Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Brainstorming Challenges.

Would like to see the monks heal thru this smile

[Image: FoWFeb08.jpg]

Thanks for the fun! Too bad I have a to quit "early" because I have to wake up for the Sunday game.


FoxBat Wrote:These events are proving quite popular; we had 8 guildies and that wasn't even everyone on at the time!

The roster was:

Xyn, Warblade: Ursan warriors
Drasca: anti-spellcast mesmer
Zedf: splinter barrage
Docval: terra tank
Mucco: SS nuker
Hawk: Spellbreaker prot
Foxbat: Healer's boon

And then a few murmurings about Slaver's Exile turned into another full-blown run in the Fissure of Woe. 8)

Morgahn following Drasca and helping with a shout web
WarBlade & Rory: Ursan Warriors
Hayda: Isn't she cute for a brainless bimbo?
Sylva: Smite
Dunkoro: Monkey magic
KingOfPain (who?) : Splinter Barrage

KoP had to leave about an hour from the end, but we popped the Chest of Woe again after a run that was significantly smoother than last weekend.

FoxBat Wrote:There are some other approaches we could try, but I think the Terra Tank would've worked fine if fortune was on our side.

Judging by how badly I was not getting held up on my side, I'd say that we might need some more fortitude added to the full combat group. Seriously, I was barely in any better shape than Xyn while I watched Fire damage numbers in the 20's raining down hard. eek

Quote:The question is whether we want to try this again next week, or if we can decide on someting else and return to this later.
Urgoz! 8)

PS. Thanks to the people who pitched in on Vizunah Square and Raisu Palace in Hard Mode before the organized event. Ragnar is now a Legendary Guardian. smile

I'm up for whatever.

Question regarding Urgoz, if that's what we decide to do: do you have to have finished Factions with the character in question in order to access it? Or just have gotten to House Zu Heltzer?

HzH is good enough: although back when there where some Urgoz/Deep "open access weekends", you could sneak characters in there from Kaineng. If your character has visited the outpost once, then anyone else can drag you there from the guild hall. Urgoz access scrolls are cheap if your characer hasn't ever visisted the outpust, but you do need to be at HzH then.

Sorry again to all who's run I likely spoiled by losing my connection. I have DSL, so there's really no reason for it, and it probably was a provider problem. All my machinations had no effect, and eventually it just spontaneously started working again.

But alas, I was able to reconnect 2 minutes after the 10 minute reconnect window was up, just to spite me (and the rest of you.)

So, sorry again. I'll be happy to give it another run if you guys can stand it.

That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

WarBlade Wrote:Judging by how badly I was not getting held up on my side, I'd say that we might need some more fortitude added to the full combat group. Seriously, I was barely in any better shape than Xyn while I watched Fire damage numbers in the 20's raining down hard. eek

That's becuase I was an idiot and was trying to run between you and Xyn and ended up saving nobody. Especially if you had the two monks there, you would've been fine, barring power lock (which could be a serious problem)

Another hair-brained Idea I probably should have tried is to position ourselves so that we fought one group with the reaper just barely in monk range. Then let the *reaper* tank the other mob. This puts rediculous stress on the monks, but it would've had a better chance of succeeding than the plan I decided on; we actually kept the reaper alive pretty well barring those power locks.

a little taste of victory. the big bad witch is dead...
[Image: gw019.jpg]

while waiting for the decision on whether we were going to abandon Slavers for other more exciting pastures....witness was made to a whole new level of as Sylva masters the powers of levitation...
[Image: sylvalevs.jpg]

Hawkmoon Wrote:Question regarding Urgoz, if that's what we decide to do: do you have to have finished Factions with the character in question in order to access it? Or just have gotten to House Zu Heltzer?

FoxBat Wrote:HzH is good enough: although back when there where some Urgoz/Deep "open access weekends", you could sneak characters in there from Kaineng. If your character has visited the outpost once, then anyone else can drag you there from the guild hall.

And it just so happens that Warblade The Silent is still parked in the Urgoz's Warren outpost for exactly that reason, so I can start ferrying people at any time. wink

Of course we could always attempt another Underworld run if people want to do that instead.

I have a couple scrolls to burn for this as well

[Image: UWFeb08.jpg]

Its very satisfying when the tank doesn't disturb the pack smile

Better than average ecto drop for a short run.


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