Are you, in fact, a pregnant lady who lives in the apartment next door to Superdeath's parents? - Commodore

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[SPOILERS] Lewger goes for the Bigwyn

C&D -
- Azza got 7 points for land from t1
- Serdoa got 8 points for land from t1
- Xenu got a pop increase
- Someone got a warrior

- Brickabod, Merohoc, Plako and we got a pop increase

I think the two unassigned warriors must have gone to Azza and Serdoa, because minimum total power is now 4000. Maybe this is easier than I thought!

And I'm guessing a lot of people are researching BW at the moment. What do you guys think?

Yes it has been a slow day...

well we completed BW. Where is our copper?

[Image: 2aPNc.jpg]

No where that we have scouted yet frown (including areas not in that picture).

I'm fairly certain that the grassland tile w/o a forest to the left of our capital holds a strategic resource. Not sure whether to hope its horses or iron. Iron would be better long term, but it will be quite awhile before we can research iron working, animal hubandry will come sooner. (we need AH now, not hunting, to camp the furs).

Not the score increases by commodore, Plako, and the big incease by the kitty team. I guess several people got BW this turn?
Our 2 neighbors are still last in score, so may be working on BW themselves.

Note that instead of turning back west, serdoa's scout is heading east, skirting our capitals borders. I gues this means he came from the south insted of the east, and is below azza. That supports my original theory of Azza cutting us off from the rest of the continent. The warrior still has a movement left, and I haven't ended turn yet - I want to wait for serdoa to move so he may not see our warrior. He'll move SE once Serdoa moves. The scout is currently back in the capital so he can heal in 1 turn and then start scouting again. It also means there may be some huts east and southeast of our capital that we are racing serdoa for frown.

Any suggeestions for scouting paths for the scout and the warrior? Should we consider not healing the scout, hoping to beat Serdoa to any potential huts? I'm leaning towards being safe and healing, its only 1 turn at this point, it will be 2 if we heal in any other spot.

I'm quite bummed we don't have copper. I want a (somewhat) agressive plant for 3rd city to claim the stone and lake spot, but I don't like only being able to defend the city that close to azza's capital with only warrior. If we indeed don't have horses we may need to consider slotting in archery frown. This is awkward. I'm still holding out hope that we have copper somewhere close to our number 2 city spot. That would actually be a more convenient spot, as city 2 will need good tiles to work, our capital will have more than enough.

The top 2 cities are level 3, both cities that were founded on turn 1, not 0. Who waited a turn to found, again? Scooter, serdoa, and who else? Neither is serdoa's city, so I guess 1 is Scooter and 1 is the other team (I forget who).

here are our demos:
[Image: ATJL4.jpg]

we are working the farmed wheat and unfarmed rice, and working on second worker. 4 turns until rice is completed. Note the top food, 13, is one of the size 3 cities. we'll catch up with them even at size 2 once the rice is finished.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

I also just noted that we are solely in #1 in soliders with the completion of our warrior and BW in the same turn. wow, didn't expect that. I assume neither fishing or agriculture award solider points, correct? That would mean none of the teams that completed a warrior have BW, and none of the teams that have BW have a warrior yet.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

I thought we were going to sit the worker on that forest and start the first chop this turn? Now that we've moved off though we can't move back to the forest we're locked into farming the rice until its finished.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

(November 17th, 2012, 05:01)Lewwyn Wrote: I thought we were going to sit the worker on that forest and start the first chop this turn? Now that we've moved off though we can't move back to the forest we're locked into farming the rice until its finished.

when were you gonna tell me of this plan? You had a 2 sims, one completed the rice, one put on turn into the rice and then returned to the forest. You preferred the former, I agreed, it was much better. We never even discussed having the worker hold for a turn.

besides, I don't think having him hold for a turn would even speed up the 2nd worker any, what would be the point of that?
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

(November 16th, 2012, 21:57)Bigger Wrote: I also just noted that we are solely in #1 in soliders with the completion of our warrior and BW in the same turn. wow, didn't expect that. I assume neither fishing or agriculture award solider points, correct? That would mean none of the teams that completed a warrior have BW, and none of the teams that have BW have a warrior yet.

Yep, you're right. But I don't think anyone else finished BW this turn, I think:

Azza - pop growth to 3
Commoth - 8 points for CRE borders popping t3
Serdoa - pop growth to 3
Slowcat - either 12 points for CRE borders or 6 for land and 6 for a tech - but they only got mining on t18, so it's probably all land
Someone built a warrior

So it's just Nakofool and us with BW.

I've added a tab for populations to the C&D sheet - we're going to start seeing 2nd cities soon aren't we?

(November 17th, 2012, 05:10)Bigger Wrote:
(November 17th, 2012, 05:01)Lewwyn Wrote: I thought we were going to sit the worker on that forest and start the first chop this turn? Now that we've moved off though we can't move back to the forest we're locked into farming the rice until its finished.

when were you gonna tell me of this plan? You had a 2 sims, one completed the rice, one put on turn into the rice and then returned to the forest. You preferred the former, I agreed, it was much better. We never even discussed having the worker hold for a turn.

besides, I don't think having him hold for a turn would even speed up the 2nd worker any, what would be the point of that?

lol This is the chop first, farm second plan. To move back onto the forest now would waste a turn. By waiting on the forest one turn you get the worker to start the chop the Turn BW becomes available. Its the plan in the post following the first two. That's the one that comes out 2 hammers ahead. But. Its fine to use the finish the rice farm plan instead because its only 2 hammers slower than waiting on the forest for a turn.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

we need to discuss scouting plans.

serdoa moved E, SE. I moved the warrior SE and ended turn. we are waiting on Brick to move only before the turn rolls again.
I will try and play after Serdoa again, so hopefully he won't see our warrior. But where should I send him?

If he is heading due east, it looks like he'll beat us to it. I don't think there's any huts over there, but if there are we may be out of luck frown I can try to edge him out of the area around our second city site with the warrior. The scout can head towards the oasis and flat land (to 2 move) and around the northern and eastern edge of the lake. What do you think?
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

SE again I think.
“The wind went mute and the trees in the forest stood still. It was time for the last tale.”

having trouble with my pic hosting sight, so no pictures. we moved SE. Serdoa's scout is on east of us, on the plains forest spice tile. I really want to declare war and kill it, its annoying... but we only have 78.3% odds, and we can't afford to risk our warrior :/.

since no one objected I held our scout in the city to heal.

there are 3 level 3 cities atm, including serdoa.
Please don't go. The drones need you. They look up to you.

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