First off, I'd like to give a hearty "Thank You!" to Sullla for putting in the time and energy to re-start the Imperia. I'm looking forward to lots of great gaming and discussion.
Ok, so let's see what we have here. Psilon, Klackon, and Human, probably the three hardest AI races. There's always a real danger of a diplomatic loss with both the Psilons and Humans in the mix (if they show up as their normal selves, that is). Darlok's to foment suspicion, and the bad starting relations with the Bulrathi can't be ignored. What has me intrigued, however, is the map. Very unlikely that the yellow next to us is a homeworld. Odds are that there are 3 homeworlds up N, one isloated in the E, and one close by in the SW. The SW is going to be the interesting part, I think, especially if there are two races there. Could bring early war from lack of space for the AI to expand into. Also lots of potential for big AI's if the homeworlds aren't evenly distributed.
The Sakkra are a pretty one-dimensional race. They expand very fast, but that's their only benefit. Being successful with them often hinges on getting big and shutting everybody else down quickly. So that's going to be my plan; expand fast and hard, box the AI in as much as I can, and hopefully coast to an early victory. That shouldn't be too hard here on Average difficulty, especially if I can land a diplomatic or domination win.
So let's get playing, shall we? First, the ever-critical decision of where to send the initial ships. There are four (!) planets in range to start. Normally, I would gamble and send my col ship to a likely target. However, in this case I'm going to send the scouts out first. If that green to the SW is habitable, I want to grab it ASAP, as there is likely an AI or two down there. If not, it's going to be a long haul back to either the red or the yellow. The green is only two turns away, so I think that delaying the first colony by an assured two turns is better than risking more if the green isn't habitable. So scouts go to the yellow and green. I'm also going to do something rare and build scouts from the get-go (usually only do that on small maps.) I think expanding in the right direction is going to be key to this game, and I need to know the lay of the land to see what avenues are open, plus set up scout blockades wherever I can. First batch of three goes to the red's in the SW, and to my E. Second batch went to the green in the SE, and the Whites/Green to the W and N.
Scouting the Green planet reveals... a size 35 artifacts world! I drew Ion Cannon as my free tech. Interesting, this will likely mean a LOT of variation in reports, depending on what's obtained at this world. Early range/planetology tech can have a dramatic effect, akin to a free settler from a hut in Civ. Built another two rounds of scouts while the col ship travelled, then sent 15 from Sssla to speed up the development of Arietis.
2307 saw me with enough information to open the technology tree. I'd discovered that the Klackon's are to my SW, and have claimed the Ultra Poor at Argus. Glad I got Arietis first! I'll bet that anybody who went North or East and lost this world had a rough time. I'm going to need some early popguns for defense there. I don't see a burning need for Range 5. I can expand in several directions without it. The only thing it would help is reaching the cluster in the SE, but that's a blue and unlikely to be immediately useful (scout arrives in 2 turns), or perhaps to that yellow past the barren in the SW, but that's likely to already be claimed anyway. I'm actually hoping that Controlled Barren is in the tree, as I'd like another world down there to counter the Bugs besides a size 35 artifact. I also noted a Psilon scout incoming to Beta Ceti. That means their homeworld is to the SE, and they are isolated. The difficulty of this map just rose a couple notches. Although I didn't meet a scout at Mu Delphi, it's a good bet that they've explored it. Here are my initial tech choices:
RW80% over IIT9 Early waste clean-up is very important, and I'm not likely to be going Improved Eco unless it's the only choice...
... which it is
And of course, Range 4.
Well, that was a bit disappointing, especially when I found out that the blue to the SE is another size 50 barren. I decided that the best thing to do was concentrate on getting Beta Ceti/Mu Delphi then Romulas, and developing Sssla and Arietis. Then I could make a push for some of those farther planets. I just hoped that the bugs don't get Controlled Barren, or I'd be cut-off down there. After discovering the two size 80 Terrans at Lyae and Centauri, I decided to trickle-research Range 4 first to see if Range 6 was available.
The Klackons showed up with their first unmanned col ship at Lyae in 2314. While I was loathe to give up the planet, I felt that an LR blockade might cost me territory to the East, and the isolated Psilons seemed like the bigger threat. I'd stymie them as much as possible, but conceded that the bugs would probably get Lyae. I started Beta Ceti's col ship in 2318, launching it 6 years later to found the colony in 2327.
