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We went 100% research while teching Meditation and that was enough to 1t both Priesthood and CoL at 100% gold. We'll have 600 gold to spend during the GA at 100% science. We'll be very close to Phracts when the GA ends, it seems.
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So we finished CoL this turn, next turn is GA time. Than I'll post some pictures of our inflated GNP.
Things for Mist consideration:
1. I think we should tech Feudalism before CS. It's a prereq tech and we can get both during the GA, making CS cheaper. And we need feudalism for Guilds anyway.
Besides, maybe Longbows is what Yuris need to stop the annoying attack against us...
2. What to do with the Great Artist we intend to generate. Bombing Palaven when we get it is a good idea, but I wonder if bombing ex-Konya (Work rate) now is a better idea. We would make it impossile for Yuris to resettle Istambul, we'd get control and vision of that area, making reinforcements from Yuris more difficult to happen.
Another use I considered was to use it to lightbulb Nationalism, but it seems we'd need to tech Theology and Alphabet, so not worth it.
Anyway, depending on what happens in the game, we could go for Nationalism after Guilds, just to try and steal the Taj.
Davey got philosophy, founded Taoism and converted to PACIFISM (!). I wonder if he intends to heavy bulb the Liberalism path. I'd certainly love if that's the case!
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Ichabod Wrote:So we finished CoL this turn, next turn is GA time. Than I'll post some pictures of our inflated GNP. 
Things for Mist consideration:
1. I think we should tech Feudalism before CS. It's a prereq tech and we can get both during the GA, making CS cheaper. And we need feudalism for Guilds anyway. Wait to see our final GA tech rate. Our *must get* techs for GA are
1. CS ( 766b - main goal )
2. MC ( 430b - workshops, forges)
3. Construction ( 335b - catapult, will shut Yuri way better than longbows )
4. Monarchy ( 287b - main goal )
That's 1818b. I doubt we can fit more in those 6 turns, especially given that CS will be a 2t tech at minimum and we won't be able to 1t Feudalism whatever happens. I say get above 4, then tech IW, Machinery and Feudalism in this order.
Ichabod Wrote:Besides, maybe Longbows is what Yuris need to stop the annoying attack against us... Catapults will be much more hammer effective at this and will shut down his stacks faster.
Ichabod Wrote:2. What to do with the Great Artist we intend to generate. Bombing Palaven when we get it is a good idea, but I wonder if bombing ex-Konya (Work rate) now is a better idea. We would make it impossile for Yuris to resettle Istambul, we'd get control and vision of that area, making reinforcements from Yuris more difficult to happen. Weren't we supposed to get a Scientist for Bravery first? I'd keep the artist for offensive bomb *inside* Palaven once we capture it.
Ichabod Wrote:Anyway, depending on what happens in the game, we could go for Nationalism after Guilds, just to try and steal the Taj. Trying to steal Taj is a nice flashy play, but I think we should play solid and go for Printing Press first and then see what's on the table from Liberalism / Economics pair.
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I think our tech rate will be phenomenal while we have gold to spare. I'm pretty sure we can 1t feudalism.
I don't see why MC and Construction are must have techs from the GA. The only must have techs from the GA are Monarchy and CS, because they enable the civics we want to adopt before ending the GA. There's not much difference between finishing Construction and MC before or after the GA (actually construction would be good to have ready as soon as possible, because I want to start building the slow-moving stack that'll attack Palaven).
By going Feudalism, we'll get a 20% boost while teching CS, wich is a pretty big thing. And I really don't intend us to build longbows. It's mostly for the psichological effect of "if they have longbows, there's really nothing I can do". Maybe only build 1 longbow to warn Yuris that we have it.
And I'm wondering about something too. I think we'll be getting Guilds way sooner than I expected. So, we'll have to think carefully about whipping from now on. Maybe we are closing to the time of growing to be ready for the Phract whipping. That may actually mean delaying forges and courthouses. We can get them after Davey is conquered. I really need to do math to see how much time we have. I'll do it after the GA ends, because we won't be able to whip during the GA, due to being in Caste System.
We will get a GS for Bravery. But due to GP costs, I'm going to get a GA out of Pace, a GS out of Heading and I'll let another GS be born naturally out of the TGL GPP after the GA (in that order).
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It's the turn :] Look at this and marvel
We one turned Monarchy. We'll do the same with Feudalism next turn and very likely will have enough overflow to get 1t Civil Service next. If not, we'll dump IW in front of Civil Service to get enough overflow.
Adopted Caste System, Organised Religion and Hinduism this turn. We decided to get two GPs for another Golden Age right after this one, we should exit the Chain with Guilds and in Theocracy. Possibly with Engineering too.
Cities are building infrastructure all round.
Almost. There's that one small thing that made my inner bloodthirsty warmonger very uncomfortable. Dave cut Open Borders with us almost the same moment we left a single archer inside Bravery. Now good guy Ichabod thinks it's all because Dave is loosing on trade routes, points out that any aggression from him would be really stupid and doesn't think we should be worried much. My inner bastard on the other hand considers this too much of a coincidence, suspects cutting OB was to deny us vision on sizeable garrison of Palaven and thinks that people with insufficient information tend to overvalue their hand.
I failed to convince Ichabod to declare war right now and do some combat scouting with a worker. But I did twist his arm into this
That's an Archer, C1/S axe, warrior and a supermedic chariot inside Bravery, an axe and two HA's on the way. Dave also sent us a PBEM 29 style message to 'Hit HRE'. I answered in the same style to 'Back Off'.
We will hit HRE. Over his dead body
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What do the lurkers think about this cryptic messages like "Hit HR" that Davey sent us? Personally, I think they don't have a place in a AI diplo game.
In a more game related comment, I don't fault Davey for trying. But anyone that looks at the game's geopolitical situation can see that attacking Davey is an obvious move by us. We have two very direct routes to attack him, he has only 1 important city on a hill, his lands are easily incorporated into ours and are not contested by other players, his power is about half of our current power and he's running pacifism right now.
I think he'll try to heavy bulb through the education line, going for Gunpowder and his UU. Maybe trying to get Liberalism for Nationalism and drafting. It can work, but seeing that we have the prospect of getting Phracts in 10t or something, maybe it's not enough.
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Ichabod Wrote:What do the lurkers think about this cryptic messages like "Hit HR" that Davey sent us? Personally, I think they don't have a place in a AI diplo game.
Agreed. Turns out the min/maxers on this site can't resist finding work-arounds to any imposed limitation. I've become a convert to public diplo threads.
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I'm in agreement. No Diplo should mean just that, plus no attempts at diplo. :neenernee It's hard to get upset at Dave, though. Just a quick  and we'll move along.
Nice GNP.
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Boldly Going Nowhere Wrote:I'm in agreement. No Diplo should mean just that, plus no attempts at diplo. :neenernee It's hard to get upset at Dave, though. Just a quick and we'll move along.
Nice GNP. 
Yeah, I'm not upset or anything, nor do I think I'd be if Davey actually plotted our demise with the HRE using this kind of diplo.
And to be fair, this isn't a strict no-diplo game, AI diplo is allowed. We already made resource trade and open borders with our opponents, for instance. But all the more complicated diplo is taxing for me, like how to best distract an opponent of your incoming attack or how to get a NAP with X or Y. So Imagine if I have to do it by codes  .
But it's not a case of my personal preference, after all. Since we already agreed on AI diplo, I think these proposals should be banned, because they are not something the AI do, even though they theoretically have the capility of doing it.
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You could just accept the trade and pass that along as the save, meanwhile playing your actual turns as the "reload". That should get the point across.