In non "joyous celebration that the ending of my favorite video game series is no longer awful" news, we'll be back to our regularly scheduled programming sometime later today after I get t59. However, he are the bullet points:
- I settled Irune (named for the Volus homeworld, the species who, fittingly, stabilized the galactic economy in the ME Universe).
- My economy is still shit, but I'm about to finish Writing so it won't be for too much longer.
- I'm considering chopping out the Great Wall in Irune, and will definitely be chopping out the Apostolic Palace in Sur'Kesh.
- Commodore settled the city of Riffington towards me, and is probing towards Thessia (and screening Kaiden Alenko away) with a chariot menacingly named Vimire.
- Yuris nabbed Currency, and finally settled a city that is not backfill. We're now tied for last place in city count.
- Gaspar and Mistabod are both now at 7 cities, and Mistabod settled the grassland hill on the flood plains southeast of Palaven.
- I noticed in the diplo screen, Commodore declared war on Gaspar at some point.
- I now have two granaries, vs. the zero I had a few turns ago.
- Judaism still has not fallen

- I have lots of good land to bacfill to the south on a long peninsula, including an awesome Moai location.
The biggest news, however, is the settling of the Byzantine city of Bravery. There's now way around this now, Mistabod and I will be going to war. Why?
Welp, the BFCs of the city do not overlap. However, the BFC's of both of our cities do control the tile needed to one-move the opposing city with 2-movers. Now, let's say I'm the guy with Cataphracts, and I'm looking for an easy target once I get my OP UU online. I would definitely hit the pink dot city, especially considering how lush it is. The aspect that makes things even worse is that I'm expecting to pop a religion in the city. I really need to secure a third ring border to get enough warning of incoming attacks on the city. However, that will definitely prompt a war declaration from them at some point.
So, meh, I feel as though I'm damned if I do, and I'm damned if I don't. Either way, as a result of my Pink Dot, I'm the one who get's phracted. Opportunity cost of claiming the stone I suppose. Though I feel like claiming it and landing it was the only way for me to be competitive this game, they have FIN to go cry to....
I wouldn't be terribly surprised if they want to go for an earlier attack. Mist has a history of liking early, despoiling attacks, and they may decide to crank out a horde of chariots and HAs to invade. Without a way for them to get visibility on the city, they can't know that I have walls already and a sturdy garrison.
So, for now, I'm going to be friendly to them any way I possibly can, while watching the power graph like a hawk for any indication of a build-up. I'm going to complete that spear in Palaven sooner rather than later, get a spear in Irune ASAP to cover my southern flank, and try to get a third spear in the city after the worker and granary complete. That should be enough to hold off any early aggression, unless they go all out. With any luck, Yuri will do something to make himself a more obvious target in the meantime before they reach guilds, and I can peacefully coexist with the two of them.
Ironic that the civ I characterized as the Reapers is now very likely to attack me at some point.

Always a hazard of starting next to Byzantium. I can say this though, I'm not dying to phracts. If they do decide to come after me, it will be a battle to the death, winning be damned.