Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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New Version of Xcom

(October 18th, 2012, 09:22)xenin Wrote: I just finished a playthrough on normal without seeing any glitches, but I'm also wary of trying the actual ironman setting. I'd be interested in some kind of SG if people want to try one, variant or not.

Firaxis did a reasonable job at balancing the classes I think - I always wanted one more of everything, but by the end fixed on 2 heavies/snipers and 1 assault + 1 support. Medikits become very precious, but the extra firepower made up for it.

Overall a pretty fun game, although I think it's a little short.
The final fight was a little anticlimactic for me; my scouting assault trooper ran into the final room, which triggered the ethereal and the spawn of his minions... and one of my elite squadsight + double tap snipers then landed two 75% shots to instantly drop the ethereal and end the game. High level snipers are probably a little strong.

Better than Mass Effect 3.

Has anyone managed to get the
Blaster Launcher?
In Soviet Russia, Civilization Micros You!

"Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

Is that a better version of the rocket launcher? I wondered if there was an upgrade for it, but never found one.

(October 19th, 2012, 07:47)xenin Wrote:
Is that a better version of the rocket launcher? I wondered if there was an upgrade for it, but never found one.

Yes! You have to down a Battleship (Very Large) with the Fusion reactor in tact. You can then research the blaster launcher and fusion canon (for your ships), but you won't be able to build a lot unless you keep downing Very Large's since you need the fusion core to build stuff.

Also, if you are doing well in game you might not come across a very large UFO. The way to get one to show up is to ignore one UFO and then a very Large will come looking for your satelittes after.


(October 19th, 2012, 09:02)Tasunke Wrote: how do u find the batleships? (do u mean large UFO or more sea/undersea stuff?)

My last post has an explanation how to find a battleship in the spoiler comment. Unfortunately, the best way to find one is to purposefully play poorly for a brief period. The nice thing is that it allows you to control what continent it will show up on and therefore, you can have strong interceptors ready there.

Hmm, that is, in some ways, a good thing ^_^ ... but yea, I'd agree that its a bit counter intuitive to have to play 'poorly'.

Just to clarify, can you only ever fight a UFO with only ONE interceptor? Rather, is the fact that you can select more than one interceptor the bug, or is the fact that it freezes the game a bug?

(I got the North pole bug during my first game frown)

I've managed to effectively send two interceptors before but never three. I'm not sure what the exact trigger is for the bug. I don't know if it makes a difference if you Abort or if you let the Interceptor be shot down. I think the problem comes from when the 2nd or 3rd interceptor is still enroute but the UFO is either already shot down or escaped out of range, but I'm not sure.

Did anyone try playing with the Super Soldier easter egg/cheat ?


(October 19th, 2012, 09:46)Gustaran Wrote: Did anyone try playing with the Super Soldier easter egg/cheat ?

No, I haven't yet. But that article doesn't clarify they also have to be from the proper class. Since I haven't tried it, I can't confirm, but I know they are class specific. E.g. Sid Meier is Support.

While I don't need a new time sink, it is after all XCOM.
Been sitting on the fence a bit, part of me just wants to rush and buy it.
But reading a bit, I'm thinking that perhaps I can wait till it's on sale, and that dev's don't "deserve" my full payment.

Anyone care to comment on these 4 reviews. Are they wrong, or just very old-fashioned and 'haters' regardless?

I have bought the game as I am/was a huge fan of the original series and because I am an old school gamer (36 year old). I have obviously finished the game after playing furiously and I have this sensation of emptiness... Opinion: Short, easy and somewhat poor AI, because as the difficulty increases basically the AI cheats by lowering your % of hit on enemies. Very dumbed down version of the original , mainly to suit mainstream console gameplay and as long as you have 6 guys in squad, anything combination works as the games is fairly linear. Also poor graphics on PC version. This is not 1999 anymore and we deserve better texture packs and a lot better quality on cutscenes. As mentioned before by other users, there is a script decided before every mission starts (after you launch it) on which all the hits and miss of your team have already been setup. You can save and load 1001 times and the results will be exactly the same. This is not strategy this is watching an interactive slideshow. They have just removed all the char stats from affecting the game and they are just there for cosmetic value. Despite all this still a fun game to play through on a weekend on normal difficulty, a week on classic and 10 years on Impossible :P Buy at your own risk (you will be disappointed if you played the original)