I caught a break in 2319 when Range 5 popped at 5%, revealing Range 6! As soon as Romulas, Beta Ceti, and Mu Delphi were colonized, I'd be researching that at full-steam. Started minimal trade with the Ruthless Diplomatic Bugs, and some more trickle-research on Range 6. By the way, Sullla, I'm trickle-researching based on my head calculations, not the spreadsheet, for this one
I completed Mu Delphi's col ship in 2331, and paused to send 25 pop to Beta Ceti (for both worlds to the east) and build a few more scouts. My next col ship would actually be going to Yarrow, past the Nebula, as it would be in range once Mu Delphi was colonized, which happened in 2336 (2335 on the colonization screen; technically, the founding happens at the end of the last turn.) Met the Honorable Technologist (eep!) Psilons, who were surprisingly running an OPE (One Planet Empire)
Wow, must be some bad territory over there. Minimal trade established with the Brains. BTW, at this point I was already up to Relaxed with the Klackons. Never overlook early trade; diplomatically, it can really save your bacon, and give you breathing room to develop.
2340 sees me in pretty good shape. My third col ship has just completed, bound for Yarrow in 7 turns. Sssla has 98 pop, 185 factories, and will be maxed by the time my col ship for Romulas completes in 6 turns. Range 6 is ~1/3 done, and Arietis will max in two turns, whereby I can go full-bore on that tech. The bugs STILL haven't taken Lyae from me, but I'm under no illusions that I can land the planet. However, my next col ship completed in 2346, with Range 6 at 2% and Lyae is still available. So I made the decision to delay Romulas yet again, and try for the planet. I could always use the ship at Centauri if it came to that.
Yarrow was colonized in 2347, putting me in contact with the Aggressive Expansionist Bulrathi. Relations with the Bears at Neutral at the start? Guess I remembered that wrong. Of course, minimal trade was established. I saw a Darlok scout a long time ago at Crius (beat them there by one turn). Now the only question is whether the Humans are crammed in with them in the NE, or at the yellow binary to the N. I sent colonists from Beta Ceti to Yarrow instead of Mu Delphi; I wanted that world up and running ASAP, lest the Psilons get some less-than-Honorable thoughts.
I got lucky again when Range 6 hit on the second turn in percentages. Now I can turn my research to some much-needed clean-up techs. I threw all of the research into Improved Eco, to stop the cash hemmorage sooner, and hopefully reveal Controlled Tundra or Dead to secure those Barren worlds.
Fortune favors the bold. I founded Lyae and Romulas simultaneoulsy in 2353, putting me first at 7 planets. These Average AI are slackers; no way Lyae would be open on Impossible, or even Hard I'll bet. I sent half of Beta Ceti's population to Lyae, killing that planet's growth curve to try and hold on to my prize. Improved Eco was at 18%, and would fall the next turn, revealing Controlled Dead :D I love it when a plan comes together!
Col ships for Centauri and Kronos completed in 2354 and 2357, respectively. With no military on hand, and boxed-in rivals, I decided it was high time for some ship construction. At this point, I was hoping for an early diplomatic victory. Relations were at Relaxed with most of my neighbors, and though I had a good chunk of territory, it didn't seem to be pissing anybody off. So I just needed a few cardboard cutouts. Having those Ion cannons was nice, but without Construction tech, I was limited in how I could employ them. I ultimately opted for a plain Ion fighter, instead of a medium with Class I shields/computer and 3 Ion's and a laser. Disposable guns seemed the way to go. My first batch of 21 actually went to Trax, as I saw a Klackon col ship, escorted by a single medium. Controlled Dead was full, so I thought that if I could hold the planet for a few more turns, I could well and truly box the bugs in. However, I arrived a turn too late, so the bugs got Trax. Oh well, relations were at Amiable, so I wasn't too worried.
