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RBOrion Imperia Returning Next Week


Master of Orion is more than a decade old. In video game standards, that means ancient. The graphics are low resolution. The music is simple when available at all. The tactical combat model is abstract and simple. The economy is abstract and simple. There are only four map sizes, only ten factions to play. Why bother with this game at all?
Video games are enhanced by graphics and sound, but the essence of any game boils down to the actions taken by the player. As hardware and software advances have increased options available to programmers, game designers have been lured down the path of increased detail: to flesh out their games, to focus the player's attention onto an ever smaller scale. This is what gamers have clamored for, "cool features", "more realism". However, strategy gaming is about the big picture. The more that player's attention is drawn to the small scale, the more impact the small scale choices have on the outcome, the less impact is had by making big picture decisions. The big picture decisions end up being dictated by the events taking place at the local level, rather than the other way around, turning games into puzzles where the player spends all his time piecing together the minutiae. Thus, strategy game designers have abandoned the concept of strategy.

We look back to Master of Orion not out of nostalgia, but with longing for strategy games that place the strategy above all else. Whether you have played and loved this classic for more than a decade or have never heard of it before, or anywhere between, we invite you to journey with us. Great games are a timeless commodity. Master of Orion is a rare gem worthy of continued devotion.


For each event, all participants will use the same map, pursue the same scenario objectives, and observe the same rules. After the game is closed, players will post reports of their games and compare notes. The catch? Absolutely NO spoilers, or any sort of discussion about the game (even by email) while it's in progress.

The Imperium Formula

Each game will have a Sponsor. Any player may sponsor an idea, and will be in charge of the particulars for a game: map size, settings, opponents, victory conditions, type of scoring, difficulty level, any variant rules or map customization, and length of time for the contest to remain open.

If the designer has foreknowledge of the map (because it's been customized) they must recuse from the competition. However, if they play cold from the start on a random map, they wouldn't necessarily have to take the first random start to come along. The sponsor may play far enough in to see that the starting neighborhood meets with their vision, just so long as they don't restart on same map or in any way offer spoilers to the field of players.

Because of the length of time required for playing, reporting on, and discussing each game, we anticipate that there will be more good ideas than available time to implement them. Therefore, each game would be subject to the approval of the Organizers, in order to garner an official place on the schedule. Organizers must approve the rules, any customizations (mods, etc), and will fit the game in with others, with an eye toward the integrity and balance of the series as a whole.

Games will be announced by an Organizer on the Master of Orion forum. Games may also be posted to our events calendar, and information will be available on the website. Once a game is announced, players will have until the closing date to complete the game and write their game report. Do not post any information about the game before the closing date. At the end of the closing date, each player will have 24 hours to post their report (hopefully this should be no problem, because the report will already have been written). Then, finally, it will be time for the discussion (and, depending upon the game, the scoring)! The discussion will be open to everyone who would like to contribute.

While we encourage players to post complete reports for Imperia, we understand that this is not always possible. In this case, players may post a brief summary of their achievements, including any information vital to the scoring, as well as data such as finish date, win/loss, and whatever details they can include in the available time. If the game itself is incomplete, the player should save their game no later than the game's closing date, and post a summary of the game by the end of the reporting period. These games will be included in the official results as "retired" games, and will be eligible for scoring based upon the status of the game at the end of the closing date. Completed games are eligible for full scoring so long as a sufficient summary is posted. Full reports can be added later, if the player elects to complete a detailed report. The community will be interested in full reports even if they are late, but both playing activity and game summaries need to be completed on time. Players are also welcome to complete their "retired" games after the closing date and write about the "overtime" results, but can only be scored through the portion completed before the play deadline.

Also, players who will be unavailable to post their reports or summaries in the reporting window may have someone else do it for them. One way is to email the game sponsor and/or RBO staff and ask them to hold the report to be posted on Closing Day.

* * * * *

As promised, we are reviving the Imperia and planning to open a new Master of Orion game starting next week. Some of our longtimers will remember the drill from back in 2004. For everyone else, the Imperia work in essentially the same fashion as the RBCiv Epics/Adventures. The game opens on a Monday, runs for several weeks (no spoilers!), and then closes on a report day, after which each person posts a summary of their game for discussion and commentary. As far as more specific details:

- We will be using the latest (heh) version of Master of Orion, v1.3; for information on acquiring and running Master of Orion, please check Sirian's website and Jon Sullivan's resources page. MOO is officially abandonware at this point, so I wouldn't feel bad about downloading a copy.

