Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Bugged Quest - Slaughterbeast in Cheapside


CB-13 and I ran smack into this bug last night, so I did some searching today about it. A rough-talking NPC in St. Paul's Station asks you to kill the Slaughterbeast in Cheapside. Unfortunately for us, he failed to show up, even though we re-set the instance and thoroughly (and I mean thoroughly) searched for him both times. [Image: mad.gif]

There is a thread about it at the official HG:L forums. [Image: smile.gif] Apparently the Slaughterbeast will only spawn if the map is of a certain tile-set. The twisty windy corridor type (like Necropolis) will not spawn the Slaughterbeast. We will need an open hallway sort of map to spawn him. And, yes, the trash-talking NPC does have a slew of additional quests to hand out after the Slaughterbeast is, err... slaughtered. [Image: lol.gif]

The best way I can think of to accomplish this is tag-teaming on re-setting the instance until one of us gets the 'right' map, and then partying up. [Image: rolleye.gif]

Slaughterbeast is not the only quest he offers that works that way. frown Pretty much any time you need to find a specific boss in a 'twisty corridors' map, he won't spawn there and you need to reset the zone until you don't get a twisty corridors map.

My Blademaster also had to relog many times in order to get the right "map" for Slaughterbeast to spawn. This is not the only quest which is bugged. Yesterday, Zed, Bede and I were all in Ludgate with a quest to discover hellrifts. All of us had our detectors but only Zed's functioned and only Zed got credit for the quest. Bede and I will apparently need to return individually to accomplish this quest. Apparently yet another quest inconsistent with party play like the quest where you control the troops to kill Beelzebub.

I log back in on the same character who played with Zed and Bede yesterday and find that the hellrift quest is complete. Hopefully, Bede will discover the same.

As far as the Slaughterbeast quest a quick search of the hellgate forums turned up a blurb in the .07 patch notes that this is a known bug and has been fixed in the the next patch.
Full patch notes here . Due to be released tomorrow[Image: thumbsup.gif]

I still can't find enough Plague Zombies at Fleet St., and Shard Skimmers at Fenchurch after a few tries frown


From personal exp. in fleet street you only get credit for the zombies that YOU or your party kill....Not the ones that the helpfull cabalists running all over the instance kill.:mad: Takes a few times to do but can be done.

As for the shard skimmers, smoke Again you get credit for the ones you kill....BUT not for the ones that comit shard assaide by crashing into you or your tanks.rant In this quest they will respawn if you leave the area for a bit and come back( your counter will not reset untill you exit the game) So keep coming back untill you fill your quota.thumbsup

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