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Is re-MoM ready Yet?

I downloaded the stuff and had to install .NET 4 although I already had it. I have Windows 7 64 bit, so maybe I needed a 32 bit version of .NET as well?

Anyway, the game launches in a tiny window and I can't seem to do anything except click next turn. There's no terrain except grass and my settlement is called Village of Neutral.

What am I doing wrong?


No, sadly its not ready yet. I will update the executable to the latest version shortly. Ill add a text file explaining what features are ready and how to use them, but dont expect a gaming experience yet.

it's nice to see that you're still working on it =)

Thanks. Any moral support is greatly appresciated smile

Not sure where to post this, here seems as good as any.

Went to the sourceforge link, did not understand what I was required to do. So first question is, does a file exist that can be downloaded to try the remake of MoM? What is require to run it, should it possible to DL? I have the original version of MoM.

If you are ready for people to run the game, it would be great to see a thread that gives us the 411 on where to go and how to get it and get it running. In the mean time MoM still runs in DosBox. Thanks

Yes, its a temporary situation. Ill upload a file somwhere.

And I even fail at this simple task. Tsk Tsk.

Cant seem to find any links to the latest version, will you be re-submitting a file somewhere VM ?

Im in the middle of debugging. I want to get rid of this one bug, I can not compile until then. Admittedly, I have allocated little time for now, but Im on it.
Once th ebug is gone, ill upload.

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