Lets see what the Morgans have to offer
+100% from foreign trade routes, while the opponent gets +50%
+50% domistic trade routes
1-per-city buildings giving bonuses
cashrushing buildings is cheaper
+1g from Merchant
What i get from that is the idea that i should try grow horisontally (many cities) early on, to milk traderoutes (people would probably like to trade with me given the bonus), and they later on would be able to specialize with the corpoperations (more later), futhermore cash is a viable resource (well ... more viable) given the fact that cashrushing is cheaper ... true it won't be relevant till later (except for my special buildings) since you'd need Nanites (techlevel 8 which also gives Kremlin), but it'll be a reasonable target for later research.
First is my Children's Creche (Granery) which beyond what everyone gets (storing 25% food after growth, 1 happiness), gives +1health, a Merchant slot and ability to cashrush it before Nanites ... First building everywhere, and likely to be cash rushed asap ... if nothing else then the merchant slot will pay for it. Comes with a tech everyone starts with to boot.
Second is a Entertainment Center, which beyond what it gives everyone (cheap Psych Chaplain slot and 1 happiness) gives me another happiness and again the ability to cashrush it before Nanites ... 2 happiness for 26h? sure, sign me up ... but won't be built before i'd need it anyhows.
Last, the Governors Office which is a special building all cities are born with, per default (if you get it in the first place ... as far as i can see not everyone does, of our opponents only Conciousness does) it would store 10% food, give +50% defense vs Espionage and help thwarting enemy spies ... My Governors office on the other hand gives another +33% on Foreign trade routes ... i need to get out quick and meet people to get them ...
As mentioned earlier Morgans can pick one of five special buildings in each city which would make it better.
Speaks for itself really ... specializing cities, and they're roughly same strength as midgame wonders (which is also when they come around) ... only faction getting better is Conciousness, but they only get 2 in total, which is a couple of these mashed together.