Just a word of warning... this report has a quite a few pictures. Slow internet connections be fairly warned. Also, I may have gone a bit overboard with the description... what can I say, I was excited by my first RB report
Anyway, I hope it doesn't bore you all to tears.
I haven't played this game in several months, but I decided to try my first ever RB game after lurking Realms Beyond for a long time. I'm quite confident that I can win on average difficulty with an average race on an average map... though I imagine that's what Sullla was going for when he set the map's parameters.
Let's get right into it.
I like starting next to a yellow star, especially with a fast growing race like the lizards. I send my colony ship up to the yellow star (I'm always tempted to say north, but the nerd in me protests). I scrap the crappy initial designs and design Scout 2s, then order up a set of them. I send my first scouts to the red star to the right and the green star at the 7 o'clock position. Hopefully they aren't mineral poor. I suspect that the white star is uninhabitable, though if it's a good planet I'll park a scout over it.
![[Image: 01.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/01.jpg)
My scout arrives at the green star... and it's an Artifacts planet = D
Great draw. Size 35, unfortunately, but you can never have enough Artifacts. Sadly, I only pulled ECM Jammer 1, but every little bit helps, right?
I also scrap the Scout 2 design, since I completely forgot to build them last turn in all the excitement >_> So Scout3's for all! Such is the danger of writing what you do before you, you know, do it.
My colony ship arrives at the yellow star, and found Romulas, a size 80 Jungle. Very nice. A little on the smallish side for a jungle, but it's not mineral poor so I'm happy to have it.
![[Image: 02.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/02.jpg)
The red star turns out to be Beta Ceti, a size 45 desert. Decent size for a desert world. I fan my scouts out and start sending colonists to Romulas.
The white star turns out to be empty space. How sad. The red star to the right of Beta Ceti turns out to be a nice size 65 arid by the name of Mu Delphi. Again, not a priority, but nice anyway. The red star below the artifacts planet is a barren size 50 world. Not bad for a barren planet, but I suspect I'll lose out to one of the AI players (there's three yellow stars in the bottom left, so there has to be at least one computer. Hopefully there are two and they'll slug it out for a while down there.
The green star by Romulus turns out to be a size 40 desert called Kronos. Not bad, but not great.
And we make first contact with the Psilons over Mu Delphi D:
![[Image: 03.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/03.jpg)
Very ominous. The Psilons have the whole bottom right to themselves. Fortunately it doesn't look to fertile, since they're surrounded by purple and red stars. But you never want to take chances with the brains... Anyway, the Psilon scout retreats.
Also, a scout discovers that the white star above Romulas is a size 25 Dead. That's somewhat reassuring, since there's now a buffer zone of uninhabitables. Still, I would prefer some prospective colonies up there.
The red star by my artifacts is an Ultra Poor Jungle size 80. But wait! It's already taken by a yellow flag... meet the Klackons. Hopefully there's someone else next to them... I don't want to have the mighty Klackons on my left and the mightier Psilons on my right. Very ominous.
![[Image: 04.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/04.jpg)
I put a few clicks into a colony ship out of Sssla. I need to get to that artifacts planet ASAP.
Another hostile planet ends my exploration above Romulas. Not promising... Not promising at all.
![[Image: 05.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/05.jpg)
The Darloks say hello at the Tundra planet. Their scout promptly books it.
Apparently some research just got initiated because I get to choose new techs to go after. I opted for Battle Computers II, Range 4, and Hand Lasers.
Sssla maxes and begins construction in earnest. The colony ship is due in 2 turns. Once produced, it heads for Arietas.
![[Image: 06.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/06.jpg)
...charmed to meet you.
![[Image: 07.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/07.jpg)
It turns out they were alone, and they've already colonized their whole corner. Wonderful. It looks like their only course of expansion is through me.
I can't help but imagine Sullla laughing and saying "Just as planned" right now.
The Klackons are headed towards my world. I build a handful of crappy medium cruisers wielding a single heavy laser. It's a stopgap at best, but I'll take what I can get. Colonists get sent to Arietas as Sssla resumes work on its colony ship.
![[Image: 08.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/08.jpg)
Those Klackons think they can take my planet, eh?
I dump research into hand lasers (which incidentally allows me to select Reduced Waste 80% and Class II deflectors as my next techs). Hopefully the Klackons will be lacking the hand lasers and I'll be able to drive them off. Hand lasers come through the next turn (I select the neutron pellet gun next).
![[Image: 09.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/09.jpg)
The Klackons can't quite take Arietas. Close battle, but the lizards came through. Yes, it is worth it to research hand lasers = D
My colony ship finishes a few turns later and heads towards Beta Ceti, with plans to jump to Mu Delphi next.