Colonized Centauri and Kronos in 2360 (didn't plan on these double-foundings, honest!) and met the Humans. Oops, mis-called where they were. That means the Shifters are up North. I sent 20 from Sssla to Centauri. I hated to do that to a fully-developed world, but I didn't have population to spare elsewhere. Controlled Dead completed in 2360-something, and I chose +30 over Toxic. I felt the boost was more than I could get from additional hostile worlds right now. Besides, I'm shooting for the early victory here, and 30 more pop at each of my many worlds would go a long way towards securing that. Klackons came calling the same turn, looking for a NAP. I thought long and hard on that one. Did they have the range to reach the second Barren in the SE? If so, then I wouldn't be able to stop them. OTOH, it would boost relations. I ultimately rejected it for the time being. Once the SE was secure, then we'd talk.
I paused to build a base at Arietis after Controlled Dead, and built colony ships out of Sssla and Mu Delphi. I counted 8 worlds that I could reach, so that would keep those planets busy for some time. I never did get any fighters built for Mu Delphi, and was a little nervous about my paper military (not even sturdy enough to be called cardboard!), but hey, this is only Average, right? Everybody is feeling pretty friendly, due to steadily increasing trade.
I opened the other tech fields with Beta Ceti while my core was busy, and found a tough choice on weapons. I knew I wanted a missile, but debated on Hyper-X vs Merculite's. The Merculite's are stronger, and advance the tree. However, the Hyper-X can be had for almost 1/3 the cost, and if things DID go south with another race, I'd have defenses a lot sooner. I ultimately went with the Hyper-X's.
The first elections happened in 2380, me vs the Humans. Everybody abstained but myself and the Darlok's, who both voted for the Apes. I have 6/22 votes, and the Humans are isolated from the bulk of the galaxy, so unless everybody gets trigger fingers at once in the next 20 years, I've still got a pretty good shot at things. All of the abstinations were a little troubling, but hey, everybody seemed to love those trade agreements, and I figured I could woo enough friends in 20 turns.
An industrial accident made Willow glow in the dark in 2386; not too bad a loss. Here's my situation that year:
![[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=412&stc=1]](
![[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=413&stc=1]](
I've managed to execute my plan to box in all of the AI's to the edges of the map. The Psilons beat me to the Poor to their S, but I secured every other world in the core that I could. I have Hyper-X bases at the core worlds on all fronts, and +30 should pop in the next 5 or so turns. I just founded Gion in the E last turn, sending a col ship to scout the planet. There's another heading for the red to its N, though that would turn out to be an empty system. The Humans are stubbornly guarding the red between Darlok and Bulrathi space, and I'm belatedly sending some scouts to the far W, which I never had a chance at. On the graphs, everybody's about even in tech and production, though now that the colonization effort is complete for now, I'm about to open up leads there too.
The Bugs came calling for a NAP again in 2387, and this time I accepted. That seemed the final key in securing the Diplo win in 2400. By now, that was my goal, to try and pull a diplomatic coup, and take the game in only 100 turns, with no shots fired anywhere in the galaxy. One big huge love fest :hippie:
The AI, it seemed, read my mind, and decided to pursue an alternate course. The Klackons dissolved the NAP the turn after asking for it
Unwilling to settle for their little cubby-holes, the Darlok's came for Maretta in 2391 with 58 smalls, and the Humans came for Crius 3 years later. I had spent so much to expanding that I didn't have any military on hand to repulse them, and the planets were taken away from me. The Klackons made plays for Arietis and Sssla, but were easily repulsed. The Darlok's upped the stakes and declared war in 2393. Not wanting to be left out, the Psilons attacked Gion in 2398, "honorably" declaring war the previous turn. The invasion failed by 6 troops, but the planet was toast anyway. I broke down and turned the Humans on the Darloks when the Psilons declared, to escape a dogpile, but my grand plans to bring peace and love the the galaxy were dashed.
The fatal error, of course, was my lack of military. I had bent everything in my empire to expanding as rapidly as possible. That's actually a good thing, but I pursued it way too long. 50-odd Ion fighters is simply not enough to deter boxed-in AI's. Make no mistake, the AI in MOO is playing to WIN. Unlike CIV, where your opponents may be content to settle for a smaller empire, the AI in MOO reacts violently to being cornered. I had hoped that Average difficulty would soften some of that behavior, but that clearly wasn't the case. Once all of the peaceful opportunities for expansion are past, the AI WILL resort to armed conflict of some sort to continue to grow. Flags are NOT enough to prove ownership; guns are the only authority the AI understands. And I'm not talking cardboard cutouts, I'm talking a bona fide military.
