Here's the info.
Epic Fifteen - CURRENTLY ON HOLD - see sooooo's post on page 2 for details
I'll give this a try though the Large map may lead to an abandonment if it causes my PC to grind to a halt.
To many games, and to little time. Not sure if I will play this one.
Adv25 is taking 2 times what I expected...
I hope a lot of you will give sooooo's game a try. The variant is simple but elegant, and we probably won't ever have another game that explores the colonization feature to this extent. As an added bonus, I plan to play my first non-shadow game in ages for the event, so you'll have the pleasure of seeing how the Tournament Organizer does without prior map knowledge. Plus, you've got six weeks, so why not give it a try?
Sounds interesting. I just need to get familiar with civ again (idle for 180 days) .. Probably will start playing in a week or two if all goes well
This one looks like a lot of fun. Will definitely be giving it a go!
(Makes up for not following the Blake quote in RBE14 - I'm a lousy quitter!)
Sounds like fun, but now that you can't vote yourself a diplomatic winner, I'm wondering if anyone knows how vassals' voting works. Are vassals required to vote for you? If you and your vassals have enough votes to make you the winner, will that diplomatic victory be possible?
I definitely plan to play when I get back from vacation. I promised the gf that I wouldn't play any games while on vacation so I didn't bother installing Civ4 on my laptop. Somehow, I did manage to write a Sudoku solver in Java during my spare time. The game itself sounds like a lot of fun and should be very challenging as I have not played many sea-faring games.
Willburn Wrote:Sounds interesting. I just need to get familiar with civ again (idle for 180 days) .. Probably will start playing in a week or two if all goes wellGood to see you here Willburn!
On League of Legends I am "BertrandDeHorn"
nice, havent played an archipelago in a while but the large size kinda scares me. Dont wanna start anotehr game and not finish it. 8)
Ill try to play this though.
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