Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Where do we go from here?

Hey guys,

One subject that we always keep dancing around, but never really address, is that of where we want the RB guild to "go." Right now, there are over 90 names on the roster, but probably only 25 of those belong to active players. It's a common lament that it's hard to find a guildie to game with - and that's not just because of GW's instancing technology, or that we're all anti-social. rolleye Any way you slice it, the active guild is getting smaller - longstanding RBers are going inactive to pursue other interests (not that there's anything wrong with that!), and we're not getting any new blood in. I think we'd all agree that doesn't bode too well for the guild in the long run. The question is, what to do about it? How can we better identify GW players who have an gaming philosophy that meshes with ours and lure them here?

Also, do we want to guild to adopt some goal(s)? Control a Factions town? Hold HoH, even if only once? Get all of our members to be Kind of a Big Deal, or People Know Me (insert whatever title you want here)?

Ideas? Thoughts? Comments? Insults?

Let's open the floor for discussion.

Variants. That's the RB way and I think it's something we need to start pushing. I'm not saying that we try and run 3-4 team variants per week, but we should do something. We still have the cutenews thingamajig for the website, so maybe we should encourage people to do their own personal variant writeups, like I (with Hawk as well) did for LoL and nudist. I think if we described ourselves as a community of people seeking new ways to play the game that don't rely on the default methods everyone seems to believe in, we'd be on the right track. Might want to condense that a bit, but you get the idea.

As to the members list, I know this might sound a bit callous, but I think we should consider a kick after so long of inactivity policy. Most guilds I've seen advertised say they kick after 2 weeks of inactivity but that really won't work for us. Also, we've got some long time members of the board community that should probably not be kicked. I just think it's time that some of the people who never joined the board community and haven't been around for a while (or wouldn't even talk to us when they were around) be removed so that people joining the guild won't have to look at a roster that has more inactives than actives. Now, where the cutoff point would be, I don't know. Anyways, that's my opinion on that.

The only other thing I have to say right now is that I think we should have a somewhat more formal relationship with Amazon Basin for our PvP. It's pretty obvious we only have 3-4 people left in the guild with enough interest so there's really no point in trying to run GvG when we can't field a team that would have a majority of its players come from us.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

Can we "break" tradition and run something not on tuesday for a while? I'd love to join you guys but my tuesdays are usually killer. That and my hard drive needs replacing at the moment. [Image: rolleye.gif]

As variants are something so unique to us, some "KISS" ones could go a way to bringing people outside the guild along for the ride and having a good frolicking time.

For the next while at least I am on banker hours working 9 to 5 So I will be available almost anytime that normal people enjoy.

Maybe more on where we want RBGW to go later...


FoxBat Wrote:Can we "break" tradition and run something not on tuesday for a while?
I think that's getting ahead of the situation. The question right now is what those of us that are left want to do with what's left. In any case, I don't think there are enough people around that are even interested in trying a team variant.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

FoxBat Wrote:Can we "break" tradition and run something not on tuesday for a while?
YES! 8)


Personally, I always found new blood by playing--and playing with pubbies no less!

The idea we do variants and--more importantly, write about them! generates interest. It is probably our own fanaticism that drives us--best displayed when we bring it back to community in various forms of content.

Personally, I like hearing about the various builds and crazy quests guildmates do. Half the fun is in sharing.

Just what the heck have you guys been doing in NF and EotN?

FoxBat Wrote:Can we "break" tradition and run something not on tuesday for a while?

I'll do almost anything as long as I have the time and its with people and we don't take hours to setup leaving us with 1 hour to play. That's why I try to play with Hawk on Saturdays. We take some time preping, but for the most part just go and play through the game.
If you believe everything you read, better not read.

Drasca Wrote:Just what the heck have you guys been doing in NF and EotN?

Err... I test... therefore I am...? eek

BTW I dragged MrBozack through some Hard Mode stuff in Dalada Uplands. He wasn't used to Hard Mode, which made life really interesting with his penchant for squishie Necro's, but I'll say this of dual-class whopper-level Charr: Ouch. These things are fun! 8)

Drasca Wrote:Half the fun is in sharing.
Unfortunately, it's hard enough getting people to use the forums... oh wait, you mean us, too.

Well, here's an idea, maybe we start a RB wiki as a place to share variants and character stories.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.

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