- The Imperia will launch one at a time and run for four weeks; think of them as monthly games. (We could go faster, but participation will likely be pretty thin as is.) You are always welcome to play solo games or start a succession game if you have the urge to play more MOO. smile

- There are a wealth of resources giving instructions on how to play MOO. The best is Sirian's Tutorial, which covers all the basics in great detail. From there, you can look at many of the fine AAR game descriptions on various websites (check out the Results page at RBOrion for some links) or archived in this very forum (go back to 2004 and you'll find them), or look at some of the Orion Succession Games (OSG) played over at CivFanatics in their MOO forum. I will also mention that there is some content on my website as well...

- The RBOrion website will have all the current info on new games. We'll also announce things in the forums, but that's where to go for all of the pertinent information.

The next post in this thread covers the official rules for the Imperia.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Taken directly from the RBOrion Rules page:

* Imperia are played using version 1.3 of Master of Orion.

* Absolutely, positively no spoilers allowed until the game is closed! This means you do not talk about your results at all. Not directly, not indirectly, not publicly, not privately, until Closing Day, when reports are to be posted. If you have questions, you may ask the game sponsor through email, or post your questions on the forum. If you post questions and the issue arose during play, try to minimize the details that you reveal in your question.

* We value legitimate, cheat-free gameplay at Realms Beyond! Use of in-game cheat codes to scramble leader personalities, disable events, add money to your reserves, or any other such activity, is not allowed. Checking for captured spies and scrapping missile bases is OK.

* Use of third-party software to edit saved game files or alter gameplay values is not allowed. EXCEPTION: If you encounter the negative fleet bug (65000 ship stacks appearing). If this happens, contact us for help.

* Scenario designers may use editing tools in crafting a scenario for the Imperia. Use of scrambled personalities, events toggle, and other effects are also permitted in setting up a scenario, but not during actual play.

* Players should keep their game's final save file. Although file submission is not standard for Imperia games, the game's Sponsor or an Imperia organizer may request files from players for verification purposes. In addition to the final saves, players may want to keep save files from earlier points in the game to enhance discussion. Sponsors may choose to require saves at particular points in the game, although this is not standard for every event. If earlier saves are necessary, this information will be provided when the game is announced.

* Reports are normally due within one day of an event's closing day. The minimum report includes all information and statistics relevant to scoring, plus enough details to give at least an outline of your results. You are allowed to post a minimum report by the due date and fill in more details later, if you wish.

* Because of the no-spoilers nature of tournament events, when in doubt over a situation or rule, use your best judgment (bearing in mind the value we place upon non-exploitative gameplay), and mention this in your report. Hopefully, the ensuing discussion will help to clarify this for future events.

* Any variant rules established for a specific game must be observed.

* Restarting the game from scratch is not permitted. Reloading to recover from strategic error is not permitted. If something occurs between turns that you did not notice and then forget about, or did not anticipate, you should eat the mistake, including unexpected elections, unforeseen attacks, etc. Reloading to change erratic AI choices, event luck or artifacts scouting luck is specifically prohibited.

* There are exceptions to "no reloads". A misclick, causing an unintended diplomatic offer to be made, ships to be scrapped by mistake, or ending your turn prematurely, may be cause for reload. Reload from autosave by exiting the program and Continuing upon restart, or you may load a manual save if you have one very recent. We're not here to measure how flawless your clicking and control-interface skills are, but the results of your strategy. Master of Orion is a phased game, so most misclicks can be corrected and undone without problems. This rule is intended to enhance your game enjoyment. Please do not abuse this privelege.

* Losing your colony ship at game start by sending it to Orion by mistake, should Orion happen to be placed next to your start position, is one of the few catastrophic luck factors present in the game. This is a more probable happening on smaller maps, but can happen on any map size. To remove this catastrophic swing of fortunes from tournament play, we will allow restart for any player to whom this happens. HOWEVER, you must exit the game as soon as you realize your colony ship is doomed, avoiding any further revelation of spoiler info, and upon restart (from the game's first turn), you must send a scout to the Orion system, and you must leave your colony ship and your second scout in orbit of your homeworld until the first scout reaches Orion and is destroyed. Only then may you send your surviving ships, or any newly built ships, on to a different system. Obviously, this rule applies only when Orion is placed within three parsecs of your homeworld.

