There were several posts in some of the report threads wondering when the AI would have built wonders in a control game, without the player. Since it's easy to do that using debug mode, I went ahead and ran a test game. Now keep in mind that this removes the player's civ from the map, so Mansa Musa ended up having a GIGANTIC amount of territory, and easily running away with the game. (He won a UN victory with three different vassals voting for him.) Anyway, here were the wonder dates:
1160BC Stonehenge (Justinian)
625BC Oracle (Asoka)
300BC Great Wall (Asoka)
125BC Temple of Artemis (Asoka)
250AD Great Lighthouse (Pacal)
560AD Statue of Zeus (Justinian)
820AD Hanging Gardens (Suryavarman)
960AD Shwedagon Paya (Asoka)
1020AD Great Library (Justinian)
1030AD Pyramids (Suryavarman)
1030AD Apostolic Palace (Justinian)
1050AD Mausoleum (Pacal)
1090AD Colossus (Mansa Musa)
1190AD Parthenon (Asoka)
1280AD Notre Dame (Justinian)
1380AD Hagia Sophia (Pacal)
1430AD Chichen Itza (Asoka)
1505AD Angkor Wat (Asoka)
1535AD Sankore (Justinian)
1550AD Taj Mahal (Justinian)
1560AD Sistine Chapel (Suryavarman)
1575AD Spiral Minaret (Pacal)
1660AD Kremlin (Suryavarman)
1695AD Statue of Liberty (Mansa Musa)
1842AD Pentagon (Pacal)
1854AD Broadway (Pacal)
1866AD Eiffel (Pacal)
1870AD Rock N Roll (Pacal)
1882AD Cristo Redentor (Pacal)
1886AD Hollywood (Pacal)
1904AD United Nations (Pacal)
1909AD Three Gorges Dam (Mansa Musa)
1959AD Space Elevator (Mansa Musa)
No one ever built Versailles, according to the replay. Maybe the AIs know it's not worth the hammers, hmm?
A lot of these dates seem extremely late to me, but I guess we should keep in mind that there were no Industrious civs, no stone/marble, and no player-instigated tech trading to push down the tree faster. Still, for what it's worth, here's some info for you all to chew on.