October 21st, 2007, 14:47
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Hey everyone,
Here's the list of current guild members who have been inactive for a long period of time:
Inactive for 2 years:
Ash Ock
Cheesus Christ
Cryptic Mage
Lochnar Truflight
Inactive for 1 year:
Ashen Vondara
Buck Fush
Enlil Essix
Isabella Rosenvale
Kandrathe Del Gato
Kaos Ashura
Lurker Fridge
Meverah Shadowreign
Night Shong
Zedf Factiona
I propose to streamline the guild roster a bit (just a bit) by kicking those names. Please let me know if there are any that I shouldn't kick, and why - it's got to be a reason more concrete than, "I just don't think we should kick anyone." The large inactive portion of our roster is not one of our better features, and not something that will look good to any new recruits!
I'll wait a week before kicking anyone, to give enough time to respond.
There. I'm doing my den-motherly duty by housecleaning.
October 21st, 2007, 15:07
(This post was last modified: October 21st, 2007, 15:18 by Lurker Wyrm.)
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This might make your decision a bit easier, but I'm pretty sure Zedf Factiona and Isabella Rosenvale are only temp accounts.
Enlil Essix is a friend of mine from my Diablo 2 days way back, but he never really got interested in GW. I still chat with him every now and then so if he does ever want to come back I can reinvite him.
I know Lurker Frig is, well, Refrigerator, mostly known from the LL, so perhaps someone can contact him and possibly others from the list (if possible) to see if they have any intention of returning.
Alea Jacta Est - Caesar
I live my life by Murphy's Law.
October 21st, 2007, 15:11
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Quote:The large inactive portion of our roster is not one of our better features, and not something that will look good to any new recruits!
That never occurred to me as a reason to kick or not to kick inactives. I mean if we want to look good that way, kick all those absent for a month without dropping a LoA note on the forum, like most other guilds.
I usually drop officers to members when they hit 3 months inactive. I kept all inactives for a reason but it's no big deal
A few from the list are RBers and a few more are cross dressers (Lurker/RBer). If we are going to clean house - Just kick all over 1 year, or 6 months.
October 21st, 2007, 15:21
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Some of the names are funny.
October 21st, 2007, 23:41
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Hawkmoon Wrote:Please let me know if there are any that I shouldn't kick, and why To be honest, I think that if we know of people we'd like to hang on to we can always add them to friends lists and reinvite if they ever return.
October 22nd, 2007, 01:08
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Bah, my friends list is full!
October 22nd, 2007, 11:09
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 RB is starting kicking people! Help! I'm here don't kick me! *waves*
Seriously, last time I was logged I could see, say, 30 active and 70 inactive people. That would make 30 active and 55 inactive in the roster... if you want a shiny roster you should get the actives before kicking inactives, or you aren't housecleaning, you're moving the dust from one shelf to another, IMHO.
Anyway, I don't really care about it, except for the fact that, as Sciros said, there are funny names there
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star." Kong Fuzi
My English has to improve. A lot.
October 24th, 2007, 22:15
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My son had a comment on the guild tonight, which amused me. I just tossed him off the PC due to finding him playing his dervish on a school nite. (Foul, two minute minor.) He said that when he plays, the guild people are rarely on, and the only ones he talks to are Hawkmoon and "The King of the Pain." I smiled at that.
I hope he is being friendly and polite. If. he isn't, please PM me. He also remarked the other day that one of the folks, perhaps a guild member was pointing to his builds and advising him on the shortcomings. He seems to have taken the constructive criticism in stride. I encouraged him to check builds and listen to good advice from RB members, not just random people he runs into while playing.
Again, sorry I have not caught the GW bug, I had hoped to get into the game but it just didn't click. He likes it way better than WoW.
Occhi, aka LowRent_Ruffian
"Think globally, drink locally."
October 25th, 2007, 07:17
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... "Kick me!"
Hiya and greetings!
Feel free to kick me out of the guild, between my newborn baby and work I don't have much time left.
Perhaps I will join you all again when things get settle down and my interest in Guild War rekindled, oh, connection to the game server from my home country permitting, that is, heh. Perhaps you would have moved on to Hellgate: London by then.
Happy gaming!
- SoulEdge -
"*burp* too many pots, I need to pee..."
October 25th, 2007, 08:50
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Occhidiangela Wrote:My son had a comment on the guild tonight, which amused me. I just tossed him off the PC due to finding him playing his dervish on a school nite. (Foul, two minute minor.) He said that when he plays, the guild people are rarely on, and the only ones he talks to are Hawkmoon and "The King of the Pain." I smiled at that.
I hope he is being friendly and polite. If. he isn't, please PM me.
I see him have characters loaded up briefly quite frequently actually. Many has been the time where he's come on and left again before I've even seen that he's there. Polite? Yeah he's fine... and a hell of a lot more literate than some of the nonsense babble one encounters in this game.
Quote: He also remarked the other day that one of the folks, perhaps a guild member was pointing to his builds and advising him on the shortcomings. He seems to have taken the constructive criticism in stride. I encouraged him to check builds and listen to good advice from RB members, not just random people he runs into while playing.
Yeah, that was me. I've seen him post in chat a few times about being stuck in various places and this time was one where I was in a good position to pitch in and get him past a tricky spot.
Once I skimmed over the builds he was bringing I could see a number of reasons why he was having problems. After the builds some the tactics employed were also a bit self-defeating under the circumstances.
A primary example was that I was running a heavily armoured warrior with a shield and the Ursan Blessing elite skill on top of that (Similar to D2 Wearbear). I can stand that up front and take scratches. A bow ranger with some physical blocking and elemental defence running past me with his healing monks into melee was an interesting tactic, but one that probably wasn't all that condusive to getting through the area.
The environment we were in:
The Domain of Secrets has a nasty environmental effect of making skill activations cost +40% more. This means that players tend to have to rethink some strategies for energy conservation. Even if the build is a little less efficient on paper than what you might be used to, an energy-free signet replacing a powerful high-cost skill (that you might not even have the energy to use) can make a world of difference in that place.
In other words there are places in this game that pressure or encourage the player to modify build strategies, not only to better cope with the opposition, but also the environment.
The builds he brought:
Ranger character: 5 Bow Attack skills (Barrage for the elite), 2 block stances and one Resurrection Signet.
Tahlkora and Dunkoro: Two healers with near-identical skill bars based on 5 point conventional heals and Healing Breeze.
The Minion Master: Three non-elite minion summoning skills.
I only commented on the monks in chat and mentioned that I thought they might work better if one was reset to a protection role, so there weren't two of them climbing over themselves getting in each other's way, both in skills and in the way AI handles the skills. All four could benefit from refinements though.
Anyway, I'll offer tips if he wants them. If he'd prefer to stay with what he's running I'm not going to stop him, but bear in mind that the game itself soon will.