May 7th, 2008, 07:15
(This post was last modified: May 7th, 2008, 12:12 by Dr.Disaster.)
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A Role Players question: if you had to classify yourself which of the 10 basic Diablo Charakter Classes would represent you most?
Make up your mind!
To ease decisions multiple choice is allowed.
Most of us can imagine what the classes represent RPG-wise. If you need help on class' attitudes go to
Judging myself ... *grabs mirror*
Years ealier i'd prolly have come up with either the Amazon for her nomadic untamed nature or the Rogue being a jack-of-all-trades.
With more insight (no pole required  ) my "habit" on following things catching my interest is somewhere between "enthusiastic" and "fanatic". No matter if it's work, play, love or seeking knownledge; it's either 120% or none at all. No-no's: brute force, trickery or callings on the occult.
Persuiting deeds like a Paladin with a Sorcerer's curious mind seems to be it.
Dr. Disaster
PS: Please don't let this end up as a boring favorite-class-poll.
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."
May 7th, 2008, 11:04
(This post was last modified: May 7th, 2008, 11:23 by KingOfPain.)
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Amazon. My man breats are large enough...J/K, totally!
Necromancr seems intriquing, almost like playing god. But I have problems dealing with death. I see a roadkill on the side of the highway, I have to turn my head till I am past it. I once had a mortician/embalmer girl friend. (Sorry, I really don't want to know how your day went at work) I often worry when I found her staring at me in my sleep. Can never be sure if it was love, or she was just curious.
For the same reason, I am scared of mice. They run at you like they are, well, the 3 blinded mice. What do you do, step on them and kill them? Assassin is out. No worries, the doc says I am better now.
I would like to be a druid, you know, wildernness in tune with mother nature and stuff. I would like to have pets, but the problem is pets don't usually out-live human.
Bar brawls, kill first and ask questions later, me macho beer guzzeling man is not my cup of... tea. Besides, I would like to kill things (if I must) without trading blows without my enemy.
Paladins get the cool armor, stiff armor to match their faces. Don't know if I can keep a straight face long enough until I can get my goodie 2 shoes diploma.
If I have to pick one, it would be the sorcerer. I think I like to think, and I don't have to kill to have fun. They are the coolest stuff right out of Sic-Fi. Fireballs, Lightning, weather manipulation, demensional sight seeing, unlimited air miles instant teleportation. Yup, one day the word teleportation will replace transportation, like Msg me has replaced write me.
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Amazon. I'm not badass enough though, or a girl for that matter.
Aarda's still throwing roses at the rain...
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My favourite class was always the Paladin, probably because it's so unlike me...
So Assassin it is! ![[Image: smile2.gif]]( Small, agile, operates alone, slips out of the dark to slip the knive between the ribs and scoots away again while others handle the main battle.
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Too hard to choose from the Diablo classes - in WoW it would be Hunter & Priest hands down.
Anyway, I voted Amazon, Paladin and Sorceress this time and I would have voted Monk if the Hellfire classes were added.
May 11th, 2008, 05:32
(This post was last modified: May 11th, 2008, 18:36 by Dr.Disaster.)
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Moriah Wrote:Anyway, I voted Amazon, Paladin and Sorceress this time and I would have voted Monk if the Hellfire classes were added. Sorry for not adding the Hellfire classes but the number of possible choices for a poll is limited. With the Monk and Bard Classes 12 out of only 10 available slots would have been needed so i had to cut it somewhere. Also a reason why i allowed multiple choice
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Paladin, with a weakness for telling dirty jokes.
"Think globally, drink locally."
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If I consider my work life, then I would have to say Necro. As a Manager I get others to do all my dirty work and only step in when they are having trouble. My personal life is more of the Rogue - I enjoy teaming up with others when I can, but am fairly independent. I don't charge directly into the heat of the battle, but pick my ground and attack problems from several angles until they are downed. In case you hadn't noticed, my favorite merc is a Rogue
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Bard and/or Druid
I play guitar, see :D and shapeshift into a bear