30 %:
First off, this is really not an X-Com game and if you go in looking at it as a new IP then you will be a lot better off. The game is heavily streamlined/dumbed-down from its origins and rather than a turn-based strategy game like the original X-Com games, you are buying a turn-based ACTION game, like a turn-based Gears of War. You are limited to 4 squad members to start, you cannot build or manage new bases, the maps are pre-done rather than random (and can repeat through a game), and virtually all of the strategic portions of the original X-Com have been deleted. I suspect this was done to "attract the CoD/GeoW audience" but it just makes the unsuitable for any true strategy gamer and its slow pace will certainly keep away the FPS fans. Now this is not specifically a "bad" game, and if you are the type of gamer who thought "wouldn't it be cool to command a Gears of War squadron (dressed in Mass Effect armor) in a turn-based game but without all those unnecessary strategic elements, new base building, and micro-managing" then this is the game for you. X-Com EU has loses the overall strategic gameplay, and is all turn-based action with Mass Effect armor and guns. Not for me, but who knows, there might be an big undiscovered market for this game type.

and another 30%:
I heard their goal was to streamline the experience but I personally think they just dumbed it down. The geoscape is now nothing more than a button to "scan" for UFO activity which advances the story. My main complaint is the elimination of the soldier inventory, there's no more interacting with the ground or worrying about overloading your soldier; I liked that extra depth. Also squad size is now capped at 6, and the aliens aren't active on the field until you find them... If anyone is looking for a modern x-com rather than a x-com re-imagining, check out Xenonauts.

And a 0%:
This game should have a different title.Perhaps-Generic Alien Shooter Yielding Atrociously Stressful Strategy Elements Dumbed-down. That would then explain how the marketing team was able to pull off a top sales item in a pre-release sale. "Well core principles from the original that we wanted to build on was basically everything" -Jake Solomon(Lead designer) I personally believe they removed just about every single good tactical piece from the original. If by build, you mean remove, then well done. In this game you are unable to interact with the ground, or move invetory of one soldier to another soldier. What a soldiers takes into battle is what they get, no more and no less(Unless they use the items they bring in, then it's used up and leaves them with nothing). Only allowed one operations base, and to go with that only a single strike team can be deployed at a time. This causes a "choose your own ending book" style of play. Not a bad idea, but its not XCOM. "Another big thing we did to the game was we added cover" I can only LOL. Just because you didn't recognize it in the older game, doesn't mean it was not there. Furthermore, I often have my soldiers throwing grenades through walls and objects that should cause the grenade to either detonate or change trajectory however passes directly through the obstacle. While other times I may throw a grenade or line up a "seemingly" perfect clear flanking shot to have it be obstucted by off to the side objects. Major failure to utilize the Unreal engine's capabilities. "We got these great dramatic scenes where you know your snipers can line up a super long shot and you'll see it[Camera] follow it right down the barrel" -Jake Solomon I'm finding that my definition of "Super long" is quite different as even down a clear street in the game I cannot shoot very far at all. While my forward soldiers can see and identify the E.T. My sniper in the back when trying to shoot, is told no targets. Out of range? Unlike in the original game where you could shoot freely, this game requires that you take aim at a hostile, in sight target and also that it's within a certain range of the firing soldier. While having a completely destroyable map, what good was all that design work when you fail to allow the player to shoot at that map intentionally? Oh, I know the answer to why the game fails here in this aspect. The invetory system being removed along with the addition of unlimited munitions created a major catch 22. "Mission control was really important because that's where the geoscape is, and that's the heart and soul of the game" -Greg Foertsch The heart and soul of the old game was infact the geoscape. The geoscape in this new mess is nothing more than an interactive, push (X) to continue, movie. The missions are linear and not randomly occuring which kills the replay value. Not only are the encounters not random, the maps are also not random, nor is the placement of the enemies within. Which is a formula for major dissapointment, not only in an XCOM game, but ANY tactical game. The enemies, no matter which difficulty, are just waiting for you to find them before they become "Active" The enemies do not make actions until you stumble upon them, sometimes you can make a lot of noise and maybe they will move. Generally not, it seems that the A.I. doesn't care how many explosions or windows are broken, until after you see them. More aptly called Artificial Downs instead of Artificial Intelligence. "We wanted to introduce a new system over time units to allow a little more free space in the player's mind so they didn't have to keep track of how far they could move and what actions they could take" -Jake... Dear Jake, I'm certain there is absolutely no shortage of [empty]space in your mind. What's a worse scenario? Using 7 extra time units because you moved to the wrong space or using your entire turn and putting your solider one spot out of cover on account of the new lousy camera? During my most recent mission, I had 4 squad members deployed, one on the roof of a two story building, two of them directly below looking out the windows and one member along the side of the building. The member on the side of the building spots 3 hostiles, the member on the roof cannot take action against them. It is quite clear there are no obstructions preventing the roof top member from shooting with his sniper rifle yet cannot fire because "No targets", so I choose overwatch for that member and the aliens start to move. The very first action the alien takes is to shoot at my rooftop sniper with his plasma pistol causing a 9 damage critical hit. The alien did not move before or after firing. Too bad the game was released in it's current state. I find it nearly unplayable as a strategy tactical game. This game was at minimum 8 months of intelligent tuning away from being finished

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