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Realms Beyond Guild banner patterns!

I can see the pics now, too.

Oof, did they take out the sunrise background? If that first pic shows our banner as it is now, they CHANGED the background. I don't like the sun at the top, and it's brighter, too. :mad:

I love dragons. I don't like any of THESE dragons, though. With all due respect, the one Hawk prefers looks like a dodo bird to me. I'm getting flashbacks from that episode of original series Star Trek that they produced as a Halloween special, where those dodo-bird like aliens... Well, if you are a fan, you'll know what I'm talking about. crazyeye

I don't like the dark blue background, either, because... it's too dark. All that is going to show up is the emblem, and NONE of these emblems are good enough in my book to deserve that kind of pedestel. Plus at a distance, which is how I'll mostly be viewing them, it will just be a blur.

I'd prefer a bright color. Problem with that is, when I messed with the colors myself, I didn't find many bright options. Pastel != bright. smoke

There are really only three options in terms of brightness:

A. Dark color, bright emblem.
B. Bright color, dark emblem.
C. Bright color, brighter emblem.

Option A sucks because the emblems suck. Option B isn't much better. I went with Option C originally because I found an emblem that would work with it, and then I chose a bright color.

I'm one of those people who loathes fanciness at the expense of visibility and functionality. When I installed WinXP, my first pitstop was Internet Explorer to disable ALL of the stupid gadgets that slow performance and hurt visibility.

Substance over style, please.

With the cape shapes, the only viable looking ones for me are C and F. All those pointy ones -- A, B, D, G -- those are "ornamental armor" if you catch my drift. Those points wouldn't last in the field. Too flimsy. The torn look of D or "I" seem interesting at first glance, but when you realize that we will ALL be sporting the exact same pattern of wear and tear, all it's going to do for me is remind me of how the game is programmed. That is the LAST thing you want to do to me, because it is the first thing that will begin to grate on my nerves and put me into ever-more-sour frames of mind. Once you start me down that path, my mind will be going on that path, and I'll pick up on all sorts of other frayed ends and pieces in the game code. Very bad mojo. The squared cape end that Hawk likes... Cloth doesn't do right angles very well. Need stitching on the end, and the more "circumference" on the stitching, the more likely the thing will unravel.

C and F are the only sensible shapes for adventurers. In my view. And of those two, I prefer F.

So here are my votes:

Emblem: Crossed Swords. (Least of the evils we're forced to choose from).
Cape shape: F
Background: Anything that doesn't overlap the emblem with white. 24 would be OK, for example.

Main color: Bright
Emblem color: Brighter (white, probably)

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Not sure where I read this (I could be making this up) there mabe more choices at release. I doubt they are going to change the color chooser interface tho.

There is always this one last option left, and I will bet some of us would like that, if only for a compromise - Solid Color.

Use the same color on all options would get you that. I wouldn't mind a romantic White cape, or be dressed formally (or stealthy depends how you look at it) in Black smile


I agree, Sirian, that the dragon choices they offered were woeful - I'd really like an imposing red-and-gold scaled Oriental dragon. But oh well.

Solid color has potential - I kind of like the pure white cloak idea. It would certainly have the virtue of visibility.

One can get pretty bright colors through their color picker - we could easily achieve a Lemon Yellow or Honeydew Green. wink

Or we could do a white background with dark emblem and choose one of the patterns that doesn't overlap the emblem in some bright color. For instance, white cape/black swords/yellow flames. It would still provide enough visibility, along with a bit of visual contrast. I just hope that Sirian won't let the fact that in real life white cloaks would rapidly become stained destroy his enjoyment of the entire game. wink

Actually, a lot of the emblems - especially the dragons - remind me of my childhood as they are the exact same emblems that my castle lego figurines wore on their sheilds and their shirts. And since lego is infinately cool, I don't really mind them =).

Quote:I just hope that Sirian won't let the fact that in real life white cloaks would rapidly become stained destroy his enjoyment of the entire game.

No worries! I can buy some White Dye every now and then to "bleach" my cloak of its stains. lol

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

LoL lol

Not so subtle change of you sig. And I don't usually look/read sigs


I somewhat do not have a preference. If everyone (or most) was okay with a design, that would be fine with me.

But that's probably not the case.

So, I feel it should be something universal. Dragons (to use as an example) are great, but to me they're not universal; they're somewhat limited in that aspect. It's not that most (if not all) would not recognize the dragon and what it is, but that we are only being represented by the dragon (and what the viewer might think it entails).

But I suppose this view can be appointed to almost any picture.

So this goes for most objects. Swords? (Or is that crossed swords?) Sure. They might show some symbolism, such as honor, might, or something else depending on the person, but I don't prefer them as a banner.

However, I do sort of like being represented by a creature, such as the aforementioned dragon. (This goes with my whole animal love theme.)

Okay, enough babbling. Out of the pictures listed (it would be great if we could submit our own), I choose:

1st: third row, third column
2nd: second row, third column
3rd: second row, last column

I am being a bit biased with my second choice. It might look to some like frost, and I like that association.

Banner styles...

1st: I
2nd: D
3rd: G

I like the first two most for they seem to show a damaged exterior. Perhaps it implies the battles and such RBD members experienced.

Detail patterns...

1st: 31
2nd: 21
3rd: 12

I would rather not have any, which is why 31 is at the top. It does sort of look neat engulfed in flame (12).

As I first stated, it somewhat doesn't matter. I just want to have good times with the RBDers (and others).

How about them apples? They say they do not fall far from the tree, and that one can spoil the whole bunch. Well I say we may not all be rotten, but we are all spoiled.
degrak youtube

Okay, here are the prime contenders, at least for now.

First, let me explain how I scored the votes. People voted for up to 3 cape styles, so I assigned their first choice 3 points, the second 2, and the third 1 point. Then I just added up the points (after factoring in my own votes of course!). People voted for up to 4 patterns, so the first choice got 4 points, etc.

Two styles are tied, D and F (with 10 points apiece):
[Image: styleFinalists.png]

One pattern, 12, was the clear winner, with 14 points (the closest runner up only had half that):
[Image: patternFinal.png]

The emblem was more problematic. Here are the emblems that got at least 2 mentions (again, adding in my own votes):
[Image: designsFinalists.png]

Should we now have a runoff election? The other option is that I can try to grab some screenies of how these combinations would actually look during the next beta weekend, and we could then vote on those. That is assuming that all the beta characters haven't been reset to level 1, in which case I probably wouldn't be able to get to a Guild Registrar during the time I have to play. I'll try using both white and black backgrounds, with appropriately contrasty colors for the designs.

Comments would be appreciated!


I'm quite willing to make a run for the guild registar if we start somewhere non-lyons next weekend to help you get screenies.

Might be best to find out what it looks like patterned then pick from there. Just solid white with solid black pattern would help alot in figuring out what we like/dislike about the emblems.

I imagine the color choices will be more problematic to figure out.


My preferences:

Emblem: no particular order
row 3, column 5 (level up sign)
row 8, column 1 (two-headed eagle?)
row 8, column 3 (hammer)
row 8, column 7 (crossed swords)

Banner style:

Banner pattern:
- SoulEdge -
"*burp* too many pots, I need to pee..."

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