Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Brainstorming Challenges.

I may be a bit late this evening, but I'll definitely be there! thumbsup

Ok, so start setting up in the hall then...

I could be 20 minutes past the hour myself it seems. eek

I'll be there though. 8)

Our usual incredible tournout wasn't quite there and we didn't get going until 9 or so, but we pulled in Demon and Zero from the Amazon Basin to help, as well as some Sabway Necros. The place was far easier than I remembered and we managed it with just a few tricky spots. The heroes seemed to have eaten all the greens, but I got some nice inscribable zodiac daggers from the chest. The HoM statue is pretty cool too. [Image: thumbsup.gif]

[Image: urgozcy0.jpg]

Some more screenies of me pwning plants. Too bad I couldn't catch the "big number spikes" that happened sporadically.

[Image: urgoz1kx6.jpg]
[Image: urgoz2os4.jpg]

Mark of Pain can really be dangerous in the right places!
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star." Kong Fuzi
My English has to improve. A lot.

Urgoz was fun. smile I've never seen it before and have wanted to go through it for far too long! nod

Ironically the best drop I had was a Communing Staff from one of the chests, which looks ok on Xandra now even if it does have Req12 Communing. The Straw Effigy from the Urgoz Chest had Improved Sale Value and went straight to the merchant. lol

As I noted in the game I probably won't be around for next weekend and FoxBat's suggestions of Hard Mode Shards of Orr quickly changed to a jumbled version of "Hard dungeon that WarBlade has done already." Well if you guys want to do Shards of Orr don't let my absence hold you back.

I do have a few alternative suggestions if you are hell-bent on not leaving me out though... lol

  1. Some of you have yet to complete Slaver's Exile and gain the gem, rare item and Deldrimor Armor Remnant rewards to be had after Duncan the Black. Duncan or any of the feeder levels could make a decent mini-event.
  2. Some of us are up to Mallyx the Unyielding while others have only some of the Domain of Anguish levels conquered. Maybe doing one or two of the feeder levels to set up more people for Mallyx could be a plan.
  3. Catacombs of Kathandrax in Normal Mode. You'll see why I want everyone to see this place in Normal before we put a Hard Mode team together. There are a number of puzzle-like situations that can quickly generate some DP for the unsuspecting.

Demon has nudged us to look into another joint outing, as AB is planning on the Deep tommorow. As he pointed out, only 5-6 have signed up, but I somehow have a feeling more will show up and there may not be room to fit RB and AB into the same party. If the numbers do somehow work out I think we should go for that, but if they don't, we should have an 8-man backup plan. I'm for slavers starting with the first quest people don't have, and seeing how far we can get. But you can probably drag me into anything if someone else has an idea.

Guys I feel kinda bad about this but The Deep event has filled all 12 slots
with Basiners. It really didn't look like we would have enough when I posted
for you guys to come along.

Open Mouth/Insert Foot frown

Sorry about that. You guys have been really nice to me and I had the best
intentions at heart. Good luck with whatever you decide to do. If I'm not
exhausted from The Deep I'll try to make your event. Have no idea how long
it will take to do it though. Haven't been there for a long time.
[size=2]Proud Member of the Amazon Basin and Realms Beyond[/size]

34 Alter Egos online ready to help at anytime!!!

Amazon Basin: Raven Divine (12 PvE)
Basin Amazons: Venus Dominae (5 PvE and 8 PvP)
Dreadful Dead: Demon Double D (7 PvP)
Realms Beyond: Empathic Aphrodisac (2 PvE)

Wow, I think doing the Stygian Veil in DoA on Saturday night took its toll - this thread has been dead since then!

My chronically dirt-napping Dervish now only needs Ravenheart Gloom before he's ready for Mallyx. thumbsup

The bad news is that I won't be around this weekend - we're going out of town, and I shall be without internet access of any sort. frown

Regardless, don't worry about me when you decide what to do - I can always force you to do it over again, if I've really missed out on something great! lol

Looks like I'm out too at this point. I've been screwed over at work and I'll be working right through the weekend. rant

We grouped up and tried to clear the Foundry of Failed Creations tonight. There were five of us on and we tried quite a number of times but the challenge proved way too hard without some human monking. We were able to get past the third room after a couple tries, but were mercilessly slaughtered in the fourth one. That place is really really hard without a standard tank who absorbs all the damage.

Thoughts about next Saturday? We have to clear the DoA sub-missions for everyone before tackling Mallyx, else there is UW, which we still haven't cleared, and The Deep, along with Duncan. Which one to choose?
"Ignorance is the night of the mind, but a night without moon and star." Kong Fuzi
My English has to improve. A lot.

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