Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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I am going crazy...

Engaging Rantmode.

Flee now as this is bound to be inflamatory.

Just go... I about to say things that are terrible... If you don't any part of the flames, exit.

The economy is in the toilet and the white folks who live where I live are lazy as hell, not to mention they seem to have this strange idea that they are better then everybody else and deserve better.

Ahhhh... Much better. Allow me to explain. And no, there will be no apologies.

The economy where I live is in the toilet. A lot of business are suffering. A lot of folks have gone to war and closed up shop. It's hard to find a good job. There is a massive influx of migrant workers that have pretty much taken over the simple jobs, like roofing and labour. It's tough all over.

What I have been dealing with over the past few weeks is total hell... Complete breakdown. I have so many people coming to my agencies looking for work that it's not funny... Yet I am having a damned hard time actually filling jobs... I have LOTS of jobs lined up. LOTS. I have spots in bakeries, dairies, ag work, LOTS of jobs. I am practically tearing out my damned hair trying to keep up with open spots and filling them.

Every frigging bloody day I am getting reports of white folks coming in, asking for jobs, and when they are told what jobs are available, almost with out fail, will say something to the effect of "***damn that's n****r work and I wont do it."

Here's how it works... Everybody starts at the bottom. In the dairy jobs, everybody starts washing milk crates. Stacking crates, washing crates, loading crates into the distro centre warehouse so they can be filled with milk and sent to stores. Crates are brought back and they are covered in grocery store filth. You get the picture. Now, the dairy uses this as their hiring pool for all their truck drivers and such. At the bakeries, it's working in the flour room... Which is brutal I am told. It's hotter then hell, flour dust is in the air, and you spend the whole day moving 50 pound flour sacks off of a truck and on to a pallet. Other folks toss bags on to hand dollies and move them to the prep and mix rooms. It is hard back breaking work... But it's honest and at the end of the day you get to take home lots of bread or dairy products to feed your family. Pay is minimum, but, it's a foot in the door and people that serve their time are promised better jobs as soon as they are open. It's not a good job, but, it's money and food. Beggars can't be choosers.

Ignorant Redneck comes in and the very idea of scrubbing crates or getting off his fat ass and tossing sacks is offensive to him. He wants a truck driving job with the business. He seems to be under the impression that he is owed a better job... Because he is white. He curses, complains, threatens lawsuits over "unfair treatment" and generally makes a real jackass of himself. He disrupts the whole procedure, takes up time and resources by coming in, wastes the time of my workers, (Who are on MY dime) and his profane and racist behaviour leaves everybody in said agency feeling uneasy and worried. I have had death threats, threats of violence and or damage, and general mayhem. The police have had to be called at least 8 times that I know about in the past 3 weeks to remove misbehaving applicants. Said applicants who think they are to good to work go down the street and talk to United Way or one of the welfare agencies and get the free hand out they now feel they are entitled to, being the victim of "Cruel and racist hiring practices that make it impossible for decent white folks to get work." And I am quoting my friend and comrade in arms that heads up the United Way.

I am going frigging crazy. Every frigging day, it's more and more reports. Stacks of paper work. People emailing me and calling me wanting to know why I am not keeping them supplied with workers and keeping up with my end of the many contracts that rule my life. Exchanging goods for labour is really biting me in my frigging ass right now. I would like nothing more then to pay a visit to where these lazy jerks live and go and have a chat with their wife about why the whole family is eating government cheese and peanut butter. I can find out where they live... They put their address on the application... I sure as hell bet the Missus would have something to say. What stops me? Common decency? I dunno. I worry about the unemployment rate, I don't need to fiddle with the damn divorce rates.

I will the first to say that hard work is for chumps. I hated hard back breaking work. I am sure most folks do. But busting your ass is a part of life. You keep doing it till you can afford to be lazy. You work your damn ass off till you can make a grab and make something of your self in life. That crack in my ass? I nearly finished breaking it trying to make my way in the world. And now when I should be enjoying my retirement I am busy busting my ass trying to make sure that other folks get a fair shake in life. And these bozos go and screw everything sideways to Sundays.

I can't fix this. I am nearly at the end of my rope. My wit's end. I can't throw money at it. I can't threaten it. I can't strong arm it, barter with it, or reason with it. I can not apply a bigger hammer. This is one of those occasions in my life where I am completely powerless to fix or otherwise change a situation that I strongly dislike. Hate even. I have nothing but bad mean hateful spiteful things to say now.

