKneel
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Ooh, that sounds like fun. I'm in.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


I've installed the mod and felt completely lost the few times I've played, so I'm on board!
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

pindicator Wrote:I've installed the mod and felt completely lost the few times I've played, so I'm on board!

One more or should we roll with 4?
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Sareln Wrote:Game Options:
  • Faction?
  • Difficulty?
  • Gamespeed?
  • Expansion Factions?
  • Tech Trading?
  • Tech Brokering?
  • Base Razing?
  • Protectorates?

I'm inclined toward the defaults for all the options, except probably turn tech trading off. Which I think is expansion factions on, base razing off. Just because they're defaults, really.

Faction: I think I'd vote Morgan. And difficulty...given I've got no clue, I wouldn't want to push it too high. Maybe Monarch or so?

Sareln Wrote:One more or should we roll with 4?

I'm fine with either, but we're less than 2 hours into the thread! Maybe give a chance for someone who wasn't hanging around the forum to join lol
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


I'll play. Any settings, any anything smile but I only just installed the mod and have very little idea what's going on smile

yuris125 Wrote:I'll play. Any settings, any anything smile but I only just installed the mod and have very little idea what's going on smile

That's okay, welcome to the club of the not knowing anything... smile
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

I'll join if you're not already full. I'm pretty much at the know-nothing level (completed about half a game).

As for settings, I'd vote to turn tech-trading and pods off, and the rest to default.

My preferences:

Faction? I support Santiago - PBEM isn't using her, and her bonuses lead to a more war-oriented instead of builder game, which is more fun. Also Morgan's -10% military production penalty is crippling in the early game, due to how Civ handles rounding.

Difficulty? HAS to be Immortal. Trust me on this. I have started a handful of games now, and the AI is like the FFH AI, you really have to jack up the difficulty to get any sort of challenge. Anything less than Immortal, they'll stagnate with a small collection of tiny cities and never develop.

Gamespeed? Quick

Expansion Factions? Sure, otherwise maps can be awfully empty.

Tech Trading? No, the game itself warns you not to use it.

Tech Brokering? Yes, the AI needs it.

Base Razing? Yes

Protectorates? Could go either way. Makes conquest faster, but the Expansion Factions have a nasty habit of vassalizing to the nearest AI as soon as they spawn.

Scattered Landing Pods? Yes, otherwise the game will be over around turn 70.

Edit: Also, Pods are really fun, although I may be slightly biased :D

I think six is definitely enough. If the rest of everyone votes, we can get started sooner rather than later.

Edit: Also, Bob, how the heck can tech trading be off and tech brokering be on? Isn't brokering a subset of trading?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


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