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SGOTM6 - Gyathaar's Mystery Game

Compromise Wrote:3) I think a test game up till at least 1AD will be strongly suggested for each of us. I'm not an AW expert at all, so we'll want to be comparing tactical notes.
I think we have a bit of an insight from Epic 14 (although it was BtS), and the reports that were posted. There were some different approaches and I think it would add most value to try some varying strategies in our test games.

Swiss Pauli Wrote:I think we have a bit of an insight from Epic 14 (although it was BtS), and the reports that were posted. There were some different approaches and I think it would add most value to try some varying strategies in our test games.

If in doubt, settle on a hill?smile

With BTS it seemed the AI won´t fall for the deathtrap that a fortified, walled hill city is. But I remember that with Warlords this is still the case.

I say we wait on the starting informations, play testgames and then we look further.

Compromise Wrote:Last thought: Sooooo, are you out there and willing to help us?
Thanks for the offer but I'll decline. After epic 14 I'd rather not touch an AW game for at least a year wink

TheArchduke Wrote:If in doubt, settle on a hill?smile

With BTS it seemed the AI won´t fall for the deathtrap that a fortified, walled hill city is. But I remember that with Warlords this is still the case.

I say we wait on the starting informations, play testgames and then we look further.

Hey! This isn't a private thread, other teams will steal our insights! smile (But this is the exact type of thing that practice games will help us determine.)

@sooooo: cry Thanks for at least checking in on us. :sniff: :weep: (Feel free to give us pointers though.)

TheArchduke Wrote:With BTS it seemed the AI won´t fall for the deathtrap that a fortified, walled hill city is. But I remember that with Warlords this is still the case.
Warlords was the start of the less suicidal AI: I remember in the Always War Culture SG the AI went steaming past the LBs on a hill city and straight for our soft underbelly.

I think we should try and limit this thread to very high level stuff. We don't want to discuss the actual game to much.

Talking about getting a test game is good.

Trying to figure out the best deadline plan is a key issue to discuss here. Let's get the admin stuff decided now. 24 / 48 was to little, when 24 / 48 signs of life and question wasn't to far the otherway as we had several day delays between turns.

Note: While this post might make it seem like we're writing a book on how to play the game, we're really not!

Lee is right that we'll need to keep this one moving forward, especially with end-of-the-year holidays, vacations, and a game deadline. Here's what I'd like to try for moving the game forward (this is very rough; we'll refine it before we begin; feel free to offer suggestions):

Who's playing when:
1) For the most part, we're going to have a rotation order. We'll want to try to review the game soon after the last turnset is posted. We want to discuss strategy and tactics as appropriate after each turn (even if it's simply "keep pushing forward").
2) When you're up in the order, try to post within 24 hours of the last turn report when you think you'll be able to play.
3) If you're on deck (or you just played, have time for a few more turns, and want to play a bit more) and either a) it's been more than about 24 hours with no word from the next player or b) you can play sooner than the next player can, then offer to take the turnset.
4) Let us know if your ability to play changes (something comes up, you need to sleep, etc.) so that we can decide whether to wait for you or not.
5) If something like 3 or 4 days go by and no one's posted anything, then simply post when you can play, no matter where you are in the order.
6) At all times, we should know who's playing: either because it's someone's turn

Note that the above only applies when it's clear what's to be done in the turnset. If we're discussing strategy or tactics, do not rush!

Let us know as soon as you can whether you're available or not (vacations, illnesses, etc.).

The bottom line is this (err, the bottom lines are these):
(A) Don't play unless we know what we're trying to do (i.e., don't play just because it's your turn and you need to get it over with).
(B) Do play if we do (i.e., we're not waiting 10 days for you to play your turn after the discussion is concluded; and if you happen to be the only player on the team with time to play right now, then you're up).

I'm composing other thoughts too, but they'll wait for the opening of the team thread.

So while you guys play your serious game, is anyone interested in trying it and not worrying too much over the result?

If so maybe we can make a 2nd team
"We are open to all opinions as long as they are the same as ours."

Dantski Wrote:So while you guys play your serious game, is anyone interested in trying it and not worrying too much over the result?
And then watch you beat our team lol

Exactly my But I love to have a bit more of an optimism by everyone. We can do it.

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