I used my Datajack to add 2000 espionage points to the Hive, more than I'll ever use probably. I then stole Pressure Dome, and upgraded my impact troopers to marines.
I researched Social Psych this turn from the couple labs I get from my network nodes and librarian specialists. Next target will be Centauri Meditation in 17 turns.
Unfortunately Mardoc switched to the Voice of Planet. As a consequence we no longer share the same state religion (ie, none...), and we don't get the trade route bonus from that anymore. Now I only get 2 credits from a trade route with him.
I signed open borders with Yang last turn. Changing to police state made him pleased with me. I can only hope his state religion, the Ascetic Virtues, spreads to me as a consequence. Then I can switch to that and use Yang as a partner to get 3-credit trade routes.
This turn I split my espionage points between Sian (to see his research projects) and Mardoc (to gain visibility on his base next turn). Both Mardoc and Sian are researching Psionics. Personally I've always found that one of the less attractive techs. I wonder what their reasons are.
On the screenshot you can see the Mexican standoff between me and Sareln. I have 10 Marines, 14 Siege tanks and 4 Choppers. To the left you can see his forces in Angel Falls.
Why I'm not concentrating forces on the obvious target Gargopoli? It is on a terrible location to defend. It's lowland surrounding by highland. If I placed all my tanks in the city and Sareln would move his forces to the mountain pass EE of the city, I'd be forced to attack uphill.
At my current location, should Sareln move units adjacent to me, I can attack with my first move and withdraw over the sea with my second move, thus preventing a counterattack. I'm still outnumbered, so I can't just rely on brute force to defend myself.
If Sareln declares war, but stays two tiles away, I'm willing to sacrifice my stack of siege tanks to weaken his force, even if numerically I lose more units. My military strategy relies on naval and amphibious power, and siege tanks are rather useless for that. Most important now is I don't lose my Marines and Choppers.