Predictably, the 2400 elections were a far cry from what I had hoped for: the Bulrathi and Klackons both abstained while everybody else voted for the Humans, who got 10/28. I had 11/28, which might have been enough if everybody had stayed friendly with me .
Ok, so let's see what we have here. Psilon, Klackon, and Human, probably the three hardest AI races. There's always a real danger of a diplomatic loss with both the Psilons and Humans in the mix (if they show up as their normal selves, that is). Darlok's to foment suspicion, and the bad starting relations with the Bulrathi can't be ignored. What has me intrigued, however, is the map. Very unlikely that the yellow next to us is a homeworld. Odds are that there are 3 homeworlds up N, one isloated in the E, and one close by in the SW. The SW is going to be the interesting part, I think, especially if there are two races there. Could bring early war from lack of space for the AI to expand into. Also lots of potential for big AI's if the homeworlds aren't evenly distributed.
The Sakkra are a pretty one-dimensional race. They expand very fast, but that's their only benefit. Being successful with them often hinges on getting big and shutting everybody else down quickly. So that's going to be my plan; expand fast and hard, box the AI in as much as I can, and hopefully coast to an early victory. That shouldn't be too hard here on Average difficulty, especially if I can land a diplomatic or domination win.
So let's get playing, shall we? First, the ever-critical decision of where to send the initial ships. There are four (!) planets in range to start. Normally, I would gamble and send my col ship to a likely target. However, in this case I'm going to send the scouts out first. If that green to the SW is habitable, I want to grab it ASAP, as there is likely an AI or two down there. If not, it's going to be a long haul back to either the red or the yellow. The green is only two turns away, so I think that delaying the first colony by an assured two turns is better than risking more if the green isn't habitable. So scouts go to the yellow and green. I'm also going to do something rare and build scouts from the get-go (usually only do that on small maps.) I think expanding in the right direction is going to be key to this game, and I need to know the lay of the land to see what avenues are open, plus set up scout blockades wherever I can. First batch of three goes to the red's in the SW, and to my E. Second batch went to the green in the SE, and the Whites/Green to the W and N.
Scouting the Green planet reveals... a size 35 artifacts world! I drew Ion Cannon as my free tech. Interesting, this will likely mean a LOT of variation in reports, depending on what's obtained at this world. Early range/planetology tech can have a dramatic effect, akin to a free settler from a hut in Civ. Built another two rounds of scouts while the col ship travelled, then sent 15 from Sssla to speed up the development of Arietis.
2307 saw me with enough information to open the technology tree. I'd discovered that the Klackon's are to my SW, and have claimed the Ultra Poor at Argus. Glad I got Arietis first! I'll bet that anybody who went North or East and lost this world had a rough time. I'm going to need some early popguns for defense there. I don't see a burning need for Range 5. I can expand in several directions without it. The only thing it would help is reaching the cluster in the SE, but that's a blue and unlikely to be immediately useful (scout arrives in 2 turns), or perhaps to that yellow past the barren in the SW, but that's likely to already be claimed anyway. I'm actually hoping that Controlled Barren is in the tree, as I'd like another world down there to counter the Bugs besides a size 35 artifact. I also noted a Psilon scout incoming to Beta Ceti. That means their homeworld is to the SE, and they are isolated. The difficulty of this map just rose a couple notches. Although I didn't meet a scout at Mu Delphi, it's a good bet that they've explored it. Here are my initial tech choices:
RW80% over IIT9 Early waste clean-up is very important, and I'm not likely to be going Improved Eco unless it's the only choice...
... which it is

And of course, Range 4.
Well, that was a bit disappointing, especially when I found out that the blue to the SE is another size 50 barren. I decided that the best thing to do was concentrate on getting Beta Ceti/Mu Delphi then Romulas, and developing Sssla and Arietis. Then I could make a push for some of those farther planets. I just hoped that the bugs don't get Controlled Barren, or I'd be cut-off down there. After discovering the two size 80 Terrans at Lyae and Centauri, I decided to trickle-research Range 4 first to see if Range 6 was available.
