Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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The Dark arts - C&D Master Thread

Demographics from close after the turn rolled.
[Image: civ4screenshot1256.jpg]

"You have been struck down!" - Tales of Dwarf Fortress
"moby_harmless seeks thee not. It is thou, thou, that madly seekest him!"

Thanks! My weekday mornings are often too busy to grab them before a little past 8 CET, unless they roll before 7 CET.
Furthermore, I consider that forum views should be fluid in width

Also, here's a hint for those taking screen shots of demos, graphs, and other stuff, especially with large displays: scroll the view so you're over the fog. That way the score values become far more visible and the files become smaller.
Furthermore, I consider that forum views should be fluid in width

T56 - 1760 BC

Cliff's Notes: Apolyton grew their capital to size 6 and founded their fourth city; the Germans whipped out a Terrace in their third city of Wittenberge last turn, and CivPlayers researched Meditation in 5t and founded Buddhism.

[Image: civ4screenshot1256.jpg]

Score increases for Apolyton (2 points, 117 to 119) and CivPlayers (6 points, 96 to 102). A little later in the turn Apolyton settled their fourth city, going to 121 in score.

From the top cities screen we see 3 6-pop cities, one 5-pop (Indira for CFC), and one 4-pop (CivFr's capital), which means Apolyton grew their capital to size 6, and became the new rival best in population. (The other 6-pop capital is WPC's.)

Population increased with 46000, but Apolyton grew with 61000, so the Germans must've whipped away 15000, ie a 3 to 2 whip.

Apolyton now has cities of size 6, 5, 2, and 1, while the Germans have cities of size 5, 2, 1, and 1.

Land area increased with 9000, and we dropped from #2 to #3 in land. Thus, I assign Apolyton 9000 (their new city) and 13000 (from the third-ring expansion of their capital on T51) in land, taking them to 58000. Note that this is a lower bound.

Rival total power increased with 12000, of which at least 6000 must be at the rival best (from 48000 to 54000). Is there a team here doing a Fierce à la PBEM 23? Most likely it's two axes being built.

Going on to the F8 screen, the German capital of Webringen has 112 culture, just as can be expected on T56 from a SPI civilization. Their third city of Wittenberg has 2 culture, probably a Terrace that they whipped last turn.

CivPlayers received 6 points, and since Buddhism was founded this turn they researched Meditation in 5t, implying a raw commerce of at least 25, probably at least 28-30. As the Aztecs, they might be on a Code of Laws beeline for their Sacrificial Altars, in which case they need to research Priesthood and Writing if they are to Oracle Code of Laws. (This is provided they researched AH on T51, but they might have Writing already.)

However, they still are missing BW, so they will be forced to slow-build the Oracle. Estimate four turns to research Priesthood, and they will have 9t to beat us to the Oracle with mines only, ie circa 16 hpt. Probably doable in their capital, but they will still need Writing, and if they don't have AH they have fewer hammers available.

Total urban barb population is up to 3.
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So out of curiosity, I looked at our research so far and figured out the average growth rate in our beakers like I did in this thread: (by graphing them and looking at the equation for the trend line on a logarithmic graph).

It turns out we've been increasing our number of beakers researched at about 3.6% each turn. Not bad! At that rate, around turn 125 we'll be deeply into the medieval era with about 21,000 total beakers. That's enough to research all techs up to philosophy, if we did them all in order.

(October 26th, 2012, 15:54)luddite Wrote: So out of curiosity, I looked at our research so far and figured out the average growth rate in our beakers like I did in this thread: (by graphing them and looking at the equation for the trend line on a logarithmic graph).

It turns out we've been increasing our number of beakers researched at about 3.6% each turn. Not bad! At that rate, around turn 125 we'll be deeply into the medieval era with about 21,000 total beakers. That's enough to research all techs up to philosophy, if we did them all in order.

clearly, we should start simming out a lib grab for biology or assembly line wink.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

(October 26th, 2012, 15:57)Bigger Wrote: clearly, we should start simming out a lib grab for biology or assembly line superconductor wink.

FTFY. I think I read one of T-Hawk's reports where he did that. But we don't want to build a space ship, we want to kill everyone, right? hammer

Played: Pitboss 18 - Kublai Khan of Germany Somalia | Pitboss 11 - De Gaulle of Byzantium | Pitboss 8 - Churchill of Portugal | PB7 - Mao of Native America | PBEM29 Greens - Mao of Babylon

T57 - 1720 BC

ETA: The actual pop growths were different than outlined here.

