As a French person I feel like it's my duty to explain strikes to you. - AdrienIer

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spoilers: this aint no cakewalk, its a musicalcatwalk; pacal of inca

wonders? well 3 have gone so far:

[Image: turn68wonders0000.jpg]

sorry didnt notice whos leapt in score but its obv not on our continent as only sian has the henge

gold/tech ratio:

[Image: turn68ratio0000.jpg]

held firm at end of turn too. not sure whatll happen after the next city or two though. next turn we ramp up the tech to do currency in 3 turns. so what tech next? i checked and hinduism buddhism and judaism have all gone. we could jump to code of laws and nab taoism. it will take 3 or 4 turns at 100% after 5 or 6 at 0%. then what? how about iron working? we gotta clear the jungle and mine them gems at some point. also ive plotted a spot for victoria to snaffle the stone thats in there. heres the plans for the next 3 cities:

[Image: turn68expansion0000.jpg]

edit: just saw it. it was the stick that built it

IW followed by chopping out MoM with marble could be pretty cool, if you feel up to it. Try scanning around the map to see if any tile has an extra hammer unaccounted for (like a jungle grassland with 1 hammer) or a mine with two extra hammers, that means the player in question has discovered Iron Working. Also check how many players have calendar resources hooked up, gives you an indication of when they researched Calendar. You can also reload old saves to check this, if you feel like spending the time.

I like the position of Victoria, but I don't think it's urgent. It'll take quite a while to pay off, and it's not going to be stolen from you anytime soon. Got any alternative locations?

just had a quick look at the maps of shoots and sians lands i did 2 turns ago and there arent many mines visible nor are the luxuries developed. we may actually be ahead of them on calendar and they may not have iron working either. shoots skirmishers are spears right?

think my only other city options are back-fill if were not pushing into the jungled centre

the galleys started its trek eastwards. with hindsight should i have taken a axe along for the ride? haha

You don't need to look at their lands, open the diplo screen and see which resources they have hooked up. You're still short on cities, I think you should backfill if you have more valuable locations available to you. That jungle site is only worth it if you need stone imminently.

Skirmishers are fancy archers, not spearmen (strength 4 instead of 3).

Catwalk Wrote:You don't need to look at their lands, open the diplo screen and see which resources they have hooked up.

i posted those on turn 66 too. cant see shoots and i think only coppers missing from sians. ofc 2 -3 turns have passed ill look again next time

Catwalk Wrote:You're still short on cities, I think you should backfill if you have more valuable locations available to you. That jungle site is only worth it if you need stone imminently.

the back-fill aint great just taking increasingly unused food off macavity & mr.mistofelees to create cottage-cities in wasteland between bomba and bustopher jones. might find something useful on the islands though

Catwalk Wrote:Skirmishers are fancy archers, not spearmen (strength 4 instead of 3).

but they look like spears!

ok cat youre right. it was sians 1st ring. his borders have popped and the wet orn is in the 2nd ring! sending a settler to found skimbleshanks

damn! shoot has iron:

[Image: turn69shoot0000.jpg]

and so does sian:

[Image: turn69sian0000.jpg]

so they both could be chopping that jungle down. so wed better follow suit right? just realised this means they both have done alphabet for me to see this. sian first i think at turn 65-66 as we saw his res first. but at least neither has done calendar yet or havent bothered to improve those luxuries

gold/tech ratio:

[Image: turn69ratios0000.jpg]

improving-ish. as are demos:

[Image: turn69demos0000.jpg]

best ones for a while

just realised i fucked up with bustopher jones. did not notice the clams off the south-west shore. now they camnt be worked - ever!

Alphabet is not needed to see resources. Since both have iron, try scanning their lands to see if you can see extra hammers anywhere. If you want the Mausoleum, you need to start planning for it right away. Ideally, you want a good production city (10+ hammers per turn) with at least 4 forests available for chopping. How long would Iron Working take you?

just checked and i mistook tech-trading from alphabet as resource-trading haha. we got a trade-route with sian first and now shoots somehow link into our network so that is why i saw sians first i guess

the mausoleum? well most of my cities have chopped whatever forests they had or at max have 2 left. am sending a settler to the rumpleteazer site so well have 2 cities squeezing his. so i guess iron-working will be a priority to chop the jungle instead. btw that will take 2 turns at 100% but weve almost run out of gold. in fact the game will demand we drop to 90% to finish currency next turn. i may drop it further so we get max gold that turn. maybe we could run into iron-working at sub-optimal tech-level too

anyway was only going to post these pics. heres the world as we know it in 4 parts:

the north:

[Image: turn70north0000.jpg]

the south:

[Image: turn70south0000.jpg]


[Image: turn70shoot0000.jpg]


[Image: turn70sian0000.jpg]

Did you have a galley out exploring? Are the islands attractive?

its heading eastward from mr.mistoffelees. not seen anything yet

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