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I've just sent all my cavalry in the north across HRE border to do as much damage as possible. There's nothing left defending Tuchanka. And that's because
a) without a full push I'm not going to damage Commodore enough
b) even if I split that force and only sent some of it, ~6 cavalry units are a lousy defense against ~15 pikes with catapult support
c) it won't come out of revolt fast enough for me to whip anything there
d) it's way too far for me to reinforce a 1move units from core cities
I expect Dave will take it back in a turn or so. But I can, and will defend Strength.
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Nice! Let's see what Commo-san does now. That one was definetely unexpected!
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Okay, I'm going to throw this up right here -
If I was in Commodore's position right now, I'd grit my teeth, whip and draft as much as possible, and once the invading phracts were killed off, I'd go hurt Gaspar with all that army I was forced to make. This would make Gaspar whip and draft himself in turn, and turn the game back into a three horse race again. Just a very brutal and bloody one.
But since it's Commodore we're speaking about, he'll concede the game to Gaspar mentally and go on a unproductive revenge trip.
And that's why neither of us will probably win this now
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Let's attack Gaspar too.
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All in due time, but I do hope they jump on to the party and attack someone too
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I thought city walls didn't matter any if your cultural defense is higher. With 40% culture bonus obtained fast, city walls hardly matter any. Is this wrong? Do the bonuses treat siege damage differently?
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Catwalk Wrote:I thought city walls didn't matter any if your cultural defense is higher. With 40% culture bonus obtained fast, city walls hardly matter any. Is this wrong? Do the bonuses treat siege damage differently?
You're correct, but yes, walls and castles also reduce the efficiency of siege bombardment, meaning it takes longer to bombard down your defenses.
I have to run.
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But of course, if you don't care about bombardment (such as when siege would simply slow your opponent), then you can rely on cultural defenses).
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Catwalk Wrote:I thought city walls didn't matter any if your cultural defense is higher. With 40% culture bonus obtained fast, city walls hardly matter any. Is this wrong? Do the bonuses treat siege damage differently? No walls matter because it means he can't rush a castle in any of those cities. Pikes in castles are much harder to dislodge.
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Aftermath Q&A
Q : You just wasted ~30 phracts for no real reason and Gaspar will win !!1!one!eleven
A : Bite me Commodore :neenernee
Q : And seriously, wouldn't it be better to attack Yuri?
A : Yuri's land is undeveloped jungled shit, that would have to be burned to the ground, reseeded with new cities and improved with countless turns of worker labor. That would also require a safe border with Dave ( absent, he did try to burn Bravery given slightest opportunity ). Assimilating Yuri would have us border both Gaspar and Commodore, we would not be able to defend that border.
Q : So why Dave, not Commodore from the start?
A : Palaven. Better natural fit to our lands. Better improved land. More directions of attack. Behind in tech.
Q : Could you play this war better?
A : Yes. Should have put capturing Irune as first priority.
Q : When did you start thinking about spending the phracs at Commodore?
A : When he flipped Slavery / Theo in the middle of the Golden Age while my stack was nearing Tuchanka. Reinforced the suspicions when he traded Iron to Dave and went for a hard rifle beeline instead of chasing Liberalism / Constitution. There was absolutely no reason for him to do that other than go hostile on us. We pretty clearly showed non-aggressive intentions by keeping OB up and not going after Kiki ( much better target all round ) straight after Palaven. Commodore could at this point a) tech in peace and leave us alone, b) join in on bashing Dave, we'd probably let him get away with some limited gains in the north, c) get greedy and try to roll us over with drafted rifles and cannons. It's pretty clear or me what he choose at that point.
Q : So, all that whipping down the drain?
A : Not really, at last count Dave was some 8000 beakers behind and hostile HRE army is Musket/LK instead of Rifle/Cannon. I've cost Commodore some 25% of overall population and cut time window in which he'll field rifles to our muskets to around 5t most.
Q : Shouldn't you achieve more with phracts, since they are uber and all that?
A : Window for phracts in this game was really, really narrow. Just ten turns. If I didn't hit Commodore, he'd have rifling around t110. And that obsoletes phracts anywhere he could reach. Which is more or less, everywhere we might wish to use them. This is due to an excellent gameplan execution by Commodore before that, for which he deserves plenty of credit. We could get to phracts faster. But we'd have no future in the game once they went out of business.
Q : What next?
A : Border defense with muskets ( got gunpowder eot, can 1t 3promo muskets from Composure soon ) and catapults. Wild chase after rifling and nationhood. Hope that Dave decides to try and get back into the game instead of try and fight us some more pointlessly.
Any other questions?