FoxBat Wrote:In fairness, the field really sucked today. I think that had something to do with it being sunday, because we got crushed only two days earlier.
Well, in actuality, Team Arenas in general has become much less competative and the whole ordeal with adding the hero battle maps into the mix drove out a lot of the TA guilds. Really, it's been going downhill faster than HA, you just don't hear about it as often.
Also, I'm not worried about whether the field was good or bad, we played a couple semi-decent-but-not-really teams when I was just first starting on the rit and that helped me get the skill bar down, and we still managed to win. If you remember, even when it's just the 2 of us on vent our communication and co-ordination are getting better. So I think that even if we do nothing but face RA 10-game winners we should continue going in there. Don't worry about how good or bad the other teams are, just how good or bad we are.
Quote:Are you volunteering to run this 3 times a week, but not necessarily require the same people to show up each time? Folks may find that easier than a complete commit.
And therein lies the big catch. I don't know. It's generally the same 5 or so people that are interested in this sort of thing, so it's not like we can expect to have a wide range of players in the first place; at the same time one of the main goals of TA is to get people working together. And if we're constantly swapping out members then we're not really working together as much.
I would like to keep some consistency on the team. If we have 3 regulars and a couple others that swap in and out then that's ok, but I don't think it will work very well if we constantly have a team of 4 different people.
Quote:I'll at least have whichever time isn't being used for nudists.
At first, I was thinking a MWF schedule, but maybe a weekend one would be better? Or we could just say something like "if you can, sign on/take a break from PvE at such and such time each day; if we all make it we'll TA, if not we'll just chat or do something else or sign back off." To be honest, I think that latter method might wind up being more effective since we've proven we're not very good with time commitments, especially with that whole across the pond thing with Mucco.
mucco Wrote:Well we were repeatedly crushed by the same 3-4 teams that time; against the average guild team yesterday we did pretty well.
I don't remember being beaten by the same team more than once yesterday. We fought one team once and won, but lost the next time we faced them, which happened a couple times, and the only team that beat us our first try we didn't face a second time.
Quote:Could you post the whole build Wyrm?
1: Melee - warrior, derv or assassin, doesn't really matter as long as it can hit hard and go through blocking (as we've found out.
2: R/P
Expertise: 9 +4; Spear: 12; Beast Mastery: 9 +1
Rampage as One, Barbed Spear, Wild Throw, Poisonous Bite, Disrupting Lunge, Comfort Animal, Charm Animal, Res Sig
3: Rt/Mo
Channeling: 12 +2, Restoration: 11 +1, Spawning: 6 +1
Weapon of Remedy, Weapon of Warding, Mend Body and Soul, Ancestor's Rage, Warmonger's Weapon, Aura of Stability, Bloodsong, Res Sig
4: Monk - WoH seems to work best but I've heard Glimmer does ok as well.