December 2nd, 2007, 15:41
(This post was last modified: December 2nd, 2007, 22:20 by Kodii.)
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AlanH Wrote:Gyathaar is playing this one close to his chest. So far, we know only that it is Prince, Always War, Any victory condition allowed, Epic, Standard size. There's no start position map yet, I'll add it as soon as it's available. The sign-up thread for SGOTM6 is now UP!
We have five members signed-up already but we are still looking for at least another person (preferably 2) to join the Real Ms. Beyond and her crazy crew of:
Swiss Pauli
Anyone in the community can show interest, but preference will be given to RB "veterans". If more interest is shown than expected, a second team can be set up.
Another issue that needs to be discussed (within the team) is the choosing of a new team captain. Lee has braved treacherous waters to lead the team in SGOTM4 and SGOTM5 and has decided to step down, so we need to elect another person to drive insane...I mean worship.
And from there, hopefully we can play a game that will run more smoothly than the last four
December 2nd, 2007, 16:11
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I know we've discussed some of this before, but what sort of additional time commitment is needed above and beyond a regular SG? I only have one other SG on my plate right now (which reminds me, time to get those turns posted), but I don't want to sign-up if I won't be able to carry my weight.
December 2nd, 2007, 16:45
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With Swiss and I already on the team, I think we're probably empty without you
SGOTM and SGs are different in that SGOTM has the competitive aspect and a deadline. We cut it extremely close in SGOTM5 because we were unable to find a suitable playing interval.
To answer your question straight, yes, there is an additional time commitment found in the additional strategy discussion required in the competitive environment. I have been able to handle it pretty well in the past despite time challenges, so I think you shouldn't have a problem joining, but thats your decision.
December 2nd, 2007, 23:48
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I'm willing to try sitting in the captain's chair for this one.
@sunrise089: My experience--rather limited, especially compared to, say, LKendter--is that SGOTMs take 2x-3x as much of my time as a normal SG takes. But I like thinking about "strategery" in competitive events like these.
December 3rd, 2007, 00:10
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Hmm....I almost wish Compromise hadn't posted
I'm leaning towards a sign-up. I only have a single SG going at the moment (thanks Swiss), and it has 6 players, so the time demands shouldn't be too bad. Plus I see an opportunity to improve my play via this game, and I don't think LK and I have ever been teamed up before. My work/class load will be light for the next month as well, so that may make things a bit easier.
December 3rd, 2007, 04:08
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sunrise089 Wrote:Hmm....I almost wish Compromise hadn't posted 
I'm leaning towards a sign-up. I only have a single SG going at the moment (thanks Swiss), and it has 6 players, so the time demands shouldn't be too bad. Plus I see an opportunity to improve my play via this game, and I don't think LK and I have ever been teamed up before. My work/class load will be light for the next month as well, so that may make things a bit easier. The game will take until mid/end March to play, and the turns will be quite long seeing as it's AW.
From our previous SGOTM experiences, we felt we needed to play a test game each (maybe up to late medieval/renaissance), as we seemed to miss quite a lot of settings specific info. This will be the single most time consuming factor in this SG, I believe (assuming we can glean enough info from the starting save/game description to make a test game worthwhile).
December 3rd, 2007, 08:36
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Swiss Pauli Wrote:The game will take until mid/end March to play, and the turns will be quite long seeing as it's AW.
From our previous SGOTM experiences, we felt we needed to play a test game each (maybe up to late medieval/renaissance), as we seemed to miss quite a lot of settings specific info. This will be the single most time consuming factor in this SG, I believe (assuming we can glean enough info from the starting save/game description to make a test game worthwhile). The test game, at least, would slot into my Christmas break, and shouldn't be much of a problem.
December 3rd, 2007, 08:41
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Having been lurking the previous one, I'ld like to join, but unfortunatly it seems to be a "Warlords SGOTM" which if I am not wrong means you do need Warlord and not BtS to play (even if then 'patch' it to the BtS warlord latest patch, or so I think) ?
(So of course I only have BtS).
December 3rd, 2007, 08:51
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Kodii Wrote:SGOTM and SGs are different in that SGOTM has the competitive aspect and a deadline. We cut it extremely close in SGOTM5 because we were unable to find a suitable playing interval.
That IMHO is the first key thing for the new team captain to try and settle. SGOTM#4 being run at a try SG was to fast and encouraged rushed play. SGOTM#5 was to lax, and a major stress headache to finish.
Our biggest key is to get the high-level game right for once. SGOTM#4 we missed conceed the island to India. SGOTM#5 we missed the full diplomatic penalty on cooperation with the AIs and wasted a lot of time down the wrong path.
With SGOTM#6 we don't have to worry about diplomacy going wrong.
December 3rd, 2007, 10:59
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@sunrise: Just trying to be honest.  But I've also found that the payback was equally high.
@Jabah: You could lurk for a while (if you do, please offer comments) and then join us if you happen to get Warlords out of the bargain bin for Christmas. But I will say that usually lurkers seem to lose interest. I don't know what it is: Maybe the long discussions get skipped so they're not up to date, or the temptation to either play a parallel game or read the other threads gets to be too much.
I don't want to go into too much detail before we have our private threads, but here are some of my initial thoughts:
1) As captain, I see my role as primarily keeping the game going, not telling people how to play.
2) We will need some discussion about how to keep the game moving. I have some thoughts when we have a team thread.
3) I think a test game up till at least 1AD will be strongly suggested for each of us. I'm not an AW expert at all, so we'll want to be comparing tactical notes.
I think Swiss is right that there will be some long turnsets. And Lee is definitely right: we want to try to get the higher gameplan right early on. I think test games will help that immensely.
Last thought: Sooooo, are you out there and willing to help us?