![[Image: 10.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/10.jpg)
Range 4 comes in shortly after. The next range available is 6, so I'm forced to take that.
Class II shields come in shortly after. I'm forced to pick Class III. Also, my colony ship completes shortly after. I can't expand onto any more planets for now, so I funnel my spending into research instead.
Reduced Industrial Waste 80% comes in. Always nice to pick these up, as my planetary costs get cut by 20%. I pick Improved Industrial Tech 9 after.
![[Image: 11.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/11.jpg)
How cordial.
Shortly after I realize that I'm an idiot. I haven't done anything with the Klackons yet! I'm such a bad neighbor...
To rectify this, I sign the Klackons to a max deal (125) and the Psilons to a max deal (75).
![[Image: 12.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/12.jpg)
For some reason the brains are suddenly much less intimidating >_>
It turns out the Klackons are Ruthless Diplomats, while the Psilons are honorable technologists. Who saw that coming? I also put one click into spying on each.
I'm always amused by the spying mechanism in this game. Especially for a race like the Bulrathi. You'd think they'd just bribe guys on the inside, but the cloak and dagger look of the spies suggests otherwise. Can you imagine a giant space Bear trying to blend into a human world and look nonchalant?
![[Image: 13.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/13.jpg)
Kronos is founded. We get the first size warning (Strange. I thought the Klackons would get it.)
![[Image: 14.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/14.jpg)
Those apes are always so suave. I immediately sign them to a max deal (what can I say, they're charismatic) and start spying. The Humans are honorable diplomats (no surprise) and occupy the top left corner of space, where I thought the Darloks were.
![[Image: 15.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/15.jpg)
Incidentally, that blue ship is flying toward Kronos. I whip up a ship at Romulus and send it to drive off that Frigate. Hopefully the apes won't have any delusions of grandeur.
Eco Restoration comes in the next turn to cut my costs further. Nice. I choose Terraforming +20 over Controlled Dead on the grounds that terraforming will pop sooner and will help my smaller border colonies. My crappy frigate once again comes through in protecting a fledgling colony. But damn do I need some new ships. That design isn't going to hold up much longer.
Also, we encounter the Bulrathi for the first time.
![[Image: 16.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/16.jpg)
Battle computer II and Improved Industrial Tech 9 come in shortly after. I opt for Battle Computer III and Durralloy Armor next.
Uh oh, looks like the humans are looking for trouble.
![[Image: 17.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/17.jpg)
Hopefully my I can hold them off.
![[Image: 18.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/18.jpg)
Ain't no thang.
The Darloks get hit with the mineral depletion event on their home world. Excellent. Unfortunately, I missed the pic.
NPG comes in. I follow it up with Hyper Vs to replace the nukes I'm working with now.
Terraforming +20 comes in and I set about terraforming my colonies. I select Controlled Dead to restart colonization. Also, I'm noticing a good sized fleet congregating on my border with the Klackons. Very ominous. Of course, when I went to take a picture they scattered.
![[Image: 19.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/19.jpg)
The Darloks drive off my scout and plop a colony on a tundra planet between me and the apes. Frankly, I'm not too upset.
Man this tech tree has slim pickings. I finish Hyper Vs and move on to Ion Rifles. I'm still looking for a decent beam weapon.
The Bulrathis pull the fertile event on one of their colonies. I finish research on Range 6 and get... Range 7. Awesome. I need to boost my ship's speed, and soon. I check around, but the only thing anyone will trade me is Range 5.
![[Image: 20.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/20.jpg)
What a relief! I'll build these bad boys and no one will be able to attack me for a while. Excellent. I'm very happy these were in my tree.
![[Image: 21.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/21.jpg)
I finally stop mucking around and colonize Yarrow. Hopefully this will put me in contact with the Bears.
![[Image: 22.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/22.jpg)
Yep, there they are.
![[Image: 23.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/23.jpg)
And there's their empire.
I suspect they lack the range to get to Yarrow, but I'm going to send some ships over there, just to be safe. They're still crawling along at 1 parsec, though. I put together a new ship for the occasion (and I just realized I can't spell occasion. I have no idea if that's right or wrong.)
![[Image: 24.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/24.jpg)
Behold my glorious fleet!
Ugh. I need some speed and some weapons. Soonish.
Also, Controlled Dead comes in.
![[Image: 25.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/25.jpg)
All aboard the E Col I! Totally unintentional, I swear.
![[Image: 26.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/26.jpg)
Ruh roh. It's never good to take part in the first election, and to go against the Humans compounds the danger. This is not good.
![[Image: 27.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/27.jpg)
Turns out my fears were unwarranted. Everyone but the Brains abstained (those traitorous jerks voted for the Humans!), allowing me to vote for Alexander and improve relations. Love it when that happens.

