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Season 2: Final Ratings

Here are my final ratings from Season 2:

[Image: season2.jpg]

My top three champs ended up being Orianna, Skarner, and Cho'Gath, which I am very okay with. Orianna was my best solo queue character, Skarner was my best for Ranked 5s, and Cho was my best for Ranked 3s. It seemed very appropriate.

Would love to see how everyone else finished up. You can print the same image from

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

The only one of these I took remotely seriously was solo queue -- ranked queue was a team created with some of Cull's friends, so that doesn't really count. The vast majority of this was solo as well, so no cheesy duoing with smurfs went into making this rating wink

Top 3 champs: Ashe, Tristana, Cho'Gath. No surprise for anyone who's ever played with me!

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Both of my accounts laid pretty low, since I get too nervous in ranked. Honestly, my "3 Most Played Champions" on EUWest looks so sweet (3 times a 100% win ratio), and on NA, I only duo queued some with Cull on NA when my gold was already guaranteed for some fun CDR having times. I figured I'm still not strong enough to really progress further in Elo, especially since after I made my EUW account I made a resolve to really learn supports, and thus I forgot to play jungle a bit. That, and most of my North American ranked games were played earlier in the season, sometimes duo queuing, sometimes not, but in general, back then I had much less experience and sloppier mechanics overall.

[Image: jahmox.jpg]

The NA account, Seyruun, thrived off of successful Lee Sin, Rammus and Nocturne games. Nocturne was very strong at the time but not FotM, Rammus was in his twilight but I had some very memorable games (including a game in which I went 10/0/15 or some nonsense like that and stole baron AND GOT AWAY WITH IT; also a duo with Cull where one of our teammates picked pre-buffed Evelynn but I decided to just pick one of my strong heroes and just roll with it.). My Lee Sin is kinda bad, but he's also a strong champion in low elo solo queue and when I played my games with him he still had 1.0 AD ratios on both his Q procs. I ruined some games by playing champions I didn't practice properly, like Olaf or Shyvana; with Olaf I was usually able to snowball top lane or jungle hard, but then would play dumb in the mid-late game, and with Shyvana... well, I'm a better Mundo player. Overall, I kinda just wanted to hit gold elo and afterwards dabbled around playing different picks, but really I should have just grinded harder and I could have probably squeezed some more Elo in. Oh well, that's a Season 3 goal for sure. Also, Cull is the best duo queue partner ever <3

[Image: 153mphg.jpg]

The EUW account, thececilharvey, went on its ranked journey pretty much as soon as I learned of the Season 2 rewards. I mostly made that account to learn support and play with low ping. I have EUWest friends such as Elealar who is a plat AP carry and Jaje is a plat top laner/jungler there, wanted to play with them. I only played 12 solo queue games and lost one (I am not a good top laner), the rest of them were complete jungle dominance with Alistar (I was afraid of playing him in low elo figuring I wouldn't have the damage, but no, people ban Amumu instead of him and then they fail to respond to obvious ganks; I killed so many laners it wasn't even funny, and that was post-nerf Alistar; and don't get me started on jungle invasions), Amumu, Dr. Mundo (my go-to "carry" jungler on EUW due to cheap IP cost, terrifying late game and brutal damage, particularly to inexperienced low elo jungles). If I didn't jungle, I played support Janna (my favourite support by far) and once a top lane Warwick. Last few games were duo'd with my friend who was pretty much almost always stuck on support duty and he doesn't play those, so he went support Katarina and Fiddlesticks with mixed (though mostly positive) results. lol

Overall, I'm mildly satisfied, I haven't been too ambitious this season but I'm planning to get much better and finally reach platinum in due time. Which is something I wish to everyone willing to reach that level. toast

I'm the real Cull, since I can't seem to get on my real account.