The Klackons showed up with their first unmanned col ship at Lyae in 2314. While I was loathe to give up the planet, I felt that an LR blockade might cost me territory to the East, and the isolated Psilons seemed like the bigger threat. I'd stymie them as much as possible, but conceded that the bugs would probably get Lyae. I started Beta Ceti's col ship in 2318, launching it 6 years later to found the colony in 2327.
I caught a break in 2319 when Range 5 popped at 5%, revealing Range 6! As soon as Romulas, Beta Ceti, and Mu Delphi were colonized, I'd be researching that at full-steam. Started minimal trade with the Ruthless Diplomatic Bugs, and some more trickle-research on Range 6. By the way, Sullla, I'm trickle-researching based on my head calculations, not the spreadsheet, for this one

I completed Mu Delphi's col ship in 2331, and paused to send 25 pop to Beta Ceti (for both worlds to the east) and build a few more scouts. My next col ship would actually be going to Yarrow, past the Nebula, as it would be in range once Mu Delphi was colonized, which happened in 2336 (2335 on the colonization screen; technically, the founding happens at the end of the last turn.) Met the Honorable Technologist (eep!) Psilons, who were surprisingly running an OPE (One Planet Empire)

2340 sees me in pretty good shape. My third col ship has just completed, bound for Yarrow in 7 turns. Sssla has 98 pop, 185 factories, and will be maxed by the time my col ship for Romulas completes in 6 turns. Range 6 is ~1/3 done, and Arietis will max in two turns, whereby I can go full-bore on that tech. The bugs STILL haven't taken Lyae from me, but I'm under no illusions that I can land the planet. However, my next col ship completed in 2346, with Range 6 at 2% and Lyae is still available. So I made the decision to delay Romulas yet again, and try for the planet. I could always use the ship at Centauri if it came to that.
Yarrow was colonized in 2347, putting me in contact with the Aggressive Expansionist Bulrathi. Relations with the Bears at Neutral at the start? Guess I remembered that wrong. Of course, minimal trade was established. I saw a Darlok scout a long time ago at Crius (beat them there by one turn). Now the only question is whether the Humans are crammed in with them in the NE, or at the yellow binary to the N. I sent colonists from Beta Ceti to Yarrow instead of Mu Delphi; I wanted that world up and running ASAP, lest the Psilons get some less-than-Honorable thoughts.
I got lucky again when Range 6 hit on the second turn in percentages. Now I can turn my research to some much-needed clean-up techs. I threw all of the research into Improved Eco, to stop the cash hemmorage sooner, and hopefully reveal Controlled Tundra or Dead to secure those Barren worlds.
Fortune favors the bold. I founded Lyae and Romulas simultaneoulsy in 2353, putting me first at 7 planets. These Average AI are slackers; no way Lyae would be open on Impossible, or even Hard I'll bet. I sent half of Beta Ceti's population to Lyae, killing that planet's growth curve to try and hold on to my prize. Improved Eco was at 18%, and would fall the next turn, revealing Controlled Dead :D I love it when a plan comes together!
Col ships for Centauri and Kronos completed in 2354 and 2357, respectively. With no military on hand, and boxed-in rivals, I decided it was high time for some ship construction. At this point, I was hoping for an early diplomatic victory. Relations were at Relaxed with most of my neighbors, and though I had a good chunk of territory, it didn't seem to be pissing anybody off. So I just needed a few cardboard cutouts. Having those Ion cannons was nice, but without Construction tech, I was limited in how I could employ them. I ultimately opted for a plain Ion fighter, instead of a medium with Class I shields/computer and 3 Ion's and a laser. Disposable guns seemed the way to go. My first batch of 21 actually went to Trax, as I saw a Klackon col ship, escorted by a single medium. Controlled Dead was full, so I thought that if I could hold the planet for a few more turns, I could well and truly box the bugs in. However, I arrived a turn too late, so the bugs got Trax. Oh well, relations were at Amiable, so I wasn't too worried.