I haven't played this game in several months, but I decided to try my first ever RB game after lurking Realms Beyond for a long time. I'm quite confident that I can win on average difficulty with an average race on an average map... though I imagine that's what Sullla was going for when he set the map's parameters.
Let's get right into it.
I like starting next to a yellow star, especially with a fast growing race like the lizards. I send my colony ship up to the yellow star (I'm always tempted to say north, but the nerd in me protests). I scrap the crappy initial designs and design Scout 2s, then order up a set of them. I send my first scouts to the red star to the right and the green star at the 7 o'clock position. Hopefully they aren't mineral poor. I suspect that the white star is uninhabitable, though if it's a good planet I'll park a scout over it.
![[Image: 01.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/01.jpg)
My scout arrives at the green star... and it's an Artifacts planet = D
Great draw. Size 35, unfortunately, but you can never have enough Artifacts. Sadly, I only pulled ECM Jammer 1, but every little bit helps, right?
I also scrap the Scout 2 design, since I completely forgot to build them last turn in all the excitement >_> So Scout3's for all! Such is the danger of writing what you do before you, you know, do it.
My colony ship arrives at the yellow star, and found Romulas, a size 80 Jungle. Very nice. A little on the smallish side for a jungle, but it's not mineral poor so I'm happy to have it.
![[Image: 02.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/02.jpg)
The red star turns out to be Beta Ceti, a size 45 desert. Decent size for a desert world. I fan my scouts out and start sending colonists to Romulas.
The white star turns out to be empty space. How sad. The red star to the right of Beta Ceti turns out to be a nice size 65 arid by the name of Mu Delphi. Again, not a priority, but nice anyway. The red star below the artifacts planet is a barren size 50 world. Not bad for a barren planet, but I suspect I'll lose out to one of the AI players (there's three yellow stars in the bottom left, so there has to be at least one computer. Hopefully there are two and they'll slug it out for a while down there.
The green star by Romulus turns out to be a size 40 desert called Kronos. Not bad, but not great.
And we make first contact with the Psilons over Mu Delphi D:
![[Image: 03.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/03.jpg)
Very ominous. The Psilons have the whole bottom right to themselves. Fortunately it doesn't look to fertile, since they're surrounded by purple and red stars. But you never want to take chances with the brains... Anyway, the Psilon scout retreats.
Also, a scout discovers that the white star above Romulas is a size 25 Dead. That's somewhat reassuring, since there's now a buffer zone of uninhabitables. Still, I would prefer some prospective colonies up there.
The red star by my artifacts is an Ultra Poor Jungle size 80. But wait! It's already taken by a yellow flag... meet the Klackons. Hopefully there's someone else next to them... I don't want to have the mighty Klackons on my left and the mightier Psilons on my right. Very ominous.
![[Image: 04.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/04.jpg)
I put a few clicks into a colony ship out of Sssla. I need to get to that artifacts planet ASAP.
Another hostile planet ends my exploration above Romulas. Not promising... Not promising at all.
![[Image: 05.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/05.jpg)
The Darloks say hello at the Tundra planet. Their scout promptly books it.
Apparently some research just got initiated because I get to choose new techs to go after. I opted for Battle Computers II, Range 4, and Hand Lasers.
Sssla maxes and begins construction in earnest. The colony ship is due in 2 turns. Once produced, it heads for Arietas.
![[Image: 06.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/06.jpg)
...charmed to meet you.
![[Image: 07.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/07.jpg)
It turns out they were alone, and they've already colonized their whole corner. Wonderful. It looks like their only course of expansion is through me.
I can't help but imagine Sullla laughing and saying "Just as planned" right now.
The Klackons are headed towards my world. I build a handful of crappy medium cruisers wielding a single heavy laser. It's a stopgap at best, but I'll take what I can get. Colonists get sent to Arietas as Sssla resumes work on its colony ship.
![[Image: 08.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/08.jpg)
Those Klackons think they can take my planet, eh?
I dump research into hand lasers (which incidentally allows me to select Reduced Waste 80% and Class II deflectors as my next techs). Hopefully the Klackons will be lacking the hand lasers and I'll be able to drive them off. Hand lasers come through the next turn (I select the neutron pellet gun next).
![[Image: 09.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/09.jpg)
The Klackons can't quite take Arietas. Close battle, but the lizards came through. Yes, it is worth it to research hand lasers = D
My colony ship finishes a few turns later and heads towards Beta Ceti, with plans to jump to Mu Delphi next.
![[Image: 10.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/10.jpg)
Range 4 comes in shortly after. The next range available is 6, so I'm forced to take that.
