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Planetfall SG1

Looks good to me. Brood Pits and Psi gates ought to be about the last of the infra we need, though; once they're done, a million Isles and Locusts to kill Zak would be awfully nice to have.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:Looks good to me. Brood Pits and Psi gates ought to be about the last of the infra we need, though; once they're done, a million Isles and Locusts to kill Zak would be awfully nice to have.

Psigates are probably the more important bit of that, but now I'm just teasing Bob... alright
Blog | EitB | PF2 | PBEM 37 | PBEM 45G | RBDG1

Sareln Wrote:Psigates are probably the more important bit of that, but now I'm just teasing Bob... alright


Okay, so yeah our empire is a mess. Taking over the save, I saw that we had almost no standing army, the troops we did possess were standing around garrisoning random cities (most of which didn't need the MP happiness), and we were building Psi-Gates and other expensive infra in almost every city.

I changed almost all of that, although I can't claim that I really fixed up our empire very much, or left us in a better position. This wasn't my greatest turnset tongue

Looking at the world diplo situation during my turn revealed that it's an utter incomprehensible mess:

[Image: 2012-08-09_00005.jpg]

Several more AI declared wars during my set and nobody made peace, so it's almost universal war on Planet. Hooray.

Domai is kicking Luttin's ass, despite being A: smaller than her, and B: like ten eras behind:

[Image: 2012-08-09_00006.jpg]

Of course Luttin's situation wasn't helped by my constant opportunistic attacks using "Wild" Isles:

[Image: 2012-08-09_00007.jpg]

(despite what it looks like, that's her Rotor)

Anyway, like I said earlier I canceled most of our infra builds- I figured we didn't really need the science boost from anything, since we're almost done teching, and we can airlift multiple units out of a single city, so spamming them everywhere isn't generally efficient. Instead I mostly just built units, typically various forms of Native Life (also some Marines to garrison water cities).

Then I declared on Sven, on the grounds that I was bored, and he was kind of blocking our access to the evil Zak / Rose / Lal coalition, our real enemies (and only AI threat to win the game before us):

[Image: 2012-08-09_00008.jpg]

We lost some stuff, but his front lines port fell easily enough:

[Image: 2012-08-09_00009.jpg]

I gifted it to Chai Tea, since I didn't want to bother managing it.

I also did a sneaky-person landing to capture this crappy city:

[Image: 2012-08-09_00010.jpg]

Gifted it to Chai Latte as well.

Uh, apparently that's it for the pictures I took? Hmm.

Anyway, on the last turn of my set, which to that point was looking pretty darn successful, we declared on Luttin. Opps. Guess I should have defied that Concordant resolution instead of just voting "no" duh

Good news is that she has tiny garrisons due to being utterly gassed from fighting other AI, and we can probably take out a fair number of her bases without issue. Bad news is that, since I canceled 90% of our Psi Gate builds, it's going to be a bitch to reinforce if she attacks anywhere in numbers.

General advice:

* Try to keep raising the FC; I built fungus and communes all over the place to knock it up a few points during my set.

* Stay in port until you are ready to attack Sven's next city, since moving into any water tiles within two squares of any of his bases will lead to your stack getting hammered by bunker collateral.

* Don't be afraid to whimsically throw away vast quantities of Native Life to capture cities, only Locusts are expensive for us to replace, and we have tons of cities that can't build anything else militarily useful.

* There are still a few good areas to settle- I'd just gift any cities we found to Chachacha to manage. Same with any which are just a pain to click through.

Yeah, enjoy I guess alright :neenernee

[SIZE="5"]The Save[/SIZE]

Got it, but of course it's the weekend. Will play, ah, 'soon'.

And I was glad to see progress, but I'm not sure I approve of declaring war on the whole world before killing any of it lol I think I'm going to have to focus on smashing our way toward Zak, I'd really hate for him to build that dimensional gate and end this early. Cha doing anything, besides getting us into wars?
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Yes, Cha is heroically leaving his cities almost undefended, while he randomly sends Choppers on island vacations.

My plan with summoning him lo so many turns ago was that we could conquer the Hive and gift their empire to him, but obviously that never happened tongue

General notes for the turn. I didn't see a whole lot for the formers to do, especially early. They spent a lot of time planting hybrid forests on unworkable tiles, and sea fungus around our borders. Might as well try for flowering, after all.

T251 - Take another Pirate base and gift it to Cha. Meanwhile Cha's building a Children's Creche in the midst of total war.

Oh, this isn't good - Luttinen makes peace with both the Free Drones and the Gaians, getting a city back. At least she's still at war with Svensgaard, Yang, and Morgan.

T253 - Luttinen takes Carbon Valley. Gee, if only we had been building units around here instead of formers, I could take it back. Well, the bases are building units now.

T254 - And Luttinen mostly abandons Carbon Valley, so we kill the defending Rotor and take it back.

T255 - We conquer Extropia, which convinces Luttinen to come to the peace table. Sign a 10-turn peace treaty, no tribute, primarily so that we can focus on heading eastward. Meanwhile, we see that Svensgaard has an absolute ton of units. But the first wave of trained Isles is coming off the production lines, we might be able to make him suffer by the end of my turnset.

[Image: PF%20SG2%20T255.JPG]

T257 - We found and gift Cha a city down by the Consciousness. Also start building Communes, for lack of a better idea to use the Formers with.
[Image: PF%20SG2%20T257.JPG]

Also, Svensgaard tries a land invasion. But forgets that tanks are meant to blitz, so on
[Image: PF%20SG2%20T257-2.JPG]
T258 the reinforcements psigated in/moved from the front kill the invaders off with no casualties. Although they'll need to heal for a couple turns before they can resume offense.

I chose not to revolt into Transcendence just yet, being at war with most of the world is bad enough without adding in all the rest of the world too.

The rest of my set is fairly boring. Just training more Isles and Locusts, moving them toward the front, and building communes.

So, to summarize: I picked off a few small bases from the edges of our empire, and built a lot of native life. Also boosted the Flowering Counter up to 53. Whoever's up next (pindicator, HidingKneel?) should have a chance to really put some hurt onto Svensgaard. I might maybe have managed it on my turnset, but I decided to spread the fun around.

We've also unlocked the Infest promotion. IF that works the way I think it does, we'll be able to touch off exponential growth of our native army as soon as our Infest units start winning battles. I think the other no-brainer promo to take is Planetmind - currently worth +26% Str, and 10% healing, and no reason it won't keep improving

And with Communes/Sea Communes available, our formers can all stay busy for the foreseeable future, boosting the Flowering Counter by planting fungus and communes.
The Save[/url]
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


Mardoc Wrote:Whoever's up next (pindicator, HidingKneel?) should have a chance to really put some hurt onto Svensgaard.

Am I next? It's been so long, I've forgotten lol.

HidingKneel Wrote:Am I next? It's been so long, I've forgotten lol.

I think it's actually pindicator, if he's still with us, and you're after him. Or next, if he's dropped on us.
EitB 25 - Perpentach
Occasional mapmaker


It may be better for you to take it ahead of me. I thought I would have time to play today but this turned into a whirlwind social day so I didn't get time to do, well, pretty much anything. This weekend I'm going to be away for a wedding so if you don't get it I can't play until Monday at least.
Suffer Game Sicko
Dodo Tier Player

I think I'm going to bow out... I must have installed a new patch or something; now opening the save gives a CTD.

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