I think I am in need of a vacation. I am tired of all this CRAP. I am old and I have better things I could be doing with my time. Like playing games. Having long and in depth chats with my goats. Go chasing after my wife who is usually out chasing butterflies. There are so many better things I could be doing.

I am burnt out.
[Image: vipersig.jpg]

I doubt my comments will ease the pain, but you are describing human nature at work, at not working.

I was once told to change these attitudes requires a religious conversion, deep therapy, or brain surgery. As you are not in a position to provide any of these remedies, perhaps you should step back, think pleasant thoughts about something else, and try to do something that will go well for you. Perhaps a game?

If it was easy, anyone could do it. Life is too short to take all the evils seriously. If you look at it in the right way, isn't it kind of funny? Like most candidates for public office, the only work they will accept is the job they can't get.

As Liza Dolittle's father says in My Fair Lady, life is harder for the undeserving poor. Sounds like you have an overdose of them.

Hrm, well Doc, sorry to hear you're having problems. I can tell you this tho', take all your instances where you put "redneck white person" and substitute "northern factory/union worker" and you can probably describe identical situations in other parts of the country.

Hey, at least over there, unless you left that part out, the folks aren't bitching they can't find a job and demanding the government get them a job somehow. *rolleyes* (The rolleyes smilie doesn't work)

This country is filled with a bunch of lazy folks, I'll agree, who want someone to *give them something* instead of working their way up and taking an honest job, ANY honest job (two if needed), to make ends meet as needed.

Definite welfare, what-can-you-give-me-today, society, yep yep.

There are TONS of jobs.

I mean there are so many jobs it's not funny.

I have a list sitting by my left elbow that shows about 300 jobs opening up soon in ag work. I know I will be able to fill some of them. With the transient minority workers, I should have enough of them in time to fill the slots. Slowly but surely. But if I offer Mr. Ignorant Redneck a job picking berries or peaches or something, good grief. Pays by the bushel. The harder you work, the more you get paid. It's hard back breaking labour. Peach fuzz will actually peel the outer layer of skin from your arms. The migrants never seem to complain about making enough money. Some of them make nearly 50 or 60 bucks a day. Not bad. Other folks don't fare so well for some reason. Hrm... Not sure why... (We need a rolls eyes)

I have about 20 spots that need to be filled at a sea food packing plant. Can I fill them? No. Need folks that speak fluent English and read it as well to take, pack, and ship orders. NONE of these jobs have been taken by Uptighty Whitey. Good gosh damn, that job pays 9 dollars and 50 cents an hour. But it involves cleaning and handling of fish. It's, well, below them. N Word Work as they say. Sure, they will take the forklift jobs... But they fail to understand, the company does ALL of their higher hiring from the packing pool. My assistants can't just slip them through and hook them up with the higher ups. It just don't work that way. And my assistants damn sure shouldn't be called stupid mother ****ers for trying to help those sorry lazy bastards get jobs.

There are lots of jobs. The local economy is in the toilet because we are surrounded on all sides by ignorant lazy f***tards.


BTW, I was actually on site for a bit earlier and got to deal with one particulary pushy gentlemen my self.
[Image: vipersig.jpg]

Funny how irritating it is when the shoe is on the other foot. "They" really are hard to deal with.

You do realize, I am sure, that most people deal badly with change. Change in status, particularly if it is, or is perceived as, downward carries with it immense emotional weight.

You will need to call on your powers of empathy and patience to "help you help them." And some folks may not want to be helped, they may just want to vent. I've been in your shoes many a time, on different matters, in that latter scenario.

Globalization is sorta ugly at the local level, though it looks good on Wall Street, eh?

"Think globally, drink locally."

Thanks Occhi.

That actually shifted my focus a bit.

Pride or not though, if I had to, I would take a job doing ANYTHING if I had a wife and kids to feed and was about to lose a home.

But you are right. It can be really unnerving to some folks I guess to take a serious hit in class status.

It's even worse when your stupid pride causes you take a serious status shift and go from being a home owner to being homeless. Yes, I am seeing this happen to several cases. They applied for jobs months ago... And REFUSED. Now, they are applying for shelter. Boo fricking hoo.

I do see your point. Mayhap... Mayhap I need to find some "career councilors" to help some folks face a forced transition before they are forced to face serious consequences.