* There are two victory conditions in the game. One is diplomatic, the other military. As it is possible to win both ways, in a sense, the Imperia will recognize four distinct categories of victory:

1) Extermination. All rivals have been exterminated to the last sentient.
2) Conquest. Your civ has two thirds or more of total galactic population. You have conquered the galaxy and may vote yourself emperor any time you please.
3) Domination. Your civ has settled and occupies half the stars or more in the galaxy, and you enjoy enough support from rivals to be voted emperor.
4) Diplomatic. You win the vote in the high council without meeting the above criteria.

* Absolutely, positively no spoilers allowed until the game is closed!

As always, feel free to ask any questions/concerns in the forums. We have many experienced players who will be happy to help you! nod
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Sorry, I tried to send a private message but was not able to. Thank you for working on this Sullla! I did want to point out for the benefit of anyone who may not know, that while a fleet enhanced by the negative fleet bug may well actually contain 65000+ ships, the counter tops out at 32000, so that is the highest number visible during play.

I am looking forward to this with big anticipation.

Especially as Moo3, GalCiv II and also Space Empires V were all disappointments, eventually.

jmas Wrote:Sorry, I tried to send a private message but was not able to. Thank you for working on this Sullla! I did want to point out for the benefit of anyone who may not know, that while a fleet enhanced by the negative fleet bug may well actually contain 65000+ ships, the counter tops out at 32000, so that is the highest number visible during play.

You mean like this? lol

[Image: AGA21-3.jpg]

The Negative Fleet Bug is probably the worst aspect of the game. There's not a whole lot you can do about it either, other than solider on. Fortunately the AI is pretty stupid about using its ships, so it's still possible to win even when it does show up. In this game I managed to beat these runaway Psilons, even though they ended up with 64,000 Huge ships! Good times. wink

More info will be coming on Monday. We're running an Average game to start (literally and metaphorically!) and then will work up to some harder stuff/variants from there.
Follow Sullla: Website | YouTube | Livestream | Twitter | Discord

Thanks very much, Sullla! If we have crazy notions for Imperia we'd like to sponsor (presumably after the first couple are out of the way), should we suggest them to you by PM, or are there alternative/better ways?

(Quoting Sullla) <The Negative Fleet Bug is probably the worst aspect of the game. There's not a whole lot you can do about it either, other than solider on.>

You may be right.. I don't think I had encountered it before playing Megafrost's New Meklar Corner scenario on Civfanatics, so I'm not too experienced at dealing with it. I know this would open a can of worms for a competitive game, but on a theoretical level, it seems like it should be possible to change sizes of ship groups in fleets by editing saved games. I just looked back at sargon0's post on Civfanatics but didn't see any information about where data for fleets is located within the save files. Of course it would be nice to know how many ships there were in a group before the bug took effect...something a player might not know, and that I don't know in the case of my game with the Meklars.

Anyway, looking forward to the games. thumbsup

jmas Wrote:Of course it would be nice to know how many ships there were in a group before the bug took effect...
My understanding is that the negative fleet bug takes effect when an AI can no longer support its fleet, is therefore forced to scrap ships, and (due to a bug in the code) scraps more from a stack than it actually has. It then has negative X ships in that stack, which wraps around to 64,000 - X for all purposes except maintenance (of which they pay none). If this is correct (no first-hand knowledge; this is what I've pieced together from reading this forum and the one at Civfanatics, and I could be wrong) then any "negative" fleet should be reset to zero ships if the means of doing so could be found.

[jmas] I did not include any info on fleets in my save game mapping because I was interested primarily in production & tech. Also some game editors already provide fleet info.

Correcting negative fleet bug
Oreo will allow you to edit fleet sizes but only when they are at a planet. The only problem will be correcting the fault without divulging other information while using an editor. Probably best to ask if someone else who has finished the game can edit the savegame for you.
[EDIT] PS. On checking a savefile I have found fleet data for ships en route and I can successfully alter counts so anyone needing help can contact me for info or pass savefile for correction. If anyone has a save with the negative fleet bug then post it and I can do a trial run.

Looking forward to these upcoming Imperia games and discussion of strategy and outcome with others. nod

There was some work that got done here in the forums regarding an exploits list for MOO. That might need to be brushed off and taken a look at, to see how much of it fits with the vision for the Imperia. I'll be upfront and say that the exploits list we came up with hasn't yet gotten a lot of field testing, but perhaps the Imperia will offer some opportunities in that regard.

Otherwise, looking forward to the resumption of the Imperia.

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