Let's figure out a tech path, and use that to determine an expected attack timeframe. We want to nail that down soon, so we can start broadcasting our intentions to Commodore.
It is currently Turn 158, and we make 150bpt at breakeven (about). We can probably assume a gradual increase in that amount over time as our cities mature and such.
So here is a list of the techs that we absolutely NEED to pull off this attack.
* Horseback Riding (401b)
* Machinery (1127)
* Monarchy (483)
* Feudalism (1127)
* Guilds (1610)
* Construction (I'm including this since we only have 252b left and are finishing it off this turn)
All of those techs are single pre-req techs with the exception of Monarchy. That's 4110 beakers, which divided by 150 is 27.4. With some assumed increases in our tech rate, plus a turn of anarchy as we revolt to Caste / HR, let's say 25t to research those techs.
That's.... discouraging
That would allow us to attack with Knights, as well as a slow-mover force of xbows, catapults and elephants. Adding 8t or so for Civil Service would allow us to add maces to the fray, though that doesn't really add us too much.
Seems like about 40t for us to be able to attack? Does that sound about right? Any way to speed this up? Or do we need to "slow down" and research anything else? We can do some wealth builds maybe?