Back in D1 days the definition of playing naked was: no armor incl. helm+shield, no weapons, no jewelry, any elixirs, potions, books and scrolls. So fighting critters was done by either boxing or spell casting. Allowed slots to use were the belt and the inventory.
After Blizz fixed an AR-bug which allowed naked players to hit hell critters even with base dex and bare hands it was allowed to put on a single AR-increasing melee weapon. No bows!
Occhidiangela Wrote:Potions for healing or mana?
Since you place them in the 1-row-base-belt or the inventory a definate "yes"
Occhidiangela Wrote:Potions to carry in hands, like poison or fire potions?
Those potions are like throwing weapons with effects similar to low level Assassin's FireBlast or Necro's PoisonExplosion. Since they are used up quick i would give them a go.
Occhidiangela Wrote:Can this Naked IM equip any weapons?
An AR-increasing melee weapon like a silver dagger or a club socketed with an Eth rune should go so that you are able to score some hits later on. That is if you still like to go into melee then
Due to the auto-equip feature in D2/LoD you should either put some broken gear into the charakters slots to prevent auto-equip OR you always enter the command /nopickup at the start of each game. Since people like me tend to forget such details after a while doing something different i'd prefer the wear-broken-gear thing. An alternate for broken gear would be extra high requirement gear that you put on that IM char by temporary loading up the inventory with +str/+dex charms. After removing the charms this gear would become unusable so it won't work anymore while still blocking the slots it's placed on. A problem could be the blockage of the jewelry slots. Maybe some low-end-things that only add to stamina or lightradius or charges which you are of course not allowed to use.
Dr. Disaster