Cliff's Notes: CivPlayers gained land points. The Germans, CivFr, and CFC grew to 10 total pop, and Univers grew to 11 total. Total soldiers rose with 16000 sans pop. CFC gained a tech in 5t, and I'm tentatively noting down Hunting for them. Univers gained a tech in 4t, and I note a very tentative Bronze Working.

[Image: ISDG-203s.jpg]

Lots of score increases, 6 tiles of newly claimed land, some increase in global population, and a whopping increase in power of 19000.

With newly claimed land coming 2t after the founding of a religion, I assign that land to CivPlayers since it's their holy city popping borders. We also drop from #3 to #4 in land, so I put in 14 tiles to the third-ring border expansion of their capital.

The land tracking also indicates that CivPlayer received 7 land score points.

WPC increased score with 6 (a tech), the Germans and CivFr with 3 (pop), CFC with 9 (pop and a tech), and Univers with 2 (pop).

A population increase of 52000 with 4 pop points implies cities of size 3, 2, and two of size 1 growing.

The Germans have cities of size 5, 2, 1, and 1, and have whipped a lot recently. CivFr has cities of size 4, 3, 1, and 1. CFC has cities of size 5, 3, and 1 (6t since last growth). Univers has cities of size 4, 3, 2, and 1.

CivFr grew their size 3 city just 2t ago, so they grew a size 1 city. Univers grew their size 3 city 3t ago, so I put that growth on CFC. I put the size 2 city growing on Univers and the last size 1 on the Germans, but this is pretty much a case of proctonumerology. Lets hope the teams spread out their growths a little better in the future! crazyeye

WPC researched their tech in 4t, and CFC in 5t. We also has a noticable drop in average GNP as the turn rolled.

GNP reverse calculation shows that we don't get a bonus beaker with any techs, so neither CFC nor the Germans know Masonry, Meditation, or Sailing.

Power increased with 19000, of which 3000 was pop, leaving 16000 for tech, units, and buildings. I think CFC might have researched Hunting, though going AH->Hunting makes little sense, so they might have done some swapping there and researched Hunting T52 and AH T57. No way to know until after the game. But the main question is, did WPC research Bronze Working in 4t? Perhaps, but then they probably did some research swapping.

That leaves 6000, which fits with an axe build.

Note: I've continued to follow my earlier turn notation scheme, ie most events noted as Txx happened as the previous turn ended. Too much work having to change everything, and we would need to change our notation for tracking score changes too. It's more important to track the time since last change anyway, and a fixed offset doesn't matter there.
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T58 - 1680BC

Cliff's Notes: The Germans and Univers each grew a city to size 2; Apolyton grew their third city to size 3; CivFr grew their capital to size 5; and the Spanish grew their second city to size 2, their capital to size 4, and gained a tech in 7t. Global power increased with 12000, 2000 which came from pop.

[Image: ISDG-T58-demos.jpg]

The demos above are with our tiles according to the micro plan , but without Something Fishy settled. Especially our food output takes a beating from that. Note also that our GNP is artificially high - we get a 1.6 multiplier for Writing, and also lots of culture from Stonehenge and religion.

Again, this is a turn with plenty of score increases. We, the Germans, and CivFr gained 2; Apolyton and Univers 3; and the Spanish a whopping 10. Total population rose with 99000, and rival global power with 12000.

The Spanish weren't due for any land points, but growing from 5 to 7 pop only gives 4 score, so it's two pop growths and a tech in 7t for them.

Top cities shows 1 size 5 city founded on 4000 BC, ie CivFr grew their capital. Also shown are two size 6 cities founded 3960 BC (WPC and Apolyton), Indira at size 5, and a size 5 city founded 3960. The Spanish are rival worst in population at 55000, so they grew their capital to 4 and their second city to 2. Rival best rose from 247000 to 262000, so Apolyton grew their third city to size 3. That leaves the Germans and Univers to growing a size 1 city each. No proctonumerology this turn!

Power increased with 12000, of which 2000 came from pop for the Spanish and Univers, leaving 10000 for tech and units. But which tech did the Spanish research? Beats me. Archery would fit the power rise, but that's just an axe and a spear, and I will assume they have copper. I put in Mysticism for them, mainly due to a lack of any better idea, and that monuments are a happiness building for them.
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Some quick notes:

The German city of Wittenberge has 6 culture on T58, up from 2 on T56. Definitely a terrace there. Their city of Worms is also up to 4 culture, and has had a granary for 2t. Their capital is up to 120 culture, which also indicates a terrace there for 2t (58x2 for palace, 2x2 for terrace).

The total urban barb population is 3.

The influence of Buddhism is 4%, ie I think it was founded in CivPlayers' second city at size 4, and that the religion hasn't spread from there yet.
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