Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Adv 29 - mostly_harmless far from immortal

just a quick report, since I rather read the reports of other players than bore you with mine.
I don't play alot of games due to time shortage, so I don't know what to expect from boreal map, immortal AI & raging barbs.
So I played probably too conservative.

I moved the scout east and decided to settle 1 E of the orignal spot for the addtional deer.
In my game Lincoln was the founder of Hinduism.
I never built it before, so I went for the Great Wall as a protection from the barbs. Year was 1880BC. I had my second city up by then.
The Pyramids next in 450BC.

I could not keep pace with the AI speed and was enclosed in my corner by Lincoln. I only managed to get up to five cities in that confined space with one late-time four-tile exclave in American territory.
The good news is that Lincoln and me were on good relations (+25 towards the end) all the time and he completely shielded me from the more aggressive AIs.
We were in defensive pacts and mutual wars for many many turns. Too late did I realize that Permanent Alliances are still an option that was not active for that game. I was aiming for that. So the realization really was a showstopper for me.

Towards the end I was fighting a loosing cultural battle against Lincolns encroachment.

Lincoln, HC & Pericles were the dominant AIs in my game. Lincoln was full speed ahead for a space race victory, when Pericles surprised everyone (well, should have checked the victory conditon screen more often) with a Cultural Victory in 1960.
I am confident, that with a PA in place Lincoln and me would have finished the spaceship sooner.
Ah, well.
Still enjoyed the game.
With only 5 hours invested it was one of my quick games really. (small empires do have their plus points for the real life)

Cultural Defeat in 1960AD.

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

Hey, you survived until the endgame, and that's no mean feat. smile The AIs are much improved at pursuing Cultural victories in Beyond the Sword - not as competent as human players, of course, but they can get it done.

It's also still hard for me to see the Pyramids lasting until 450BC on Immortal. That definitely would not have happened back before the expansion. Kudos to you for landing them though!
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