This is my first RB game and I didn't have the time to finish it, so I'll just summarize the main events:
4000 BC Settled in place.
I went Archery - BW - Masonry; Worker first then 2 or 3 Archers
The Great Wall came in in 2240 BC.
I still hadn't met anyone yet at this point, so I didn't think going for early Alphabet would be a good idea. Instead, I went Agriculture - AH - Writing - Maths - Currency while expanding to 3 cities (in the same places as T-hawk, but in different order.
This completely tanked my economy, and I was stuck building and then disbanding Archers in my cities whilst waiting for Currency. (The unit costs were crippling)
It arrived in AD 125, and I traded it to Lincoln for Alphabet, which he had conveniently just researched.
This let me in to the tech trading game, and I soon had knowledge of all known techs. (I only knew Lincoln, Justinian and Victoria, however).
Justinian has founded Buddhism and Judaism, Lincoln founded Hinduism. It was a marriage made in heaven...
...if you are a divorce lawyer, that is.
At around this time, I founded a city for the southern gems, and this is all I would be able to afford for quite some time.
At AD 1000 I went on a capturing spree. Three barbarian cities became mine, and I now had seven cities which would be the core of my empire. I lost the GLibrary by 2 turns in AD 1060 to the Mongols.
In 1350, my feet are getting itchy and I also notice that there has been a Byzantine city right under my nose for 700 years. This is an affront to civilisation! After a little counsel from Montezuma's alter ego, I declare war immediately. Oh, I also happen to have a stack of maces and trebs to burn.
I captured that city and one other that Big J took from the Barbs before seeing some Cataphracts. These are monsters, so I decide this is a good time to give those lawyers a call and sue for peace. I vow to return with a million pikemen.
I lose the Liberalism race by a few turns in 1490 to Huayna Capac, whilst building another stack of knights, pikes, trebs and maces to assault the Byzantines. (btw, how do you pronounce his name? I can handle Suryavarman, but Huayna?)
I declared war on Justinian again in 1605 with Rifling coming in eight or nine turns. I brought 10 pikemen - did I say 1000000 earlier? I must have miscounted.
I chose to attack the well fortified border city which just happened to control his only source of horses.
See - no horses, no Cataphracts. What's the catch? There are about 15 units inside Antioch. Did I mention that those Cataphracts are monsters?
Anyway, our stacks sign a pact of mutually assured distruction, and the city is mine. As a bonus, it has a Jewish shrine, which is a nice boon.
I capture one other city, before being forced to make peace because of War Weariness.
The current date is now 1685. I have a Rifling monopoly which won't last for all that long.
Several leaders are in WFYABTA mode, and Lincoln is the tech leader, with Pericles in second.
I am in Nationhood and Theocracy. War is coming soon, but who is the target?
To be continued ...
I intend to finish this game, but I won't be able to for a couple of weeks. I'll post my results when I finish.
A few things struck me about this game:
The Boreal map script is very different to the others. I didn't think there would be enough food to build many cottages, so I didn't. I guess this was probably a mistake.
I didn't notice that Abe had no resources. Otherwise, things might have played out a little differently in the early game. Instead I sold him Iron for lots of GPT.
If I have one complaint, it is that Justinian was almost impossible to see against a background of Tundra. Do any of you know how to avoid this?
I never entered Slavery in this game. It didn't seem to me that production was the bottleneck.
Congratulations to everyone who won their games, and thanks, Sullla, for an enjoyable scenario
To summarize, 1685 AD, game incomplete.
4000 BC Settled in place.
I went Archery - BW - Masonry; Worker first then 2 or 3 Archers
The Great Wall came in in 2240 BC.
I still hadn't met anyone yet at this point, so I didn't think going for early Alphabet would be a good idea. Instead, I went Agriculture - AH - Writing - Maths - Currency while expanding to 3 cities (in the same places as T-hawk, but in different order.
This completely tanked my economy, and I was stuck building and then disbanding Archers in my cities whilst waiting for Currency. (The unit costs were crippling)
It arrived in AD 125, and I traded it to Lincoln for Alphabet, which he had conveniently just researched.
This let me in to the tech trading game, and I soon had knowledge of all known techs. (I only knew Lincoln, Justinian and Victoria, however).
Justinian has founded Buddhism and Judaism, Lincoln founded Hinduism. It was a marriage made in heaven...
...if you are a divorce lawyer, that is.
At around this time, I founded a city for the southern gems, and this is all I would be able to afford for quite some time.
At AD 1000 I went on a capturing spree. Three barbarian cities became mine, and I now had seven cities which would be the core of my empire. I lost the GLibrary by 2 turns in AD 1060 to the Mongols.
In 1350, my feet are getting itchy and I also notice that there has been a Byzantine city right under my nose for 700 years. This is an affront to civilisation! After a little counsel from Montezuma's alter ego, I declare war immediately. Oh, I also happen to have a stack of maces and trebs to burn.
I captured that city and one other that Big J took from the Barbs before seeing some Cataphracts. These are monsters, so I decide this is a good time to give those lawyers a call and sue for peace. I vow to return with a million pikemen.
I lose the Liberalism race by a few turns in 1490 to Huayna Capac, whilst building another stack of knights, pikes, trebs and maces to assault the Byzantines. (btw, how do you pronounce his name? I can handle Suryavarman, but Huayna?)
I declared war on Justinian again in 1605 with Rifling coming in eight or nine turns. I brought 10 pikemen - did I say 1000000 earlier? I must have miscounted.
I chose to attack the well fortified border city which just happened to control his only source of horses.
See - no horses, no Cataphracts. What's the catch? There are about 15 units inside Antioch. Did I mention that those Cataphracts are monsters?
Anyway, our stacks sign a pact of mutually assured distruction, and the city is mine. As a bonus, it has a Jewish shrine, which is a nice boon.
I capture one other city, before being forced to make peace because of War Weariness.
The current date is now 1685. I have a Rifling monopoly which won't last for all that long.
Several leaders are in WFYABTA mode, and Lincoln is the tech leader, with Pericles in second.
I am in Nationhood and Theocracy. War is coming soon, but who is the target?
To be continued ...
I intend to finish this game, but I won't be able to for a couple of weeks. I'll post my results when I finish.
A few things struck me about this game:
The Boreal map script is very different to the others. I didn't think there would be enough food to build many cottages, so I didn't. I guess this was probably a mistake.
I didn't notice that Abe had no resources. Otherwise, things might have played out a little differently in the early game. Instead I sold him Iron for lots of GPT.
If I have one complaint, it is that Justinian was almost impossible to see against a background of Tundra. Do any of you know how to avoid this?
I never entered Slavery in this game. It didn't seem to me that production was the bottleneck.
Congratulations to everyone who won their games, and thanks, Sullla, for an enjoyable scenario
To summarize, 1685 AD, game incomplete.