[SIZE="7"]Turn 64[/SIZE]
War is coming:
![[Image: ThePowerGraph-1.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/ThePowerGraph-1.png)
I dearly hope I'm wrong and they're overbuilding military or preparing for an attack on Yuri, but it seems an attack on Palaven is imminent. I have concluded that Mistabod are planning a limited war against me; with the goal of either taking Palaven, or shoving a pillaging stack in my lands to put me behind since I have the Pyramids. I had a long post typed up about the confluence of evidence that suggests it, but lost it to the forums and don't feel like retyping it. Their possession of archery and lack of Currency at this stage also suggests they're researched/are researching HBR and their stack will comprise of HAs and Chariots. However, I'm not willing to stake my city on that hunch and am building some axes as well. Here's the current garrison of Fortress Palaven:
![[Image: FortressPalaven-1.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/FortressPalaven-1.png)
I'm planning on getting another couple axes out. If the attack hasn't hit by then, then more spears/archers.
I feel sure the attack will hit Palaven, however, I'm also putting spears in Irune, and Rakhanna - which will be founded next turn. I doubt either of them will come under significant threat however.
I simply cannot go all military at this point, my economy is trashed as things stand. I'm trying to balance military, expansion, and infrastructure at this point, and hopefully I'm putting enough into military to hold off the Reaper tide.
![[Image: MyArmy.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/MyArmy.png)
I'm already paying through the nose for it though:
![[Image: MilitaryCosts.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/MilitaryCosts.png)
Confucianism fell to Commodore, and Judaism fell to I'm not sure who, NobleGas probably.
![[Image: ConfucianismandJudaism.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/ConfucianismandJudaism.png)
Welp, there goes my plan to pacify Commodore. I switched over my research to Archery, I may have more urgent need of it.
My economy is looking a little better now that I got my first library up in The Citadel and started running a pair of Scientists. However, I could not get my prophet out first without forgoing running scientists for a couple turns, so I decided to forego the 'bulb theology' plan for now.
![[Image: Euclid.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/Euclid.png)
I had ~80% chances of pulling an Engineer , but the RNG did not cooperate with me today. I'm planning on settling him next turn. I'll have to figure out some other way to get a religion, perhaps Philosophy for Taoism. Bulbing Mathematics and building the HG is tempting since I have stone. But with war imminent, me behind on expansion, and other Civs likely to go for it, it's not worth it.
All in all, other than the fact that I'm behind in cities and facing invasion, things are looking pretty decent:
![[Image: t64Overview.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/t64Overview.png)
![[Image: t64WorldShot.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/t64WorldShot.png)
Sasha is the Confucian Holy City, and unfortunately popped third rings borders before Palaven could. I'm probably never going to seize control of that row of tiles. Eh, c'est la vie.
![[Image: t64Demographics.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/t64Demographics.png)
Lastly, Commodore most definitely did declare war on NobleGaspar at some point:
![[Image: CommodoresWarAgainstTheChinese.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/CommodoresWarAgainstTheChinese.png)
Here's hoping they keep each other busy so I only have one hostile neighbor to worry about.
End Turn.
War is coming:
![[Image: ThePowerGraph-1.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/ThePowerGraph-1.png)
I dearly hope I'm wrong and they're overbuilding military or preparing for an attack on Yuri, but it seems an attack on Palaven is imminent. I have concluded that Mistabod are planning a limited war against me; with the goal of either taking Palaven, or shoving a pillaging stack in my lands to put me behind since I have the Pyramids. I had a long post typed up about the confluence of evidence that suggests it, but lost it to the forums and don't feel like retyping it. Their possession of archery and lack of Currency at this stage also suggests they're researched/are researching HBR and their stack will comprise of HAs and Chariots. However, I'm not willing to stake my city on that hunch and am building some axes as well. Here's the current garrison of Fortress Palaven:
![[Image: FortressPalaven-1.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/FortressPalaven-1.png)
I'm planning on getting another couple axes out. If the attack hasn't hit by then, then more spears/archers.
I feel sure the attack will hit Palaven, however, I'm also putting spears in Irune, and Rakhanna - which will be founded next turn. I doubt either of them will come under significant threat however.
I simply cannot go all military at this point, my economy is trashed as things stand. I'm trying to balance military, expansion, and infrastructure at this point, and hopefully I'm putting enough into military to hold off the Reaper tide.
![[Image: MyArmy.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/MyArmy.png)
I'm already paying through the nose for it though:
![[Image: MilitaryCosts.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/MilitaryCosts.png)
Confucianism fell to Commodore, and Judaism fell to I'm not sure who, NobleGas probably.
![[Image: ConfucianismandJudaism.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/ConfucianismandJudaism.png)
Welp, there goes my plan to pacify Commodore. I switched over my research to Archery, I may have more urgent need of it.
My economy is looking a little better now that I got my first library up in The Citadel and started running a pair of Scientists. However, I could not get my prophet out first without forgoing running scientists for a couple turns, so I decided to forego the 'bulb theology' plan for now.
![[Image: Euclid.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/Euclid.png)
I had ~80% chances of pulling an Engineer , but the RNG did not cooperate with me today. I'm planning on settling him next turn. I'll have to figure out some other way to get a religion, perhaps Philosophy for Taoism. Bulbing Mathematics and building the HG is tempting since I have stone. But with war imminent, me behind on expansion, and other Civs likely to go for it, it's not worth it.
All in all, other than the fact that I'm behind in cities and facing invasion, things are looking pretty decent:
![[Image: t64Overview.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/t64Overview.png)
![[Image: t64WorldShot.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/t64WorldShot.png)
Sasha is the Confucian Holy City, and unfortunately popped third rings borders before Palaven could. I'm probably never going to seize control of that row of tiles. Eh, c'est la vie.
![[Image: t64Demographics.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/t64Demographics.png)
Lastly, Commodore most definitely did declare war on NobleGaspar at some point:
![[Image: CommodoresWarAgainstTheChinese.png]](http://i1211.photobucket.com/albums/cc432/numismatist93/PBEM38/CommodoresWarAgainstTheChinese.png)
Here's hoping they keep each other busy so I only have one hostile neighbor to worry about.
End Turn.