Chat with Lewwyn. We better stop talking with Krill. They still are asking a lot.
Quote:me: hi
Lewwyn: hey
me: I thikn we'll have a prettty good shot at razing Losing. You wanna proceed there or would you like to get something out ogf the city?
Lewwyn: well I haven't seen the turn and Krill didn't report what happened in the last turn
me: Not this turn, but not far in the future either
He moved workers away
We had axe threateniing
You'll lose also your southern warrior unless we lose 99% battle
Lewwyn: thats okay
me: Losing warrior? I didn't expect you to cry much over it
Lewwyn: well if the peace deal you were to offer would be fair we'd consider it
me: It is fair, but we'll take into account the investment on military while you've built who knows what
Lewwyn: You don't mean the deal you tried to give us last time right?
me: It was just a starting point. Haven't seen any counter offer
Lewwyn: it wasn't much of a starting point
me: As wasn't that we give you 2 settlers either
If you want them you had to wait
Lewwyn: you getting the city is an immiediate benefit, huge huge benefit
and that land deal was nowhere close to acceptable
me: Both are negotiable, but still haven't heard anything concrete from you. Your border suggestion wasn't acceptable either
We most certainly want land towards the middle that is northern than Losing
Lewwyn: I've seen your south
you have a huge amount of free space
me: Can't say anything about that haven't scouted your surroundings much. Only seen tha quality of your land is better than ours
Lewwyn: I disagree
me: We don't have irrigated corn our gold is way further
We don't have nice forested deer..
No 6 food tiles
Lewwyn: if you try to settle north of losing you'll take our gold
me: wihtouth cain irrigation
Lewwyn: and we don't have another
me: As I said we're not that intrested to settle there
Our intrest is towards the center
Assuming of course we get a deal
Lewwyn: You can havev losing but we need to settle a city north of losing
me: Where would it go?
Lewwyn: Need to reference my map
me: Naturally everything not competing with BFC of Losing is ok
Lewwyn: we'll return to that in a second, there might be slight overlap but it would not be competeing for the deer
first though we would require a settler and 2 workers for the city itself
me: That is probably also acceptable. I'll naturally had to put any deal through our team
Lewwyn: the city would likely be given to you at size two so that would factor in
me: Fast workers - Might not go through - but you can suggest
Lewwyn: I believe you lose food from the foodbox if we give it to you before size two, so if you want it at size 2 (in a few turns we would require the extra workers)
me: It is lost, but so is production
It is half filled now I wouldn't mind it being empty
Lewwyn: what if we completed the archer thats being built now and gifted it to
since there already is production into it
me: Might work. We need just all points of the deal in one list
We probably don't need more military though
Lewwyn: aye I thought about it as I wrote it, but thats what already has hammer sinto it
me: Sure - you can probably have it in case it grows to 2
Had to go now, but if you sum up your desires we'll comment and hopefully get out of this
Lewwyn: as for the center you say thats where you are looking for land concessions?
me: At least we want a city 2-3 tiles norther that Losing. That would probably work
but had to go cya
Lewwyn: ok
I'm about to go to bed myself, and I have a super busy day tmr but I'll try to get a full list of stuff during some of my office hours