Class II shields come in shortly after. I'm forced to pick Class III. Also, my colony ship completes shortly after. I can't expand onto any more planets for now, so I funnel my spending into research instead.
Reduced Industrial Waste 80% comes in. Always nice to pick these up, as my planetary costs get cut by 20%. I pick Improved Industrial Tech 9 after.
![[Image: 11.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/11.jpg)
How cordial.
Shortly after I realize that I'm an idiot. I haven't done anything with the Klackons yet! I'm such a bad neighbor...
To rectify this, I sign the Klackons to a max deal (125) and the Psilons to a max deal (75).
![[Image: 12.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/12.jpg)
For some reason the brains are suddenly much less intimidating >_>
It turns out the Klackons are Ruthless Diplomats, while the Psilons are honorable technologists. Who saw that coming? I also put one click into spying on each.
I'm always amused by the spying mechanism in this game. Especially for a race like the Bulrathi. You'd think they'd just bribe guys on the inside, but the cloak and dagger look of the spies suggests otherwise. Can you imagine a giant space Bear trying to blend into a human world and look nonchalant?
![[Image: 13.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/13.jpg)
Kronos is founded. We get the first size warning (Strange. I thought the Klackons would get it.)
![[Image: 14.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/14.jpg)
Those apes are always so suave. I immediately sign them to a max deal (what can I say, they're charismatic) and start spying. The Humans are honorable diplomats (no surprise) and occupy the top left corner of space, where I thought the Darloks were.
![[Image: 15.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/15.jpg)
Incidentally, that blue ship is flying toward Kronos. I whip up a ship at Romulus and send it to drive off that Frigate. Hopefully the apes won't have any delusions of grandeur.
Eco Restoration comes in the next turn to cut my costs further. Nice. I choose Terraforming +20 over Controlled Dead on the grounds that terraforming will pop sooner and will help my smaller border colonies. My crappy frigate once again comes through in protecting a fledgling colony. But damn do I need some new ships. That design isn't going to hold up much longer.
Also, we encounter the Bulrathi for the first time.
![[Image: 16.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/16.jpg)
Battle computer II and Improved Industrial Tech 9 come in shortly after. I opt for Battle Computer III and Durralloy Armor next.
Uh oh, looks like the humans are looking for trouble.
![[Image: 17.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/17.jpg)
Hopefully my I can hold them off.
![[Image: 18.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/18.jpg)
Ain't no thang.
The Darloks get hit with the mineral depletion event on their home world. Excellent. Unfortunately, I missed the pic.
NPG comes in. I follow it up with Hyper Vs to replace the nukes I'm working with now.
Terraforming +20 comes in and I set about terraforming my colonies. I select Controlled Dead to restart colonization. Also, I'm noticing a good sized fleet congregating on my border with the Klackons. Very ominous. Of course, when I went to take a picture they scattered.
![[Image: 19.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/19.jpg)
The Darloks drive off my scout and plop a colony on a tundra planet between me and the apes. Frankly, I'm not too upset.
Man this tech tree has slim pickings. I finish Hyper Vs and move on to Ion Rifles. I'm still looking for a decent beam weapon.
The Bulrathis pull the fertile event on one of their colonies. I finish research on Range 6 and get... Range 7. Awesome. I need to boost my ship's speed, and soon. I check around, but the only thing anyone will trade me is Range 5.
![[Image: 20.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/20.jpg)
What a relief! I'll build these bad boys and no one will be able to attack me for a while. Excellent. I'm very happy these were in my tree.
![[Image: 21.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/21.jpg)
I finally stop mucking around and colonize Yarrow. Hopefully this will put me in contact with the Bears.
![[Image: 22.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/22.jpg)
Yep, there they are.
![[Image: 23.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/23.jpg)
And there's their empire.
I suspect they lack the range to get to Yarrow, but I'm going to send some ships over there, just to be safe. They're still crawling along at 1 parsec, though. I put together a new ship for the occasion (and I just realized I can't spell occasion. I have no idea if that's right or wrong.)
![[Image: 24.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/24.jpg)
Behold my glorious fleet!
Ugh. I need some speed and some weapons. Soonish.
Also, Controlled Dead comes in.
![[Image: 25.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/25.jpg)
All aboard the E Col I! Totally unintentional, I swear.
![[Image: 26.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/26.jpg)
Ruh roh. It's never good to take part in the first election, and to go against the Humans compounds the danger. This is not good.
![[Image: 27.jpg]](http://i44.photobucket.com/albums/f14/axiis/27.jpg)
Turns out my fears were unwarranted. Everyone but the Brains abstained (those traitorous jerks voted for the Humans!), allowing me to vote for Alexander and improve relations. Love it when that happens.