[Image: wBBfA] hey if you cant see this image like me, im too lazy to figure it out so just go to

In solo q, I went up down from 1200 to 1600 4 or 5 times. Last time I did so, I got up to 1725, which is probably where I should be right now, if not slightly lower. Mostly solo, with the most duo with Seyruun, for less then 100 games, and BlocksRCool, for less then 50 games, and maybe a few games here and there with random people over S2. My ranked teams isn't the super OP team shown, as I have 0 games on that team and was booted out to accommodate actual playing players later on. 1458 5s and 1514 3s. Both the 5s team and the 3s team stopped playing upon reaching gold, with 8-3 and 12-5 respectively. I never played a single game on the 3s team though, so I guess my real elo in 3s is 1-0 in the same team as the 1458 5s.

All my ranked games were pretty casual, with the toughest games from various ranked 5s games where their average skill level was significantly higher, which typically meant they had 2+ 2k+ Elo players. My 5s experience was typically myself and BlocksRCool with solo lane, with an assortment of players in the remaining 3 roles, including JediPowa, Terror, Seyruun, Bruce, Sunrise, etc. Solo queue was just like playing normally for me, except people tended to rage more and play worse until 1600+ where stomping lane because of sheer mechanical skill and game knowledge became more difficult, which I found common in the lower brackets, especially below 1500. I varied from champ to champ, using Corki, Sion, Veigar, Sona, Nidalee, and Nunu to go from bronze to gold several times. Currently, I can confidently say I can play 0 champs well, but my most comfortable role is middle.

Also solo queue last night was so much fun for me. Nobody cared about Elo. smile

Oh you glorious gold chums. =p
Pitboss Demo - Darrell's Tropical Trolls
PBEM45G - Sareln

I should actually hit Rank 30 within the next week or so. Not sure I care enough about elo to ever play ranked, but I am excited to finally be able to have completed rune/mastery pages.
Completed: SG2-Wonders or Else!; SG3-Monarch Can't Hold Me; WW3-Surviving Wolf; PBEM3-Replacement for Timmy of Khmer; PBEM11-Screwed Up Huayna Capac of Zulu; PBEM19-GES, Roland & Friends (Mansa of Egypt); SG4-Immortality Scares Me

Uh oh, I just won another game, so I'm now 1716, and within 1 game of Cull's top rating....

"There is no wealth like knowledge. No poverty like ignorance."

Because why write 10 words when 10,000 will do. biggrin
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(November 15th, 2012, 15:37)Sullla Wrote:

Because why write 10 words when 10,000 will do. biggrin

Nice write up. One thing I could suggest would be to work out better synergies between yourself and your duo queue partner. I figure you might have been able to feel more flexible if you could put yourself and Varis in combos such as mid/jungle (Varis used to play Trundle; you might as well learn a bursty champ like... hell, even Annie. Honestly at lower Elo mastery of the champions matters more than whether he is viable or not, and you could win by just playing a good ganker (which does include "bad" champions like Sion and Annie) and winning all the lanes.

Quote:Many people argued at the time that running a jungler wasn't necessary, but logically speaking it was strictly superior to running a duo lane where teammates split farm. Three sources of income, three champions. Put one in the jungle. The only reason that people thought running no jungler was viable was due to the lack of competitive play on Twisted Treeline.

Not to beat the dead horse, but old Twisted Treeline was way more liberal with this aspect. You mentioned high Elo Twisted Treeline teams running a jungler every game, but at least in Europe I've seen high Elo instances of people running AD/support or a roamer who would exist to bother the enemy jungler (in fact, an AD's support could usually leave lane to do just that). My plat-level friend (has experience from 3v3 with people like SK WetDreaM and from those regions confirms. It doesn't matter much anymore, and the new Twisted Treeline is actually very lax when it comes to jungling (you don't need Smite; many teamcomps work). AD/Support worked mainly because of people sticking to cookie-cutter bruiser teamcomps that have trouble if they get kited; this is one of the reasons Nunu was so strong on old TT. A mobile AD carry who is getting peeled for will ruin Darius and other common TT picks. I ran some ranked 3v3 games and we shut down every team we came across with a Nunu/Ezreal/Janna team composition. Caitlyn worked decent, and so did Alistar.

Other than that disagreement I applaud you on the effort to play this out and write this up. smile

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