Colonized Centauri and Kronos in 2360 (didn't plan on these double-foundings, honest!) and met the Humans. Oops, mis-called where they were. That means the Shifters are up North. I sent 20 from Sssla to Centauri. I hated to do that to a fully-developed world, but I didn't have population to spare elsewhere. Controlled Dead completed in 2360-something, and I chose +30 over Toxic. I felt the boost was more than I could get from additional hostile worlds right now. Besides, I'm shooting for the early victory here, and 30 more pop at each of my many worlds would go a long way towards securing that. Klackons came calling the same turn, looking for a NAP. I thought long and hard on that one. Did they have the range to reach the second Barren in the SE? If so, then I wouldn't be able to stop them. OTOH, it would boost relations. I ultimately rejected it for the time being. Once the SE was secure, then we'd talk.
I paused to build a base at Arietis after Controlled Dead, and built colony ships out of Sssla and Mu Delphi. I counted 8 worlds that I could reach, so that would keep those planets busy for some time. I never did get any fighters built for Mu Delphi, and was a little nervous about my paper military (not even sturdy enough to be called cardboard!), but hey, this is only Average, right? Everybody is feeling pretty friendly, due to steadily increasing trade.
I opened the other tech fields with Beta Ceti while my core was busy, and found a tough choice on weapons. I knew I wanted a missile, but debated on Hyper-X vs Merculite's. The Merculite's are stronger, and advance the tree. However, the Hyper-X can be had for almost 1/3 the cost, and if things DID go south with another race, I'd have defenses a lot sooner. I ultimately went with the Hyper-X's.
The first elections happened in 2380, me vs the Humans. Everybody abstained but myself and the Darlok's, who both voted for the Apes. I have 6/22 votes, and the Humans are isolated from the bulk of the galaxy, so unless everybody gets trigger fingers at once in the next 20 years, I've still got a pretty good shot at things. All of the abstinations were a little troubling, but hey, everybody seemed to love those trade agreements, and I figured I could woo enough friends in 20 turns.
An industrial accident made Willow glow in the dark in 2386; not too bad a loss. Here's my situation that year:
I've managed to execute my plan to box in all of the AI's to the edges of the map. The Psilons beat me to the Poor to their S, but I secured every other world in the core that I could. I have Hyper-X bases at the core worlds on all fronts, and +30 should pop in the next 5 or so turns. I just founded Gion in the E last turn, sending a col ship to scout the planet. There's another heading for the red to its N, though that would turn out to be an empty system. The Humans are stubbornly guarding the red between Darlok and Bulrathi space, and I'm belatedly sending some scouts to the far W, which I never had a chance at. On the graphs, everybody's about even in tech and production, though now that the colonization effort is complete for now, I'm about to open up leads there too.
The Bugs came calling for a NAP again in 2387, and this time I accepted. That seemed the final key in securing the Diplo win in 2400. By now, that was my goal, to try and pull a diplomatic coup, and take the game in only 100 turns, with no shots fired anywhere in the galaxy. One big huge love fest :hippie:
The AI, it seemed, read my mind, and decided to pursue an alternate course. The Klackons dissolved the NAP the turn after asking for it

The fatal error, of course, was my lack of military. I had bent everything in my empire to expanding as rapidly as possible. That's actually a good thing, but I pursued it way too long. 50-odd Ion fighters is simply not enough to deter boxed-in AI's. Make no mistake, the AI in MOO is playing to WIN. Unlike CIV, where your opponents may be content to settle for a smaller empire, the AI in MOO reacts violently to being cornered. I had hoped that Average difficulty would soften some of that behavior, but that clearly wasn't the case. Once all of the peaceful opportunities for expansion are past, the AI WILL resort to armed conflict of some sort to continue to grow. Flags are NOT enough to prove ownership; guns are the only authority the AI understands. And I'm not talking cardboard cutouts, I'm talking a bona fide military.
Predictably, the 2400 elections were a far cry from what I had hoped for: the Bulrathi and Klackons both abstained while everybody else voted for the Humans, who got 10/28. I had 11/28, which might have been enough if everybody had stayed friendly with me .
"A fanatic is one who can't change his mind and won't change the subject."
"It is not the fall that kills you. it's the sudden stop at the end." -- D. Adams
"Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?" -- Calvin
"Very funny, Scotty, now beam back my clothes!!"
"It is not the fall that kills you. it's the sudden stop at the end." -- D. Adams
"Don't you hate it when your boogers freeze?" -- Calvin
"Very funny, Scotty, now beam back my clothes!!"