While I am still pissed off beyond all belief, I thank you for your comment. I shall have to think on it and try to figure out if there is an angle to exploit that I have missed.
[Image: vipersig.jpg]

There are jobs which people should not be required to take:

Quote:Flee now as this is bound to be inflamatory.

Hi, Doc. How goes? B)

Why haven't you heard from me in six months, you ask? Self-imposed exile. Moved on, moved out, however you want to think of it. I'm not "back" either, but these fine new digs (thanks again Bolty and Gris) are seeing RBland through a transition period so I'm paying a little more attention to things I would otherwise let pass.

Allow me to wave as I'm passing by. I think of you sometimes and wish you well. OK, now back to your regularly scheduled "Doc D Foaming at the Mouth" steam blowoff. I hope I've given you something to growl at and huff about, for not fleeing as you urged, or for being inappropriately cheerful in the middle of what is otherwise a very fine ranting and raving lol even if I do say so. I'll scoot presently, though. Take care.

- Sirian
Fortune favors the bold.

Hello Sirian, LTNS.

It's a little past midnight. It's late. I am nibbling on a slice of German chocolate cake with caramel and coconut. And currently taking a break from hashing out the most draconian policy I think I have ever conceived. I don't like it. Rubs me wrong. On Monday, I will bring it personally in front of the board and make them sign it into law.

Times being what they are, resources are tight. There is more need then ever before. We are managing, the merger with Interfaith Ministries has taken a LOT of the load off.

My proposal, in short, is simple and brutal. Any refusal of jobs offered will bar the applicant from future aid. Say no to the jobs offered, for any reason, and all requests for future aid will be denied. Included in this measure are food services, heating and cooling aids, power bill aid, home repair, and even future shelter needs should a family become homeless. Zero tolerance for non compliance. Refusal to take a job will bar the applicant and his (or her) family from any and all services, no exceptions.

I hate my self a little more for the creation of said document. I think that the whole situation stinks, and feel that my hand in the issue has been forced.

As for the slave labour sweatshop thing, that's disgusting. And that's not what's happening here. Most of the entry level positions are min wage, however, you usually get to take home food from most of these places. Cartons of ice cream, cheeses, jugs of milk, all manner of dairy and baked goods ranging from loaves of bread and cakes to pies and even cookies. The companies know these pit jobs SUCK and the pit workers always get first pick of the take home goods out of all of the other employees. So if there are free cookies available, the low man on the totem pole always gets them. It would be unfair to have the best job and get the best food to take home.

On an interesting side note... And slightly off topic, I am pondering getting into the day care arena and provide child care services based on income, determined on a sliding scale. They have programs like this in my area... But in my opinion, they are lacking and the quality of the care is terrible. Lots of folks are complaining and there have been complaints as well as horror stories in the news. Seeing as how I am the horrid pit master that I am, I am sure I can do better and run a clean operation free of said horror stories. Stick to standard hiring policy that I keep, forcing people to work for 90 days with no pay as a proving period, to show they are there for the love of the job, not the pay. Institute a zero tolerance policy for screw ups. Exchange goods for services... Offer childcare to businesses as a service directly and let them deal with some of the paper work and application process, and offer the service as a hiring benifit. In exchange, I get more goods to keep the empire running smoothly. A day care service that does not need to pay a single dime for food could in theory, slash down costs to bare minimum. I could pay higher wages to ensure that I have the best workers available in the field, even if it means stealing them away from rival businesses that work for profit. With the very best in workers, arguably the lowest rates, I think I can invent a solution that will have everybody happy except for the highway robbers currently running some very expensive day care centres. I think I can corner the market and force pretty much everybody to play my way by my rules, and, hopefully, make everything a little better in the process. And with out sounding frightfully evil, I believe with a little work I can play on people's fears that something Truly Horrible™ will happen to their children if they go to work and don't leave their kids in the same program that helped them get a job. It's a win win situation for everybody. People are howling for safety in these troubled times... Right now where I live is being torn apart by this story of this guy that worked down at the YMCA and with several child care programs who abducted a 7 year old boy. The world is a scary place and sanctuary is hard to find.
[Image: vipersig.jpg]

I don't mind people turning down one job if they think they can get a better one in a reasonably short amount of time. If people have special qualifications, it's usually good for society that they seek to use those rather than settling for the job that "anyone can do".

Nevertheless, the situation you are dealing with is pretty typical, and at some point it is downright silly. There are entry-level jobs all over the place, and there are an awful lot of people without jobs, and something ain't clicking here.

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