Teching thoughts:
We should have Mining by eot 41 with Masonry by eot 45. That should give us our first Warrens circa turn 52 at fastest build. If we delay the Warrens by a couple of turns in order to grow NBA to size 7 (needs Religion Civic and a PT plus another 2/3 turns of growth) we can be putting out 14 food (feeds 7 pop) and 17 base hammers at size 7. (Working one Agrarian FP, 1x Winery, 1x Reagents Plantaion, 3x Grass Hill mines and 1x Plains Hill mine). That's 42 net hammers when building settlers. So 7 turns after we'll have built 4 more settlers. ie around t62.
If we settle all of those settlers as Orc cities we're going to run into serious maintenance problems.
I'm thinking we use one of the first settler pair to grab the double cotton site to the West of the Orcs. No food specials in sight, but several riverside grass tiles to be farmed for growth and 2 cottons for the Orcs and Elohim make the city worthwhile.
The other settler heads of towards the Elohim and builds a city for them (possibly on the Sheep/Silk site between Elhomin/Calabim borders?)
I'm liking the corn site as our next elohim city:
It gets Corn in it's inner ring + enough Forested tiles to build/chop a Reliquary, it's on a hill, it gets Wines, Corn, two unique GL hills, one PH, and two unique riveside grallands in it's BFC.
It's not a superstar long term, but it gets us fast food and hammers rolling for the Elohim. Also, with a border pop it spawn busts a very large area in the middle of our three civs which will help once people start settling expansion cities and the barbs start appearing (figure another 3/4 turns maybe a bit more but not much)
Can be founded t44 with corn farmed t45 and connected t46.
Worker actions: Road farm t38, r grass tile 1 of Farm t39. Move one worker to Silks t40 and the other to the Forested Grassland tile t40. T41/42 workers road. EoT 42 Settler finishes. t43 settler moves to silk tile and both workers move to the forested grass 3 of the new city site.
t44 both workers road *then* the settler + 2 warriors move to the city site.
T45 found city and move both workers to corn and start farm. Farm completes t46. City grows to size 2 eot 47.
The other possible site is the Sheep/Silks site. I like the site, but not as our second Elohim city. It'll need AH plus time to grow (+4 fpt at size 1 vs +6 fpt in the Corn city). Pluses: Can be founded a turn faster and gets Second Silks connected a lot faster
Overall, I like Corn with the next Elohim settler and the Sheep Silks site a bit later, built by an Orc settler.