Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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Uber Diablo!

Dr.Disaster Wrote:During the 3 hour fight he created this really nice bone garden before handing over his precious.
[Image: Dancing_Cloud%20vs.%20Diablo%20Clone.jpg]

Dr. Disaster
A three hour tour? Was your Decoy named Ginger? smoke

Why did it take three hours? Seems that regen killing of Poison javs would keep his Regen down.

"Think globally, drink locally."

Occhidiangela Wrote:Why did it take three hours? Seems that regen killing of Poison javs would keep his Regen down.
As long as you are able to keep him green all the way it works .. i thought the same way when he popped up.

Just to give an impression: my zon's plague damage was at a mere 30k over 15 sec back then, waaay behind current numbers, doing only 1.5k overall damage to DClone. Poison javelin did 35k over 70 sec for 1.75k total. Both takes forever to dent his 642,5k life so it went like this:

switch to alternate weapon tab
cast Lower Resist on him to lower his poison resist from 95% to like 55%
switch to normal weapon tab
toss Poison/Plague Javelins at/near him
circle/dodge him until Lower Resist wears off

The problem was when the poison effect timed out his insane regen kicked in with me still circling/dodging him. I tried to keep him walking from cloud to cloud all the way but sometimes he evaded what i tossed at him and before the next javelin landed it was happy healing time. That went several times with me once getting him down to the "I" in his namebar. After 2 hours trying for nought running out of gold to recharge my wand i went to town and poundered other options.

It took me a few tries to shop some blue PMH javelins out of Charsi. Using them with poison javelin tagged PMH onto him and after about another hour he finally fell.

On our last meeting a few weeks ago it took her about 10 minutes to down him. Clear sign of improvement, eh? wink

Dr. Disaster
Arthur pulls tiles from the Scrabble bag which by random form into "What do you get when you multiply six by nine?"
Arthur: "Six by nine? 42?"
Ford: "I always knew there was something fundamentally wrong with the universe."

Hi smile

Congrats to the team and to anyone who can manage this feat.
I have yet to reach these lofty stages of the game and with my 90 days in the USA, my chars will probably expire again before I get the chance to advance to Hell difficulty.
Keep posting these accomplishments, it gives newbies a lot to aspire to lol


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