Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Brainstorming Challenges.

What missions haven't you done that always wanted to, never did? What do you think of challenge nights?

I know there was interest in Domain of Anguish when put out, but what about other things?

Foxbat proposed to me an idea of a Challenge night. I'm willing to lead / organize such things, but it'll be up to all of you to come up with ideas of "stuff I want to do." You may find others want to go for it too.

The night does not have to be fixed, but ideas need to be posted first before times can be settled.

I know Vortegern has never done Tome of Primeval Kings, and I believe that needs to be fixed. Personally I've not explored much of Domain of Anguish, nor ever even finished Sorrow's Furnace.

What haven't you done and always wanted to? Post your ideas here.

-Legendary Guardian/Master of the North on my Monk. Low priority but I'd like to work towards that eventually. I don't like monking for pure AI groups. You could probably pull me into a Vanquish even if Doc has me scared of those.

-Full Clear UW because I haven't. Get through FoW/Urgoz/Deep similarly for hall of monuments. Finish up DoA, overpowered PvE skills or no. More interested in playing "kamikaze" style where we can (Deep if done right) instead of supertank.

-Generally don't mind playing prot monk anywhere remotely difficult, even if not directly benefiting my character. Lets me work on my field awareness and pre-protting.

Need to complete for Guardian title:
- HM Boreas Seabed
- HM Vizunah Square
- HM Arborstone
- HM Raisu Palace

- Ectos
- Shards
Hey, let's do Underworld and Fissure of Woe!

And I've never been in The Deep or Urgoz's Warren. I really want to see Urgoz.

I vote for DoA! And the other elite areas of course. The only one I have completed is Sorrow's and I want some nice statues to put in my Hall. tongue

For Guardian I need so many missions I won't even list them... I hate Zen Daijun with a passion though.
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star." Kong Fuzi
My English has to improve. A lot.

mucco Wrote:I hate Zen Daijun with a passion though.
I had a prick of a time there. lol

I tried a bunch of different things until I nailed a build for it and breezed through effortlessly.

W/P Ragnar - Basic Ursan spear thrower I usually use.

N/Mo Olias - Jagged Bones MM with Animate Bone Minions and Death Novas. 8)
Rt/P Xandra - Party/ally heal RestoRit with Protective was Kaolai, Life and a couple of ally+self mutual heals.
Mo/Me Tahlkora - Life Barrier bonder, near identical to that build I carry into Slaver's Exile.

Mo Healer
Rt Spirit

Mostly it was just steamrolling to the end bosses. At that point Tahlkora was flagged back and bonding the two Ritualists, the healer monk and Toggles. I split the party a little for the first two bosses (and the Spirit Rift). The last mob were tricky. I pulled them out with a longbow then nailed the snot out of the Ritualist. After he went down the rest were picked off one by one.

Domain of Anguish works for me, since I now have 2 characters who can go there. (Ranger, Elementalist.)

Not so interested in GWEN stuff, of course. smile As far as Vanquishing goes... haven't yet done one. Too many other things to do first. wink

HM almost anything...I can go for the vanquisher or guardian titles in any of the campaigns including Master of the North title as HM dungeons and missions.

Anything in HM, I'm taking my warrior just to give a heads up since I don't really work those titles with any other character.

I haven't been to DoA except to chest run back in the day, so I guess I wouldn't mind that. Not really big on UW or FoW except to get shards and ectos I guess.

Right now I'm in midterms, so not sure when I'll have time.
If you believe everything you read, better not read.

Um, my list is so ridiculously long I think I can fill in on anyone else's "ideal challenge," and still be accomplishing something.

However, there is one thing that I still haven't done that I really, really need to - finish Factions.

I have my Rit splinter barrager at the very last mission, but I just haven't gone through it yet! Would any of you be so kind to provide company in this endeavor? 8) Then I'd really be up for anything!

Ooooh, yeah. You might have found that fighting Shiro is probably one of the least henchable missions in Guild Wars? lol

The Celestial skills are valuable there and the mission is geared towards actually running them, but...
1.) Heroes can't pack them.
2.) Henchmen spend them badly in many cases.
3.) The Monk Celestial is a reaction skill to be held back and used with discretion (and is kinda crappy anyway).

Then you basically wind up reviewing what the Celestials can do and building the party towards them, coming up with a build entirely different from any else you've ever run, and all for a two minute fight. eek

Ooooook, so, the Shiro thing we did. We need to do the elite areas.

In guild chat with Drasca and WB I proposed next Saturday 8 pm EST/1 am GMT. Basically because I won't have a lot of free time after that. WB seemed to be quite probably possibly maybe free, and Drasca too but he wasn't as sure as WB.

So who's up for that? We'll pick a place and steamroll it! (Wants badly UW and FoW)
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star." Kong Fuzi
My English has to improve. A lot.

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